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This article desrcibes the class ''I2CE_Template''.
#REDIRECT [[Class: I2CE_Template (4.1.7)]]
*Extends the class: [[Class: I2CE_TemplateMeister | I2CE_TemplateMeister]].
*Location: Part of the module [[iHRIS Module List#pages|pages]] in the package [ I2CE]
*Source: Defined in the file [ modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_Template.php]
An array of  files that have been loaded so they're aren't added in twice. The keys are the file names, the value is true if it has been loaded, unset otherwise
*Type: protected [ array ] $files_loaded
I2CE_Template constructor method. This constructor sets up the basic variables for all I2CE_Template objects. $loadOptions is set to zero.
*Signature: public function __construct()
Helper method. Load a file into the spectified document as HTML
*Signature: public function _loadFile($doc,$contentfile)
** [ DOMDocument ] $doc
** [ string ] $contentfile <br/>the file to load
*Returns: [ boolean ]<br/>False on failure,
Helper method.  Load text into the spectified document as XML @param string $contentfile the file to load
*Signature: protected function _loadText($doc,$text,$setEncoding)
** [ DOMDocument ] $doc
** [ string ] $setEncoding <br/>Defaults to true.  If true, set the encoding to be that of the docuemnt.  Only useful as false for loading root template files
***Default Value: true
*Returns: [ boolean ]<br/>False on failure,
*Signature: public function addClass($node,$class)
Add a script or css to the header as a link
*Signature: public function addHeaderLink($file,$attr,$use_filedump)
** [ string ] $file
** [ mixed ] $attr <br/>an array of attribute/value pairs.  Defaults to the empty array.  can also be a string in which case it is the id that you want to give the import node.
***Default Value: array()
** [ boolean ] $use_filedump <br/>default to true meaning that we should use the filedump utility when looking for the script/css @returm DOMNode -- the node just created or appended to You might use this by calling addHeaderLink("printer.css",'',array('media'=>'print')); Note: Uses the file's extension to determine the proper behavior.  Valid ones are 'js', 'css', and 'vb'
***Default Value: true
Add  text to the header of the document. @param mixed $as_serpate_node whether or not we want add the node as a seperate node or append it (default to false-- append). It will append it to the last node if so. If it is a string, then we create a new node and set the id of a node to  the given string, or append to an existing  node with that id. If it is a DOMNode then we just append to that node
*Signature: public function addHeaderText($text,$type,$as_separate_node,$init_text)
** [ string ] $text
** [ string ] $type <br/>one of 'css',javascipt','vbscript'
***Default Value: false
** [ string ] $init_text <br/>the text we ar adding as a separate node and the node does not exist.  Defaults to the empty string
***Default Value: ''
*Returns: [ DOMNode ]<br/>the node just created or appended to.  False on failure Note the text does not have to be wrapped in <$tag> node.  If not, it will put it in a <$tag> node with reasonalbe attributes.
Remove any restricted access elements of the page. This method processes all elements in the document that have a role attribute. If there is no known user or the user doesn't have access to that role then the entire node will be removed from the document. @param I2CE_User $user
*Signature: public function checkRolesTasksAndPermissions($node)
** [ DOMNode ] $node <br/>Defaults to null, meaning we check the whole document.  Otherwise, we check relaive to that role
***Default Value: null
*Signature: static public function ensureCSSURLs($css)
*Signature: static public function ensureURL($url)
This method finds the location of a template file. If the file is not an absolute path searches the class path 'TEMPLATES' This method searches the template directory path from the global configuration array for the given template.  If it exists it returns the full path to the file and if not it returns false.  It seaches the path backwards so that later directories can override package versions of files.
*Signature: public function findTemplate($template,$raise_error)
** [ string ] $template <br/>The name of the template file.
** [ boolean ] $raise_error <br/>Defaults to true.  Raise error if template is not found
***Default Value: true
*Returns: [ mixed ]
Fixes any href's starting with # so that they work properly Also makes sure that any relative URL include an index.php if .htaccess is not used.
*Signature: protected function fixupAnchors()
Returns the displayed page as a string
*Signature: public function getDisplay()
*Returns: [ string ]
*Signature: public function hasClass($node,$class)
Called to prepare the display.
*Signature: public function prepareDisplay()
Process any arguments sent to the page
*Signature: public function processArgs($args)
*Returns: [ boolean ]<br/>true on sucess. false on failure
Recursively process all child nodes that are being added in a loop to replace the designator text.
*Signature: protected function processLoopCount($node,$designator,$count)
** [ DOMNode ] $node
** [ string ] $designator
** integer $count @see replaceCount
*Signature: public function removeClass($node,$class)
*Signature: protected function removeTranslatorComments()
Replace the given designator text with the loop count of the template file being added. If the node is a DOM element then the designator text with the number of the count.
