Class: I2CE PermissionParser (Development): Difference between revisions

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(Created page with '{{otherversions|Class: I2CE_PermissionParser}} This article describes the class ''I2CE_PermissionParser'' . *Extends the class: I2CE_Fuzzy. …')
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This article describes the class ''I2CE_PermissionParser'' .
This article describes the class ''I2CE_PermissionParser'' .
*Extends the class: [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy (Development) | I2CE_Fuzzy]].
*Extends the class: [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy (Development) | I2CE_Fuzzy]].
*Location: Part of the module [[I2CE Module List (Development)#pages|pages]] in the package [ I2CE] 4.0-dev
*Location: Part of the module [[I2CE Module List (Development)#permissions|permissions]] in the package [ I2CE] 4.1-dev
*Source: Defined in the file [ modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 29
*Source: Defined in the file [ modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 29
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 31
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 31
*Type: protected $user
*Type: protected $user

*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 32
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 32
*Type: protected $template
*Type: protected $template

*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 33
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 33
*Type: protected $has_get_data
*Type: protected $has_get_data

*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 34
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 34
*Type: protected $has_get_display
*Type: protected $has_get_display
A cached array of the task trickle down data.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 38
*Type: static protected [ array ] $task_trickle_down
The reverse of the trickle down array.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 42
*Type: static protected [ array ] $task_trickle_up
The role_trickle_up data cached for faster access.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 46
*Type: static protected [ array ] $role_trickle_up
A list of tasks given by a role.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 50
*Type: static protected [ array ] $role_tasks
A cache of tasks a role can access for repeated checkes.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 54
*Type: static protected [ array ] $role_has_task

*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 37
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 57
*Signature: public function __construct($template,$user)
*Signature: public function __construct($template)
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 644
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 830
*Signature: protected function evaluateBooleans($booleans)
*Signature: protected function evaluateBooleans($booleans)
Return the permitted value from the role/task cache.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 117
*Signature: static protected function getRoleHasTask($role,$task)
** [ string ] $role
** [ string ] $task
*Returns: [ boolean ]
Return the array of tasks that are directly given by a role.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 136
*Signature: static protected function getRoleTasks($user_role)
** [ string ] $user_role
*Returns: [ array ]
Returns the role trickle up from the shortname
Returns the role trickle up from the shortname
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 242
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 385
*Signature: protected function getRoleTrickleUp($name)
*Signature: static protected function getRoleTrickleUp($name)
** [ string ] $name <br/>the role shortname
** [ string ] $name <br/>the role shortname
*Returns: [ array ]<br/>(an empty array if there is no such tag name)
Returns the role trickle up from the shortname @param string $name the role shortname
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 97
*Signature: protected function getTaskTrickleDown($task)
*Returns: [ array ]<br/>(an empty array if there is no such tag name)
*Returns: [ array ]<br/>(an empty array if there is no such tag name)
Check to see if a user has permission for a given role/task whatever @param string $permissions The permisisions string. Example: "role(admin) or task(can_view_page) or task(can_edit_page)" Exmaple: "role(admin|staff)" is the same as "role(admin,staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) role(staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) | role(staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) or role(staff)" Example: "role(admin) or task(can_view_page) and role(staff)" is the same as "(role(admin) or task(can_view_page)) and role(staff)"  i.e. parenthesis are grouped left. Note: You may reference variables, which is really template data, as a function argument or in a double quoted string. When referencing varaibles, you are allowed to include types, such as ${T1}z, but you are not allowed to do so in a doulbe quoted string.  Variable names may consit of alpha-numeric character, '_', and '-'. You may protect a variable by surrounding it in {}'s Example: "func1($a,"x$a", '\' "'  "x{$a}y" , "x{$ay} ${T1}z )"  causes the (possbily fuzzy) method hasPermission_func1() with the following arguments: array( $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node), 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node), '\' "', 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('ay',$node) , 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node) . 'y', 'x' . $this->template->getData('T1',z,$node,true,true)) There are special argument you can pass to the function which are  <TEMPLATE>, <USER> and <NODE> which will be the template, user and calling node  associated with this permission. Note: spaces provide an implicit comma to split arguments. Example functions: role, task which take a list or roles and task repsectively. Example function:  form('person' method <USER>) -- finds the person form,relative to $node and calls $form->method(array($user)) Example function:  form(person , 'weird method;',<USER>10) -- finds the person form,relative to $node and calls $form->$method(array($user,10)) where $method='weird method;' Example function: module('mod_name',method,arg1,...,argn) works like form but for modules
Check to see if a user has permission for a given role/task whatever @param string $permissions The permisisions string. Example: "role(admin) or task(can_view_page) or task(can_edit_page)" Example: "ModuleName->Method(admin)  will call Method in the module ModuleName with arguemnts ('admin') Exmaple: "role(admin|staff)" is the same as "role(admin,staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) role(staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) | role(staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) or role(staff)" Example: "role(admin) or task(can_view_page) and role(staff)" is the same as "(role(admin) or task(can_view_page)) and role(staff)"  i.e. parenthesis are grouped left. Note: You may reference variables, which is really template data, as a function argument or in a double quoted string. When referencing varaibles, you are allowed to include types, such as ${T1}z, but you are not allowed to do so in a doulbe quoted string.  Variable names may consit of alpha-numeric character, '_', and '-'. You may protect a variable by surrounding it in {}'s Example: "func1($a,"x$a", '\' "'  "x{$a}y" , "x{$ay} ${T1}z )"  causes the (possbily fuzzy) method hasPermission_func1() with the following arguments: array( $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node), 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node), '\' "', 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('ay',$node) , 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node) . 'y', 'x' . $this->template->getData('T1',z,$node,true,true)) There are special argument you can pass to the function which are  <TEMPLATE>, <USER> and <NODE> which will be the template, user and calling node  associated with this permission. Note: spaces provide an implicit comma to split arguments. Example functions: role, task which take a list or roles and task repsectively. Example function:  form('person' method <USER>) -- finds the person form,relative to $node and calls $form->method($user) Example function:  form(person , 'weird method;',<USER>10) -- finds the person form,relative to $node and calls $form->$method($user,10) where $method='weird method;' Example function: module('mod_name',method,arg1,...,argn) works like form but for modules
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 78
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 227
*Signature: public function hasPermission($permission,$node)
*Signature: public function hasPermission($permission,$node)
Line 57: Line 89:
*Returns: mixed.<br/>True/false, or null on failure.
*Returns: mixed.<br/>True/false, or null on failure.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 250
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 397
*Signature: protected function hasPermission_role($node,$roles)
*Signature: protected function hasPermission_role($node,$roles)
Line 63: Line 95:
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 158
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 323
*Signature: protected function hasPermission_task($node,$tasks)
*Signature: protected function hasPermission_task($node,$tasks)
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 448
*Signature: protected function hasPermission_user($node,$users)
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 138
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 269
*Signature: protected function hasPermsssion_module($node,$args)
*Signature: protected function hasPermsssion_module($node,$args)
Line 75: Line 113:
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 108
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 239
*Signature: public function hasRole($role,$node)
*Signature: public function hasRole($role,$node)
Line 82: Line 120:
***Default Value: null
***Default Value: null
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 122
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 253
*Signature: public function hasTask($task,$node)
*Signature: public function hasTask($task,$node)
Line 89: Line 127:
***Default Value: null
***Default Value: null
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 324
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 487
*Signature: protected function parsePermissionsLogic($permission,$node)
*Signature: protected function parsePermissionsLogic($permission,$node)
Add a task as permitted for a given role as well as all tasks it trickles down to recursively if the permission is allowed (true).
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 93
*Signature: static protected function setRoleHasTask($role,$task)
** [ string ] $role
** [ string ] $task
Set up the trickle down static array if it hasn't been set.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 69
*Signature: static protected function setupTrickleDown($override)
** [ boolean ] $override <br/>Override what's there if true
***Default Value: false
Checks to see if the given task is defined in they system
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 293
*Signature: static public function taskExists($task)
** [ string ] $task
*Returns: [ boolean ]
Checks to see if a given task has an alternative way of being satisfied.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Permissions/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php] on line 302
*Signature: protected function taskHasAlternateSatisfaction($node,$task)
** [ DOMNode ] $node
** [ string ] $task
==Inherited Methods==
==Inherited Methods==
Line 101: Line 167:
This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy (Development)#userMessage() | I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()]]
This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy (Development)#userMessage() | I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()]]
==Fuzzy Methods==
==Fuzzy Methods==
This method is implemented by [[Class: iHRIS_Module_SelfService (Development)#hasPermission_userSatisfies() | iHRIS_Module_SelfService->hasPermission_userSatisfies() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_FormRelationshipBasedPermissions (Development)#hasPermission_satisfies() | I2CE_Module_FormRelationshipBasedPermissions->hasPermission_satisfies() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms (Development)#hasPermission_form() | I2CE_Module_Forms->hasPermission_form() ]]
This method is implemented by [[Class: I2CE_Module_Forms (Development)#hasPermission_form() | I2CE_Module_Forms->hasPermission_form() ]]

