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| This article desrcibes the class '''I2CE_Page'''.
| | #REDIRECT [[Class: I2CE_Page (4.1.7)]] |
| *Extends the class: [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy | I2CE_Fuzzy]].
| |
| *Location: Part of the module [[iHRIS Module List#pages|pages]] in the package [https://launchpad.net/i2ce I2CE]
| |
| *Source: Defined in the file [http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~intrahealth+informatics/i2ce/4.0.0-release/annotate/head:/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php]
| |
| | |
| ==Variables==
| |
| ===$template===
| |
| The template object for handling the HTML templates and data to be displayed.
| |
| *Type: protected [[Class: I2CE_Template | I2CE_Template]] $template
| |
| | |
| ===$defaultHTMLFile===
| |
| The default HTML/XML files to be displayed by the template.
| |
| of string
| |
| *Type: protected y $defaultHTMLFile
| |
| | |
| ===$role===
| |
| The role that can view this page.
| |
| *Type: protected [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.pseudo-types.php mixed ] $role
| |
| | |
| ===$user===
| |
| The user viewing this page.
| |
| *Type: protected [[Class: I2CE_User | I2CE_User]] $user
| |
| | |
| ===$access===
| |
| The access level required for this page.
| |
| *Type: private nteger $access
| |
| | |
| ===$redirect===
| |
| A url to redirect to instead of displaying the page.
| |
| *Type: private ng $redirect
| |
| | |
| ===$post===
| |
| Holds a reference to the $_POST array which is a list of all data sent from a form.
| |
| *Type: protected y $post
| |
| | |
| ===$get===
| |
| Holds a reference to the $_GET array which is a list of all variables sent in the URL or
| |
| from a form with an action of "GET."
| |
| *Type: protected y $get
| |
| | |
| ===$page_root===
| |
| the page root -- this is the URL relative to the site base that is used to get to this page.
| |
| *Type: protected ng $page_root
| |
| | |
| ===$page_remainder===
| |
| the page remainder -- this is the remainder of the URL relative to the site base that is used to get to this page.
| |
| *Type: protected ng $page_remainder
| |
| | |
| ===$args===
| |
| The arguments passed in the constructor.
| |
| @param protected array $args
| |
| *Type: protected $args
| |
| | |
| ===$request_remainder===
| |
| The remainder of the page request -- everything after (option_module_name/)page_name(/reminder/of/the/request)
| |
| @param protected array $request_remainder
| |
| *Type: protected $request_remainder
| |
| | |
| ===$permissionParser===
| |
| The permission parser for the user of this page.
| |
| @param I2CE_PermissionParser $permissionParser
| |
| *Type: protected $permissionParser
| |
| | |
| ===$page===
| |
| . The requested page
| |
| *Type: protected ng $page
| |
| | |
| ===$module===
| |
| . The module that contains this page.
| |
| *Type: protected ng $module
| |
| | |
| ===$is_post===
| |
| -- true if this page is a post.
| |
| *Type: protected n $is_post
| |
| | |
| ===$session_req===
| |
| Holds a reference to a session request array if one has been
| |
| requested and exists in the session.
| |
| *Type: protected y $session_req
| |
| | |
| ===$request_vars===
| |
| *Type: private $request_vars
| |
| | |
| ==Methods==
| |
| ===__construct()===
| |
| Create a new instance of a page.
| |
| | |
| The default constructor should be called by any pages extending this object. It creates the
| |
| [[Class: I2CE_Template | I2CE_Template]] and [[Class: I2CE_User | I2CE_User]] objects and sets up the basic member variables.
| |
| *Signature: public function __construct($args,$request_remainder,$get,$post)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php array ] $args
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php array ] $request_remainder<br/>The remainder of the request path
| |
| *$get
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| *$post
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| ===_display()===
| |
| Display the template as HTML/XML. Sets the header and displays any buffered warnings/echoed text.
| |
| *Signature: protected function _display($supress_output)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| *$supress_output
| |
| ===_flattenRequestVars()===
| |
| *Signature: static public function _flattenRequestVars($vars,$req,$prefix)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| *$vars
| |
| *&$req
| |
| *$prefix
| |
| ===action()===
| |
| Perform any actions to load the HTML templates.
| |
| | |
| The default action simply loads all the HTML template files.
