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This article desrcibes the class '''I2CE_FormStorage'''which extends the class [[Class: I2CE_Module | I2CE_Module]]
#REDIRECT [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage (4.1.7)]]
It is contained in the module [[iHRIS Module List#forms-storage|forms-storage]] in the package [ I2CE]
The class is defined in the file: [ modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/lib/I2CE_FormStorage.php]
@package I2CE
@subpackage Core
@author Carl Leitner <>
@version 3.2
@since 3.2
@access public
A cached list of componentized forms.
of string,  the form names
*Type: static protected y $componentized_forms
An array with a cache of the storage type for a form.
*Type: static protected y $storage
An array with a cache of the storage mechanisms
*Type: static protected y $storageMechs
Save the FormField to the database.
@param I2CE_User I2CE_User The user saving this data.
*Signature: public function FF_IG_save($form_field,$do_check,$user)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [ boolean] $do_check<br/>A flag to determine if a check should be made for the same value being saved.
Set the value of this field to the next sequence for the form field.
*Signature: public function FF_IG_setSequence($form_field)
* [[Class: I2CE_FormField_INT_GENERATE | I2CE_FormField_INT_GENERATE]] $form_field
Save the FormField_STRING_PASS to the database.
@param I2CE_User I2CE_User The user saving this data.
*Signature: public function FF_SP_save($form_field,$do_check,$user)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [[Class: I2CE_FormField_STRING_PASS | I2CE_FormField_STRING_PASS]] $form_field
* [ boolean] $do_check<br/>A flag to determine if a check should be made for the same value being saved.
Populate the history of entries for the form field if the storage module handles history.
*Signature: public function FF_populateHistory($form_field)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [[Class: I2CE_FormField | I2CE_FormField]] $form_field
Save the FormField to the database.
@param I2CE_User I2CE_User The user saving this data.
*Signature: public function FF_save($form_field,$do_check,$user)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [[Class: I2CE_FormField | I2CE_FormField]] $form_field
* [ boolean] $do_check<br/>A flag to determine if a check should be made for the same value being saved.
add  the given child to the form for this object.
@param string  the id of this form
*Signature: public function addChild($form,$form_name,$id)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
* [ string] $form_name<br/>: The form name to add
Delete a form object.
table. default: false
*Signature: public function delete($form,$transact,$complete,$no_history)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
* [ boolean] $transact<br/>a flag to use transactions or not. default: true
**Default Value: true
* [ boolean] $complete<br/>a flag to determine if a complete delete should happen.  default: false
**Default Value: false
* [ boolean] $no_history<br/>a flag to determine if the record should not go to the deleted_records
**Default Value: false
Gets the id's for the given child for this form.
If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.
*Signature: public function getChildIds($form,$child_form_name,$order_by,$where,$limit)
*Returns: [ array]
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
* [ string] $child_form_name<br/>the child form name
* [ mixed] $order_by<br/>A string or array of strings.  The fields to oreder by .  defaults to empty array.
**Default Value: array()
**Default Value: array()
* [ mixed] $limit<br/>Defaults to false.  It true, returns only one result.  If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to.
**Default Value: false
static function which gets a list of all componentized forms
*Signature: static public function getComponentizedForms($use_cache)
*Returns: [ array] of string, the componentized forms
* [ boolean] $use_cache<br/>Use the cached value of the list for componentized forms if possible.  Defualts to true
**Default Value: true
*Signature: static public function getHooks()
Returns the storage mechanism for the given storage type.
*Signature: static public function getMechanismByStorage($storage)
*Returns: [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism]] or false on failure
* [ string] $storage
*Signature: static public function getMethods()
Get the new value for a field that has been migrated.
*Signature: static public function getMigratedValue($migrate_node,$form,$old_id,$field,$map_form)
*Returns: [ string]
* [[Class: I2CE_MagicDataNode | I2CE_MagicDataNode]] $migrate_node
* [ string] $form
* [ mixed] $old_id
* [ string] $field
* [ mixed] $map_form
Get the new migrated value for from the old value.
@param mixed $old_id
*Signature: static public function getNewMigratedValue($migrate_node,$map_form,$old_value,$old_amt)
*Returns: [ mixed]
* [[Class: I2CE_MagicDataNode | I2CE_MagicDataNode]] $migrate_node
* [ string] $map_form
* integer $old_amt<br/>For currency data this is the amount
**Default Value: 0
Get the old value for a field that has been migrated.
*Signature: static public function getOldMigratedValue($migrate_node,$form,$old_id,$field,$map_form)
*Returns: [ array] array( 'map_form', 'old_value' );
* [[Class: I2CE_MagicDataNode | I2CE_MagicDataNode]] $migrate_node
* [ string] $form
* [ mixed] $old_id
* [ string] $field
* [ mixed] $map_form
Return an array of all the record ids for a given form.
*Signature: public function getRecords($factory,$form_name)
*Returns: [ array]
* [[Class: I2CE_FormFactory | I2CE_FormFactory]] $factory
Return the storage class for the given form.
