IHRIS Role List (4.1.7)
This is a list of all the roles available in the iHRIS System
The role Administrator is defined in the module pages of the package I2CE.
- Can perform the following tasks: cached_forms_can_administer, custom_reports_admin, printed_forms_admin, custom_reports_archiver_admin, tasks_and_roles_admin
The role Decision Maker is defined in the module ihris-qualify of the package iHRIS Qualify.
- Any of the tasks that a Decision Maker can perform can be performed by any the following roles: Administrator
- Can perform the following tasks: can_change_own_password, custom_reports_can_access_reports, person_can_view, person_can_view_child_forms, custom_reports_can_view_reportViews
The role Executive Manager is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Any of the tasks that a Executive Manager can perform can be performed by any the following roles: Administrator
- Can perform the following tasks: custom_reports_can_view_reportViews, can_change_own_password, person_can_view_child_forms, can_view_database_list_position, can_view_database_list_job
The role Geographic/Facility Access is defined in the module ManageAccessFacility of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Any of the tasks that a Geographic/Facility Access can perform can be performed by any the following roles: Administrator
- Can perform the following tasks: custom_reports_can_view_reportViews, can_change_own_password, person_can_view, can_configure_system
The role HR Manager is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Any of the tasks that a HR Manager can perform can be performed by any the following roles: Administrator
- Can perform the following tasks: custom_reports_can_access_reports, custom_reports_can_edit_reportViews, custom_reports_can_view_reportViews, can_edit_all_database_lists, person_can_edit, person_can_edit_child_forms, users_can_edit, person_can_change_child_form_salary, person_can_change_child_form_person_position, can_change_own_password, can_edit_all_planning_database_lists, establishment_can_edit
The role HR Staff is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Any of the tasks that a HR Staff can perform can be performed by any the following roles: Administrator, HR Manager
- Can perform the following tasks: can_view_all_database_lists, custom_reports_can_view_reportViews, person_can_edit_child_form_person_scheduled_training_course, person_can_view_child_form_person_scheduled_training_course, competency_can_view_history, person_can_view_child_forms, person_can_edit_child_form_demographic, person_can_edit_child_form_person_photo_passport, person_can_edit_child_form_person_resume, person_can_edit_child_form_archive_scan, person_can_edit_child_form_language, person_can_edit_child_form_registration, person_can_edit_child_form_application, person_can_edit_child_form_benefit, person_can_edit_child_form_dependent, person_can_edit_child_form_employment, person_can_edit_child_form_education, person_can_edit_child_form_person_id, person_can_edit_child_form_nextofkin, person_can_edit_child_form_notes, person_can_edit_child_form_person_competency, person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_emergency, person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_other, person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_personal, person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_work, person_can_edit_child_form_person_position, person_can_edit_child_form_position_decision, person_can_edit_child_form_position_interview, person_can_edit_child_form_salary, person_competency_can_view_evaluation_history, can_edit_database_list_department, can_edit_database_list_facility, can_edit_all_manage_positions_database_lists, can_configure_system, can_change_own_password, person_can_edit_child_form_accident, can_edit_database_list_accident_type, person_can_edit_child_form_disciplinary_action, can_edit_database_list_disciplinary_action_type, can_view_recent_forms
The role Data Operations Manager is defined in the module ihris-qualify of the package iHRIS Qualify.
- Any of the tasks that a Data Operations Manager can perform can be performed by any the following roles: Administrator
- Can perform the following tasks: can_edit_all_database_lists, geography_can_edit, users_can_edit, can_change_own_password, custom_reports_can_access_reports, custom_reports_can_edit_reportViews, custom_reports_can_view_reportViews, person_can_edit, person_can_edit_child_forms
The role Personnel is defined in the module ManageSelfService of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Any of the tasks that a Personnel can perform can be performed by any the following roles: Administrator
The role Professionals is defined in the module QualifySelfService of the package iHRIS Qualify.
- Any of the tasks that a Professionals can perform can be performed by any the following roles: Administrator
The role Records Officer is defined in the module ihris-qualify of the package iHRIS Qualify.
- Any of the tasks that a Records Officer can perform can be performed by any the following roles: Administrator, Data Operations Manager, Registration Supervisor
- Can perform the following tasks: can_change_own_password, custom_reports_can_access_reports, person_can_edit, person_can_edit_child_forms, custom_reports_can_view_reportViews
The role Registration Supervisor is defined in the module ihris-qualify of the package iHRIS Qualify.
- Any of the tasks that a Registration Supervisor can perform can be performed by any the following roles: Administrator, Data Operations Manager
- Can perform the following tasks: custom_reports_can_view_reportViews
The role Training Manager is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Any of the tasks that a Training Manager can perform can be performed by any the following roles: Administrator, HR Manager
- Can perform the following tasks: custom_reports_can_view_reportViews, can_edit_database_lists_training, can_edit_scheduled_training_course, person_can_view_child_form_person_scheduled_training_course, person_can_edit_child_form_person_scheduled_training_course, person_can_view_child_forms, person_scheduled_training_course_can_edit_exam, person_scheduled_training_course_can_edit_evaluation, can_change_own_password, can_configure_system, person_can_edit_child_form_person_competency, person_can_view_child_form_person_competency, can_edit_all_training_course_database_lists