| |
| *Signature: protected function action()
| |
| *Returns: boolean. true on sucess
| |
| ===actionCommandLine()===
| |
| The business method if this page is called from the commmand line
| |
| Arguements are link that in: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.php#78651
| |
| If we were called as:
| |
| index.php --page=/module/page/some/thing/else --long -AB 2 -C -D 'ostrich' --eggs==good
| |
| Then $request_remainder = array('some','thing','else')
| |
| and $args = array('long'=>true, 'A'=>true, 'B'=>2, 'C'=>true, 'D'=>'ostrich', 'eggs'=>'good')
| |
| *Signature: protected function actionCommandLine($args,$request_remainder)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php array ] $args<br/>the array of unix style command line arguments
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php array ] $request_remainder<br/>the remainder of the request after the page specfication.
| |
| ===display()===
| |
| Calls the appropriate action for the page. Then it
| |
| Displays or redirects the page as appropriate.
| |
| | |
| This will check to make sure the page can be seen by this user and if not redirect them to an error
| |
| page. If the redirect variable has been set then the page will be redirected to the
| |
| new page. Otherwise the {@link I2CE_Template::display() template display} method will be called to
| |
| output the combined template files to the browser.
| |
| *Signature: public function display($supress_output)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean ] $supress_output<br/>defaults to false. set to true to supress the output of a webpage
| |
| **Default Value: false
| |
| ===fixupRequestVariables()===
| |
| Applies any transformations (make sure magic quotes is off, nesting, and json decoding) to an array variables
| |
| @param boolean $transform. Defaults to true
| |
| *Signature: static public function fixupRequestVariables($vars)
| |
| *Returns: $vars;
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php array ] $vars
| |
| ===flattenRequestVars()===
| |
| *Signature: static public function flattenRequestVars($vars)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| *$vars
| |
| ===get()===
| |
| Gets/sets the {@link $get} value for the given key.
| |
| *Signature: public function get($key,$val)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.pseudo-types.php mixed ] if no val is set: string if a key is given and found. null if key is given nut not found. array otherwise
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] $key<br/>Defaults to null meaning we return all of the post variables (it is not slash escaped).
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.pseudo-types.php mixed ] $val<br/>Defaults to null. If non-null we set the post value for $key to $val
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| ===getAccess()===
| |
| Get the access level required to view this page.
| |
| | |
| If the access level requirements change after the page object has been instantiated this
| |
| method is used to set a new access level for the {@link $access} variable.
| |
| *Signature: protected function getAccess()
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php array ] of string
| |
| ===getAccessedBaseURL()===
| |
| Returns the base url from which the site was accessed. If no .htaccess is used, ths will include the index.php.
| |
| If rewrites are used (via .htacces) this will no include the index.php. Point is... this is the base url from which
| |
| the site was accessed, no questions asked. This of course assumes that you are now accessing the site via the command line
| |
| *Signature: static public function getAccessedBaseURL()
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ]
| |
| ===getTemplate()===
| |
| Get the template associated to this page
| |
| *Signature: public function getTemplate()
| |
| ===getTitle()===
| |
| Return the title for this page.
| |
| *Signature: protected function getTitle()
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ]
| |
| ===getUser()===
| |
| Get the user of this page
| |
| *Signature: public function getUser()
| |
| *Returns: [[Class: I2CE_User | I2CE_User]]
| |
| ===get_exists()===
| |
| Check to see if a key exists in the {@link $get} array.
| |
| *Signature: public function get_exists($key)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean ]
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| *$key
| |
| ===hasPermission()===
| |
| Parse a permission string to see if we have permission.
| |
| we get the data for.
| |
| *Signature: public function hasPermission($permission,$node)
| |
| *Returns: boolean. Null on failure.
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] $permission
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.domnode.php DOMNode ] $node<br/>Defaults to null. If set, it is the node in the page's template that
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| ===initializeTemplate()===
| |
| Handles creating hte I2CE_TemplateMeister templates and loading any default templates
| |
| *Signature: protected function initializeTemplate()
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean ] true on success
| |
| ===isGet()===
| |
| Check to see if the current page is a GET request or not
| |
| *Signature: public function isGet()
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean ]
| |
| ===isPost()===
| |
| Check to see if the current page is a POST form submission or not.
| |
| *Signature: public function isPost()
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean ]
| |
| ===loadHTMLTemplates()===
| |
| Load the template (HTML or XML) files to the template object.
| |
| *Signature: protected function loadHTMLTemplates()
| |
| ===module()===
| |
| Sets/Gets the module.
| |
| *Signature: public function module($module)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] if $module was non-null
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] $module<br/>If non-null sets the module's name to $module.
