Class: I2CE Page
This article describes the class I2CE_Page.
- Extends the class: I2CE_Fuzzy.
- Child Classes:
- I2CE_Page_BackgroundProcess
- I2CE_Page_Run_SQL
- I2CE_Page_BinaryField
- I2CE_Page_CachedForm
- I2CE_Page_CustomReports
- I2CE_FileDump
- I2CE_PageViewList
- I2CE_PageFeedback
- I2CE_PageForgot
- I2CE_PageLogin
- I2CE_PageLogout
- I2CE_PagePassword
- iHRIS_PageView
- I2CE_PageAdmin
- I2CE_PageFormBrowser
- I2Ce_Page_FormDocumentor
- I2CE_PageForm
- I2CE_PageFormLists
- iHRIS_PageFormParentPerson
- iHRIS_PageFormPerson
- I2CE_PageFormUser
- iHRIS_PageFormSalary
- iHRIS_PageFormFacilityInstitution
- iHRIS_PageFormParentTraining
- iHRIS_PageFormTrainingProgram
- iHRIS_PageForm_Person_Scheduled_Training_Course
- iHRIS_PageFormParentTrainingInstitution
- iHRIS_PageForm_Evaluate_Course_Competencies
- iHRIS_PageConfigure
- iHRIS_PageFieldHistory
- iHRIS_PageHistory
- iHRIS_PageIndex
- iHRIS_PageManage
- iHRIS_PageSearch
- iHRIS_PageViewJob
- iHRIS_PageViewPosition
- iHRIS_SalaryHistoryPage
- iHRIS_PageViewTraining
- I2CE_Page_LocaleAdmin
- I2CE_Page_MagicDataBrowser
- I2CE_Page_MagicDataExport
- I2Ce_Page_ModDocumentor
- iHRIS_Page_Person_Competency_Evaluation_History
- I2CE_Page_Stub
- I2CE_Page_Stub_Ajax_Test
- I2CE_Page_SwissConfig
- I2CE_Page_SwissMagic
- I2CE_Page_TasksAndRoles
- Location: Part of the module pages in the package I2CE
- Source: Defined in the file modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 37
The template object for handling the HTML templates and data to be displayed.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 42
- Type: protected I2CE_Template $template
The default HTML/XML files to be displayed by the template. of string
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 47
- Type: protected array $defaultHTMLFile
The role that can view this page.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 52
- Type: protected mixed $role
The user viewing this page.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 57
- Type: protected I2CE_User $user
The access level required for this page.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 62
- Type: private integer $access
A url to redirect to instead of displaying the page.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 67
- Type: private string $redirect
Holds a reference to the $_POST array which is a list of all data sent from a form.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 72
- Type: protected array $post
Holds a reference to the $_GET array which is a list of all variables sent in the URL or from a form with an action of "GET."
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 78
- Type: protected array $get
the page root -- this is the URL relative to the site base that is used to get to this page.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 169
- Type: protected string $page_root
the page remainder -- this is the remainder of the URL relative to the site base that is used to get to this page.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 189
- Type: protected string $page_remainder
The arguments passed in the constructor. @param protected array $args
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 208
- Type: protected $args
The remainder of the page request -- everything after (option_module_name/)page_name(/reminder/of/the/request) @param protected array $request_remainder
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 213
- Type: protected $request_remainder
The permission parser for the user of this page. @param I2CE_PermissionParser $permissionParser
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 218
- Type: protected $permissionParser
. The requested page
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 430
- Type: protected string $page
. The module that contains this page.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 434
- Type: protected string $module
-- true if this page is a post.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 621
- Type: protected boolean $is_post
Holds a reference to a session request array if one has been requested and exists in the session.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 757
- Type: protected array $session_req
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 827
- Type: private $request_vars
Create a new instance of a page. The default constructor should be called by any pages extending this object. It creates the and objects and sets up the basic member variables.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 239
- Signature: public function __construct($args,$request_remainder,$get,$post)
- Parameters:
Display the template as HTML/XML. Sets the header and displays any buffered warnings/echoed text.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 499
- Signature: protected function _display($supress_output)
- Parameters:
- $supress_output
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 388
- Signature: static public function _flattenRequestVars($vars,$req,$prefix)
- Parameters:
- $vars
- &$req
- $prefix
Perform any actions to load the HTML templates. The default action simply loads all the HTML template files.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 142
- Signature: protected function action()
- Returns: boolean.
