Development Calendar

From IHRIS Wiki
Revision as of 14:07, 29 February 2008 by Sturlington (talk | contribs) (Updated priorities and timeline)

The following are development goals only, not necessarily hard-and-fast deadlines, and are subject to change. Expect this calendar to be updated frequently as new priorities come up. Developers, feel free to annotate with your own goals.

October 2007 Goals

  • Post the iHRIS Qualify Code to Launchpad (Luke) -- complete
  • Post new feature requests on Launchpad for Manage and Qualify (Shannon) -- complete
  • Print and export report/record feature (Carl) -- complete

November 2007 Goals

  • Remaining first-round corrections to IntraHealth HRIS (Luke/Carl) -- complete
  • Post updated versions of all existing documentation to website/wiki (Shannon) -- complete
  • Complete specifications for training module for iHRIS Manage (Shannon) -- complete

December 2007 Goals

  • Prototype of Offline Access tool completed for initial testing (Mark) -- complete
  • Workforce planning model approved for iHRIS Plan (Dykki) -- complete

January 2008 Goals

  • Version 3.0 RC1 coding completed and made available for bug testing (Carl/Luke) -- complete
  • Test new features for version 3.0 of both systems (Shannon) -- complete

February 2008 Goals

  • iHRIS Plan specifications complete (Shannon) -- complete
  • Update and post v3.0 documentation and user's manuals for Manage and Qualify (Shannon) -- complete
  • Upgrade to version 3.0 of iHRIS Qualify in Uganda (Luke) -- complete
  • Upgrade to version 3.0 of iHRIS Manage in Rwanda (Mark)

March 2008 Goals

  • Post version 3.0 download packages for iHRIS Manage and Qualify (Carl/Luke)
  • Active Directory and other system integration for IntraHealth HRIS completed (Mark + internal ICT support)
  • Piloting and debugging of offline access (Mark)

Q2 2008 Goals (April-June)

  • Customized report builder for Manage/Qualify (Carl)
  • Customized roles for Manage/Qualify (Carl)
  • In-service training management module for iHRIS Manage completed (Carl)
  • Self-service access, supervisor/manager access and guest access to job application completed for IntraHealth's iHRIS Manage (Mark)
  • iHRIS Plan version 1.0 released (Luke)
  • Import/export data function for Manage/Qualify based on similar function in offline version (developer TBD)

Lower priority

These tasks may be pushed into the next fiscal year.

  • Complete HRIS Inventory Assessment database prototype (Carl)
  • Internationalization/translations support implemented in Manage/Qualify so that translations can begin (Carl)
  • Dual data entry support for Manage/Qualify (developer TBD)