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| ===page()===
| |
| Sets/Gets the page.
| |
| *Signature: public function page($page)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] if $page was non-null
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] $page<br/>If non-null sets the page's name to $page.
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| ===pageRemainder()===
| |
| Get/set the page remainder -- this is the remainder of the URL relative to the site base that is used to get to this page.
| |
| @param $page_remainder Defaults to null. If non-null we set the page remainder. If null we get the page remainder.
| |
| *Signature: public function pageRemainder($page_remainder)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] if $page_remainder was null(default)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| *$page_remainder
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| ===pageRoot()===
| |
| Get/set the page root -- this is the URL relative to the site base that is used to get to this page.
| |
| @param $page_root Defaults to null. If non-null we set the page root. If null we get the page root.
| |
| *Signature: public function pageRoot($page_root)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] if $page_root was null(default)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| *$page_root
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| ===post()===
| |
| Get/set the {@link $post} value for the given key.
| |
| *Signature: public function post($key,$val)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.pseudo-types.php mixed ] if no val is set: string if a key is given and found. null if key is given nut not found. array otherwise
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] $key<br/>Defaults to null meaning we return all of the post variables (it is not slash escaped).
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.pseudo-types.php mixed ] $val<br/>Defaults to null. If non-null we set the post value for $key to $val
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| ===post_exists()===
| |
| Check to see if a key exists in the {@link $post} array.
| |
| *Signature: public function post_exists($key)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean ]
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| *$key
| |
| ===redirect()===
| |
| Send the redirect header with the given URL.
| |
| *Signature: public function redirect($url)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] $url
| |
| ===request()===
| |
| Return the given value for the key in one of the request arrays.
| |
| *Signature: public function request($key)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.pseudo-types.php mixed ]
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.pseudo-types.php mixed ] $key
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| ===request_exists()===
| |
| Checks all the request arrays for the given key and returns
| |
| true if it exists.
| |
| *Signature: public function request_exists($key)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean ]
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.pseudo-types.php mixed ] $key
| |
| ===rewrittenURLs()===
| |
| returns true if the url's have been written. false if not
| |
| *Signature: static public function rewrittenURLs()
| |
| ===session_req()===
| |
| Gets/sets the {@link $session_req} value for the given key.
| |
| *Signature: public function session_req($key,$val)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.pseudo-types.php mixed ] if no val is set: string if a key is given and found. null if key is given nut not found. array otherwise
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] $key<br/>Defaults to null meaning we return all of the post variables (it is not slash escaped).
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.pseudo-types.php mixed ] $val<br/>Defaults to null. If non-null we set the post value for $key to $val
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| ===session_req_exists()===
| |
| Check to see if a key exists in the {@link $session_req} array.
| |
| *Signature: public function session_req_exists($key)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean ]
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| *$key
| |
| ===setAccess()===
| |
| Change the access level required to view this page.
| |
| | |
| If the access level requirements change after the page object has been instantiated this
| |
| method is used to set a new access level for the {@link $access} variable.
| |
| @param array of string
| |
| *Signature: public function setAccess($access)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| *$access
| |
| ===setIsPost()===
| |
| Sets if this pages is a post or not
| |
| *Signature: public function setIsPost($post)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| *$post
| |
| ===setRedirect()===
| |
| Set the URL to be redirected to instead of displaying this page.
| |
| *Signature: public function setRedirect($url)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string ] $url
| |
| ===setupGetPost()===
| |
| setup of the get and post variables.
| |
| @param array $psot. If null (default) it will be $_POST if it is a HTTP array request. otherwise it is the empty array
| |
| *Signature: protected function setupGetPost($get,$post,$strip)
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php array ] $get<br/>If null (default) it will be $_GET if it is a HTTP request. otherwise it is the empty array
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| *$post
| |
| **Default Value: null
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean ] $strip<br/>Defauls to true. If true it will try to strip off magic quotes if they exist for a HTTP request.