true on sucess
The business method if this page is called from the commmand line
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 567
- Signature: protected function actionCommandLine($args,$request_remainder)
- Parameters:
- array $args
the array of unix style command line arguments Arguements are link that in: If we were called as: index.php --page=/module/page/some/thing/else --long -AB 2 -C -D 'ostrich' --eggs==good Then $request_remainder = array('some','thing','else') and $args = array('long'=>true, 'A'=>true, 'B'=>2, 'C'=>true, 'D'=>'ostrich', 'eggs'=>'good') - array $request_remainder
the remainder of the request after the page specfication.
- array $args
Calls the appropriate action for the page. Then it Displays or redirects the page as appropriate. This will check to make sure the page can be seen by this user and if not redirect them to an error page. If the redirect variable has been set then the page will be redirected to the new page. Otherwise the ::display() template display method will be called to output the combined template files to the browser.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 447
- Signature: public function display($supress_output)
- Parameters:
- boolean $supress_output
defaults to false. set to true to supress the output of a webpage- Default Value: false
- boolean $supress_output
Applies any transformations (make sure magic quotes is off, nesting, and json decoding) to an array variables @param boolean $transform. Defaults to true
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 359
- Signature: static public function fixupRequestVariables($vars)
- Parameters:
- array $vars
- Returns: $vars;
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 381
- Signature: static public function flattenRequestVars($vars)
- Parameters:
- $vars
Gets/sets the $get value for the given key.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 720
- Signature: public function get($key,$val)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed
if no val is set: string if a key is given and found. null if key is given nut not found. array otherwise
Get the access level required to view this page. If the access level requirements change after the page object has been instantiated this method is used to set a new access level for the $access variable.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 591
- Signature: protected function getAccess()
- Returns: array
of string
Returns the base url from which the site was accessed. If no .htaccess is used, ths will include the index.php. If rewrites are used (via .htacces) this will no include the index.php. Point is... this is the base url from which the site was accessed, no questions asked. This of course assumes that you are now accessing the site via the command line
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 93
- Signature: static public function getAccessedBaseURL()
- Returns: string
Get the template associated to this page
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 160
- Signature: public function getTemplate()
Return the title for this page.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 153
- Signature: protected function getTitle()
- Returns: string
Get the user of this page
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 607
- Signature: public function getUser()
- Returns: I2CE_User
Check to see if a key exists in the $get array.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 699
- Signature: public function get_exists($key)
- Parameters:
- $key
- Returns: boolean
Parse a permission string to see if we have permission.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 227
- Signature: public function hasPermission($permission,$node)
- Parameters:
- Returns: boolean.
Null on failure.
