HowTo: Install Memcached

From IHRIS Wiki

With version 4.0.4 of iHRIS you can use memcahced to improve performance

Note: Memcached is used to cache data from the database. Thus if you are an a sitaution where you would need to restart the webserver by

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

you should now do

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart && sudo /etc/init.d/memcached restart

Installation on Intrepid

Warning:This is only a rough guide as I did not take good notes. Please correct.

Install libmemcached2

We first need to install libmemcached2 before we can install the PECL module. It is not a part of the regular software distribution channels If you are using 32-bit Ubuntu

cd /tmp

If you are using 64-bit ubuntu

sudo dpkg -i libmemcached2_0.31-1intrepid1_amd64.deb  

Install PECL memcached

Now we can install the PECL memcached module. The newer releases of pecl-memcached, 1.0.2 and greater, are not compatible with the libcached2 version 0.31 that we installed above. I believe that version 1.0.1 works. In which case you can do

cd /tmp
sudo pecl install memcached-1.0.1

If this doesn't work, try version 1.0.0 from here

Installation on Karmic

Install Memcached

First install memcached by opening a terminal and typing: <source lang="bash"> sudo apt-get install memcached </source>

Then make sure that memcached is enabled. Look at /etc/default/memcached and make sure that it is set to be enabled. You can edit it by typing: <source lang="bash"> sudo gedit /etc/default/memcached </source>

Then make sure the content is: <source lang="ini"> ENABLE_MEMCACHED=yes </source>

If memcached wasn't enabled then after editing that file you'll need to restart it by typing: <source lang="bash"> sudo /etc/init.d/memcached restart </source>

Install PHP Module

Next we need to link memcached with PHP using the memcached PECL library. First make sure the development packages are installed so PECL can compile memcached. Type the following in a terminal: <source lang="bash"> sudo apt-get install libmemcached2 libmemcached-dev apache2-prefork-dev php5-dev </source>

Now install memcached by typing: <source lang="bash"> sudo pecl install memcached </source>

Now enable the module by creating and editing a config file for PHP.

<source lang="bash"> sudo gedit /etc/php5/conf.d/memcached.ini </source>

Save the following for that file: <source lang="ini"> </source>

Restart Apache

Now restart apache to enable the PHP memcached library by typing the following in a terminal:

<source lang="bash"> sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart </source>

Installation on Lucid or Meerkat

Simply do

sudo apt-get install php5-memcached memcached