*Signature: protected function replaceCount($node,$designator,$count)
** [ DOMNode ] $node
** [ string ] $designator
** integer $count
*Signature: protected function setBase()
Adds an attribute to the body tag of this document. This will find the body tag of the document and add or replace the given attribute with the given value.
*Signature: public function setBodyAttr($attr,$value)
** [ string ] $attr
** [ string ] $value
Sets the id attribute for the body tag. This will find the body tag of the document and add or replace the id attribute with the given id.
*Signature: public function setBodyId($id)
** [ string ] $id
Set the HTML title of the page. This will find the first title element of the page and replace the text in it with the given title. There should only be one title element in a valid HTML page.
*Signature: public function setTitle($title)
** [ string ] $title
No validation occcurs so always returns true
*Signature: public function validate()
*Returns: [ boolean ]
*Signature: protected function wrapHeaderTextInTag($text,$tag)
==Inherited Variables==
Theis public variable is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_TemplateMeister#$doc | I2CE_TemplateMeister->$doc]]
Theis protected variable is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_TemplateMeister#$xpath | I2CE_TemplateMeister->$xpath]]
Theis protected variable is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_TemplateMeister#$user | I2CE_TemplateMeister->$user]]
Theis protected variable is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_TemplateMeister#$working_dir | I2CE_TemplateMeister->$working_dir]]
Theis protected variable is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_TemplateMeister#$loadOptions | I2CE_TemplateMeister->$loadOptions]]
Theis protected variable is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_TemplateMeister#$headers | I2CE_TemplateMeister->$headers]]
Theis protected variable is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_TemplateMeister#$verboseErrors | I2CE_TemplateMeister->$verboseErrors]]
==Inherited Fuzzy Methods==
This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy#userMessage() | I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()]]
==Fuzzy Methods==
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_BackgroundProcess#launchBackgroundProcess() | I2CE_BackgroundProcess->launchBackgroundProcess() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_BackgroundProcess#launchBackgroundPHPScript() | I2CE_BackgroundProcess->launchBackgroundPHPScript() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_BackgroundProcess#launchBackgroundPage() | I2CE_BackgroundProcess->launchBackgroundPage() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_ColorPicker#addColorPickerTriple() | I2CE_Module_ColorPicker->addColorPickerTriple() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_DisplayData#setDisplayData() | I2CE_DisplayData->setDisplayData() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_DisplayData#setDisplayDataImmediate() | I2CE_DisplayData->setDisplayDataImmediate() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_DisplayData#selectOptionsImmediate() | I2CE_DisplayData->selectOptionsImmediate() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_FormWorm#addFormWorm() | I2CE_Module_FormWorm->addFormWorm() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_MootoolsCore#getClassValue() | I2CE_MootoolsCore->getClassValue() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_MootoolsCore#loadClassValues() | I2CE_MootoolsCore->loadClassValues() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_MootoolsCore#setClassValue() | I2CE_MootoolsCore->setClassValue() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_MootoolsCore#setClassValues() | I2CE_MootoolsCore->setClassValues() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Template_Options#addOption() | I2CE_Template_Options->addOption() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Template_Options#addOptions() | I2CE_Template_Options->addOptions() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TreeSelect#addAutoCompleteInputTreeById() | I2CE_Module_TreeSelect->addAutoCompleteInputTreeById() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TreeSelect#addAutoCompleteInputTree() | I2CE_Module_TreeSelect->addAutoCompleteInputTree() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#setForm() | I2CE_Module_Forms->setForm() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#getField() | I2CE_Module_Forms->getField() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#setReview() | I2CE_Module_Forms->setReview() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#isReview() | I2CE_Module_Forms->isReview() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#setShowForm() | I2CE_Module_Forms->setShowForm() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms#showForm() | I2CE_Module_Forms->showForm() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Jumper#makeJumper() | I2CE_Module_Jumper->makeJumper() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_MenuSelect#menuSelect() | I2CE_Module_MenuSelect->menuSelect() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_MenuSelect#addUpdateSelect() | I2CE_Module_MenuSelect->addUpdateSelect() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxUpdate() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxUpdate() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxToggle() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxToggle() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxRequestFunction() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxRequestFunction() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxCompleteFunction() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxCompleteFunction() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxToggleOnFunction() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxToggleOnFunction() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#addAjaxToggleOffFunction() | I2CE_Stub->addAjaxToggleOffFunction() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Stub#hasAjaxFuzzy() | I2CE_Stub->hasAjaxFuzzy() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#setDataTypePriority() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->setDataTypePriority() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#setData() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->setData() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#getData() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->getData() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#getDefaultData() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->getDefaultData() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#removeData() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->removeData() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#getDataNames() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->getDataNames() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_TemplateData#ensureNode() | I2CE_Module_TemplateData->ensureNode() ]]
[[Category:Class Documentation]]

Latest revision as of 09:52, 23 August 2013