*Signature: static public function getStorage($form_name,$no_cache)
*Returns: [ string]
* [ string] $form_name
* [ boolean] $no_cache<br/>Check from the source, not the cached array
**Default Value: false
*Signature: static public function getStorageMechanism($form_name,$no_cache)
*Returns: [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism]] or false on failure
* [ string] $form_name
* [ boolean] $no_cache<br/>Check from the source, not the cached array
**Default Value: false
static function to determine if a form is componentized
*Signature: static public function isComponentized($form)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [ string] $form
Fuzzy method to check if a form instance is componentized
*Signature: public function isComponentizedForm($formClass)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $formClass
Check to see if this form is considered to be writable.
*Signature: static public function isWritable($form)
* [ mixed] $form<br/>string, I2CE_Form or I2CE_FormField
Lists the display values for a field
and then we get all forms with parent the given id.
If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.
time greater than or equal to  $mod_time.  If the form storage has no way of tracking modifucation time, all entries are listed.
*Signature: static public function listDisplayFields($form,$fields,$parent,$where_data,$ordering,$limit,$mod_time)
*Returns: [ mixed] an array with key id's and value and array of values.  the array of values has as keys the fields with their corresponding value.
* [ string] $form<br/>The form name
* [ array] $fields<br/>of string. The fields we want returned
* [ boolean] $parent<br/>Defaults to false.    If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent,
**Default Value: false
* [ mixed] $where_data<br/>Either I2CE_MagicDataNode or array. contains the  where clause information about this form or a nested
**Default Value: array()
* [ array] $ordering<br/>An array of fields to order by.  Defaults to the empty array.  Prepend a - to order by in descending order.
**Default Value: array()
* [ mixed] $limit<br/>Defaults to false.  It true, returns only one result.  If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to.
**Default Value: false
* integer $mod_time<br/>Defaults to -1.  If non-negative, we only list the requested fields for an id if at least one of them has a modification
**Default Value: -1
and then we get all forms with parent the given id.
If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.
time greater than or equal to  $mod_time.  If the form storage has no way of tracking modifucation time, all entries are listed.
*Signature: static public function listFields($form,$fields,$parent,$where_data,$ordering,$limit,$mod_time)
*Returns: [ mixed] an array with key id's and value and array of values.  the array of values has as keys the fields with their corresponding value.
* [ string] $form<br/>The form name
* [ array] $fields<br/>of string. The fields we want returned
* [ boolean] $parent<br/>Defaults to false.    If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent,
**Default Value: false
* [ mixed] $where_data<br/>Either I2CE_MagicDataNode or array. contains the  where clause information about this form or a nested
**Default Value: array()
* [ array] $ordering<br/>An array of fields to order by.  Defaults to the empty array.  Prepend a - to order by in descending order.
**Default Value: array()
* [ mixed] $limit<br/>Defaults to false.  It true, returns only one result.  If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to.
**Default Value: false
* integer $mod_time<br/>Defaults to -1.  If non-negative, we only list the requested fields for an id if at least one of them has a modification
**Default Value: -1
Looks up the display value of the item based on the code.
This is the default method that most implementations of {@link lookup()} use.  It finds the description of
the object based on the code and saves it in the {@link cache} and returns it.
than one.  If false , then we return as an array.  Defaults to '-'
*Signature: static public function lookupDisplayField($form,$id,$fields,$delim)
*Returns: [ string] or false on failure
* [ string] $form<br/>The name of the form in the database.
* integer $id<br/>The code of the entry to lookup.
* [ mixed] $fields<br/>A field or an array  of fields to look up and return.  Defaults to 'name'
**Default Value: array('name')
* [ string] $delim<br/>The delimiter to put between returned fields if there are more
**Default Value: '-'
Looks up the dbvalue of the item based on the code.
This is the default method that most implementations of {@link lookup()} use.  It finds the description of
the object based on the code and saves it in the {@link cache} and returns it.
than one.  If false , then we return as an array.  Defaults to '-'
*Signature: static public function lookupField($form,$id,$fields,$delim)
*Returns: [ string] or false on failure
* [ string] $form<br/>The name of the form in the database.
* integer $id<br/>The code of the entry to lookup.
* [ mixed] $fields<br/>A field or an array  of fields to look up and return.  Defaults to 'name'
**Default Value: array('name')
* [ string] $delim<br/>The delimiter to put between returned fields if there are more
**Default Value: '-'
Migrate field data from an old setMap reference to a new MAP form field type.
The old data should have been saved in a migrate_data magic data (see {@link storeMigrateData}).
Optionally the field list can be:
array( "field" => array( "prev_field" => "prev_map_form" ) )
The field will get the old value from the list of fields (with mapped forms)
for when the field name was changed.
*Signature: static public function migrateField($form_name,$field_list,$migrate_path,$user)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [ string] $form_name
* [ array] $field_list<br/>The list of fields that need to be changed as an array of field => map_form.
* [ string] $migrate_path<br/>Where the migrate data has been saved.