Handles creating hte I2CE_TemplateMeister templates and loading any default templates
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 268
- Signature: protected function initializeTemplate()
- Returns: boolean
true on success
Check to see if the current page is a GET request or not
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 636
- Signature: public function isGet()
- Returns: boolean
Check to see if the current page is a POST form submission or not.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 627
- Signature: public function isPost()
- Returns: boolean
Load the template (HTML or XML) files to the template object.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 120
- Signature: protected function loadHTMLTemplates()
Sets/Gets the module.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 406
- Signature: public function module($module)
- Parameters:
- string $module
If non-null sets the module's name to $module.- Default Value: null
- string $module
- Returns: string
if $module was non-null
Sets/Gets the page.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 418
- Signature: public function page($page)
- Parameters:
- string $page
If non-null sets the page's name to $page.- Default Value: null
- string $page
- Returns: string
if $page was non-null
Get/set the page remainder -- this is the remainder of the URL relative to the site base that is used to get to this page. @param $page_remainder Defaults to null. If non-null we set the page remainder. If null we get the page remainder.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 196
- Signature: public function pageRemainder($page_remainder)
- Parameters:
- $page_remainder
- Default Value: null
- $page_remainder
- Returns: string
if $page_remainder was null(default)
Get/set the page root -- this is the URL relative to the site base that is used to get to this page. @param $page_root Defaults to null. If non-null we set the page root. If null we get the page root.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 176
- Signature: public function pageRoot($page_root)
- Parameters:
- $page_root
- Default Value: null
- $page_root
- Returns: string
if $page_root was null(default)
Get/set the $post value for the given key.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 665
- Signature: public function post($key,$val)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed
if no val is set: string if a key is given and found. null if key is given nut not found. array otherwise
Check to see if a key exists in the $post array.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 644
- Signature: public function post_exists($key)
- Parameters:
- $key
- Returns: boolean
Send the redirect header with the given URL.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 102
- Signature: public function redirect($url)
- Parameters:
- string $url
Return the given value for the key in one of the request arrays.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 833
- Signature: public function request($key)
- Parameters:
- mixed $key
- Default Value: null
- mixed $key
- Returns: mixed
Checks all the request arrays for the given key and returns true if it exists.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 821
- Signature: public function request_exists($key)
- Parameters:
- mixed $key
- Returns: boolean
returns true if the url's have been written. false if not
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 83
- Signature: static public function rewrittenURLs()
Gets/sets the $session_req value for the given key.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 783
- Signature: public function session_req($key,$val)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed
if no val is set: string if a key is given and found. null if key is given nut not found. array otherwise
Check to see if a key exists in the $session_req array.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 762
- Signature: public function session_req_exists($key)
- Parameters:
- $key
- Returns: boolean
Change the access level required to view this page. If the access level requirements change after the page object has been instantiated this method is used to set a new access level for the $access variable. @param array of string
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 578
- Signature: public function setAccess($access)
- Parameters:
- $access
Sets if this pages is a post or not
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 614
- Signature: public function setIsPost($post)
- Parameters:
- $post
Set the URL to be redirected to instead of displaying this page.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 865
- Signature: public function setRedirect($url)
- Parameters:
- string $url
setup of the get and post variables. @param array $psot. If null (default) it will be $_POST if it is a HTTP array request. otherwise it is the empty array
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Page.php on line 308
- Signature: protected function setupGetPost($get,$post,$strip)
- Parameters:
Inherited Methods
This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()
Inherited Fuzzy Methods
This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()
Fuzzy Methods
This method is implemented by I2CE_BackgroundProcess->launchBackgroundProcess()
This method is implemented by I2CE_BackgroundProcess->launchBackgroundPHPScript()
This method is implemented by I2CE_BackgroundProcess->launchBackgroundPage()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_ColorPicker->addColorPickerTriple()
This method is implemented by I2CE_DisplayData->selectOptionsImmediate()
This method is implemented by I2CE_DisplayData->setDisplayData()
This method is implemented by I2CE_DisplayData->setDisplayDataImmediate()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_FormWorm->addFormWorm()
This method is implemented by I2CE_MootoolsCore->getClassValue()
This method is implemented by I2CE_MootoolsCore->loadClassValues()
This method is implemented by I2CE_MootoolsCore->setClassValue()
This method is implemented by I2CE_MootoolsCore->setClassValues()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Template_Options->addOption()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Template_Options->addOptions()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_TreeSelect->addAutoCompleteInputTreeById()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_TreeSelect->addAutoCompleteInputTree()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_Forms->setForm()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_Forms->getField()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_Forms->setReview()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_Forms->isReview()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_Forms->setShowForm()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_Forms->showForm()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_Jumper->makeJumper()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_MenuSelect->menuSelect()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_MenuSelect->addUpdateSelect()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Stub->addAjaxUpdate()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Stub->addAjaxToggle()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Stub->addAjaxRequestFunction()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Stub->addAjaxCompleteFunction()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Stub->addAjaxToggleOnFunction()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Stub->addAjaxToggleOffFunction()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Stub->hasAjaxFuzzy()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_TemplateData->setDataTypePriority()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_TemplateData->setData()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_TemplateData->getData()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_TemplateData->getDefaultData()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_TemplateData->removeData()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_TemplateData->getDataNames()
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_TemplateData->ensureNode()