| |
| **Default Value: true
| |
| ==Inherited Fuzzy Methods==
| |
| ===userMessage()===
| |
| This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy#userMessage() | I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()]]
| |
| ==Fuzzy Methods==
| |
| ===launchBackgroundProcess()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_BackgroundProcess#launchBackgroundProcess() | I2CE_BackgroundProcess->launchBackgroundProcess() ]]
| |
| ===launchBackgroundPHPScript()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_BackgroundProcess#launchBackgroundPHPScript() | I2CE_BackgroundProcess->launchBackgroundPHPScript() ]]
| |
| ===launchBackgroundPage()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_BackgroundProcess#launchBackgroundPage() | I2CE_BackgroundProcess->launchBackgroundPage() ]]
| |
| ===addColorPickerTriple()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_ColorPicker#addColorPickerTriple() | I2CE_Module_ColorPicker->addColorPickerTriple() ]]
| |
| ===selectOptionsImmediate()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_DisplayData#selectOptionsImmediate() | I2CE_DisplayData->selectOptionsImmediate() ]]
| |
| ===setDisplayData()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_DisplayData#setDisplayData() | I2CE_DisplayData->setDisplayData() ]]
| |
| ===setDisplayDataImmediate()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_DisplayData#setDisplayDataImmediate() | I2CE_DisplayData->setDisplayDataImmediate() ]]
| |
| ===addFormWorm()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_FormWorm#addFormWorm() | I2CE_Module_FormWorm->addFormWorm() ]]
| |
| ===getClassValue()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_MootoolsCore#getClassValue() | I2CE_MootoolsCore->getClassValue() ]]
| |
| ===loadClassValues()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_MootoolsCore#loadClassValues() | I2CE_MootoolsCore->loadClassValues() ]]
| |
| ===setClassValue()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_MootoolsCore#setClassValue() | I2CE_MootoolsCore->setClassValue() ]]
| |
| ===setClassValues()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_MootoolsCore#setClassValues() | I2CE_MootoolsCore->setClassValues() ]]
| |
| ===addOption()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Template_Options#addOption() | I2CE_Template_Options->addOption() ]]
| |
| ===addOptions()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Template_Options#addOptions() | I2CE_Template_Options->addOptions() ]]
| |
| ===addAutoCompleteInputTreeById()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TreeSelect#addAutoCompleteInputTreeById() | I2CE_Module_TreeSelect->addAutoCompleteInputTreeById() ]]
| |
| ===addAutoCompleteInputTree()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TreeSelect#addAutoCompleteInputTree() | I2CE_Module_TreeSelect->addAutoCompleteInputTree() ]]
| |
| ===setForm()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#setForm() | I2CE_Module_Forms->setForm() ]]
| |
| ===getField()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#getField() | I2CE_Module_Forms->getField() ]]
| |
| ===setReview()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#setReview() | I2CE_Module_Forms->setReview() ]]
| |
| ===isReview()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#isReview() | I2CE_Module_Forms->isReview() ]]
| |
| ===setShowForm()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#setShowForm() | I2CE_Module_Forms->setShowForm() ]]
| |
| ===showForm()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#showForm() | I2CE_Module_Forms->showForm() ]]
| |
| ===makeJumper()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Jumper#makeJumper() | I2CE_Module_Jumper->makeJumper() ]]
| |
| ===menuSelect()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_MenuSelect#menuSelect() | I2CE_Module_MenuSelect->menuSelect() ]]
| |
| ===addUpdateSelect()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_MenuSelect#addUpdateSelect() | I2CE_Module_MenuSelect->addUpdateSelect() ]]
| |
| ===addAjaxUpdate()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxUpdate() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxUpdate() ]]
| |
| ===addAjaxToggle()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxToggle() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxToggle() ]]
| |
| ===addAjaxRequestFunction()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxRequestFunction() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxRequestFunction() ]]
| |
| ===addAjaxCompleteFunction()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxCompleteFunction() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxCompleteFunction() ]]
| |
| ===addAjaxToggleOnFunction()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxToggleOnFunction() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxToggleOnFunction() ]]
| |
| ===addAjaxToggleOffFunction()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxToggleOffFunction() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxToggleOffFunction() ]]
| |
| ===hasAjax()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#hasAjaxFuzzy() | I2CE_Stub->hasAjaxFuzzy() ]]
| |
| ===setDataTypePriority()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#setDataTypePriority() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->setDataTypePriority() ]]
| |
| ===setData()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#setData() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->setData() ]]
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| ===getData()===
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| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#getData() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->getData() ]]
| |
| ===getDefaultData()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#getDefaultData() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->getDefaultData() ]]
| |
| ===removeData()===
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| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#removeData() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->removeData() ]]
| |
| ===getDataNames()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#getDataNames() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->getDataNames() ]]
| |
| ===ensureNode()===
| |
| This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#ensureNode() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->ensureNode() ]]
| |
| | |
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| [[Category:Class Documentation]]
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