* I2CE_User $user<br/>The user to save the new form field.
Migrate a given form from one storage method to the current storage method.
This should only be used when upgrading a module that moved a form storage
from one type to another.
the migrate path to convert the data.  Format is array( "field" => "map_form" )
These forms and fields should have already been passed to {@link storeMigrateData}
so the data can be retrieved from there.
*Signature: static public function migrateForm($form_name,$storage,$user,$migrate_path,$id_field,$skip_fields,$migrate_fields,$callback)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [ string] $form_name
* [ string] $storage<br/>The old storage mechanism
* I2CE_User $user<br/>The user object to use to save the new forms.
* [ string] $migrate_path<br/>The full path in MagicData to save the old to new mappings.
**Default Value: false
* [ string] $id_field<br/>The old field name to use the value of for the new form id.
**Default Value: false
* [ array] $skip_fields<br/>A list of fields to not migrate to the new form.
**Default Value: array()
* [ array] $migrate_fields<br/>A list of fields that have already been migrated and need to use
**Default Value: array()
**Default Value: null
Populate a form object.
*Signature: public function populate($form)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
Populate all instances of the given child form for this object.
- array( "-start_date", "name" ). Defaults to null in which case if get the default sort
order that is registered for the type (which defaults to none)
@param mixed @where an aarray of where information to limit getting the child id's by.  If null, we get
the default limits for the type (which defaults to none)
*Signature: public function populateChild($form,$form_name,$order_by,$where,$type)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
* [ string] $form_name<br/>: The form name to populate
* [ mixed] $order_by<br/>A field or array  of fields to sort by.  Preceded by "-" to sort in reverse order.
**Default Value: null
**Default Value: null
* [ string] $type<br/>Defaults to 'default'
**Default Value: 'default'
Populate the given child form for this object.
- array( "demographic", "contact" )
Defaults to empty array
- array( "contact" => "contact_type" )
*Signature: public function populateChildren($form,$forms,$orderBy)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
* [ mixed] $forms<br/>A string or an  array such, the form names (the child forms to populate)
* [ array] $orderBy<br/>An associative array of form names with an array of either string, field to sort by or an array of the fields
**Default Value: array()
Populate the first child of a form object based on the given field
*Signature: public function populateFirst($form,$forms)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
* [ array] $forms<br/>an associative array with keys form names and values field names or ordering array
**Default Value: array()
Populate Last of a form object.
*Signature: public function populateHistory($form)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
Populate the last child of a form object based on the given field
*Signature: public function populateLast($form,$forms)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
* [ array] $forms<br/>an associative array with keys form names and values field names or ordering array
**Default Value: array()
Save a form object.
*Signature: public function save($form,$user,$transact)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
* I2CE_User $user
* [ boolean] $transact<br/>Defaults to true.
**Default Value: true
and then we get all forms with parent the given id.
If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.
*Signature: static public function search($form,$parent,$where_data,$ordering,$limit)
*Returns: [ mixed] an array of matching form ids.  However, ff $limit_one is true or 1 or
array ($offset,1) then then we return either the id or false,  if none found or there was an error.
* [ string] $form<br/>The form name.
* [ boolean] $parent<br/>Defaults to false.    If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent,
**Default Value: false
* [ mixed] $where_data<br/>array or class implementing ArrayAccess, Iterator, and Countable (e.g. MagicDataNode) . the where data.
**Default Value: array()
* [ mixed] $ordering<br/>An field or an  array of fields to order by.  Defaults to the empty array.  Prepend a - to order by in descending order.
**Default Value: array()
* [ mixed] $limit<br/>Defaults to false.  It true, returns only one result.  If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to.
**Default Value: false
Set the change type for the given form.
If this method isn't called then the change type will be I2CE_FormStorage::CHANGE_UPDATE
*Signature: public function setChangeType($form,$change_type,$field)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
* integer $change_type<br/>: the change type to set Defautls to I2CE_FormStorage::CHANGE_UPDATE
**Default Value: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism::CHANGE_UPDATE
* [ string] $field<br/>Defaults to 'default'.  optional field name to set the change type to.
**Default Value: 'default'
Save the given fields to the given magic data node so it can later
be referenced when migrating the form.
array( "form_name" => array( "field1", "field2" ) );
*Signature: static public function storeMigrateData($forms,$migrate_path)
* [ array] $forms<br/>An array of forms with an array of fields for each:
* [ string] $migrate_path<br/>The path in magic data to save the data
Hooked Function to check if a field is unique or unique restricted to a certain field
*Signature: public function validate_formfield($field_obj)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [[Class: I2CE_FormField | I2CE_FormField]] $field_obj
==Inherited Fuzzy Methods==
This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Module#launchBackgroundProcess() | I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundProcess()]]
This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Module#launchBackgroundPHPScript() | I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundPHPScript()]]
This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Module#launchBackgroundPage() | I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundPage()]]
This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy#userMessage() | I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()]]
[[Category:Class Documentation]]

Latest revision as of 08:39, 23 August 2013