Latest revision as of 09:18, 6 May 2015

This article describes the class I2CE_PermissionParser .







A cached array of the task trickle down data.


The reverse of the trickle down array.


The role_trickle_up data cached for faster access.


A list of tasks given by a role.


A cache of tasks a role can access for repeated checkes.





Return the permitted value from the role/task cache.


Return the array of tasks that are directly given by a role.


Returns the role trickle up from the shortname


Check to see if a user has permission for a given role/task whatever @param string $permissions The permisisions string. Example: "role(admin) or task(can_view_page) or task(can_edit_page)" Example: "ModuleName->Method(admin) will call Method in the module ModuleName with arguemnts ('admin') Exmaple: "role(admin|staff)" is the same as "role(admin,staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) role(staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) | role(staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) or role(staff)" Example: "role(admin) or task(can_view_page) and role(staff)" is the same as "(role(admin) or task(can_view_page)) and role(staff)" i.e. parenthesis are grouped left. Note: You may reference variables, which is really template data, as a function argument or in a double quoted string. When referencing varaibles, you are allowed to include types, such as ${T1}z, but you are not allowed to do so in a doulbe quoted string. Variable names may consit of alpha-numeric character, '_', and '-'. You may protect a variable by surrounding it in {}'s Example: "func1($a,"x$a", '\' "' "x{$a}y" , "x{$ay} ${T1}z )" causes the (possbily fuzzy) method hasPermission_func1() with the following arguments: array( $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node), 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node), '\' "', 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('ay',$node) , 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node) . 'y', 'x' . $this->template->getData('T1',z,$node,true,true)) There are special argument you can pass to the function which are <TEMPLATE>, <USER> and <NODE> which will be the template, user and calling node associated with this permission. Note: spaces provide an implicit comma to split arguments. Example functions: role, task which take a list or roles and task repsectively. Example function: form('person' method <USER>) -- finds the person form,relative to $node and calls $form->method($user) Example function: form(person , 'weird method;',<USER>10) -- finds the person form,relative to $node and calls $form->$method($user,10) where $method='weird method;' Example function: module('mod_name',method,arg1,...,argn) works like form but for modules









Add a task as permitted for a given role as well as all tasks it trickles down to recursively if the permission is allowed (true).


Set up the trickle down static array if it hasn't been set.


Checks to see if the given task is defined in they system


Checks to see if a given task has an alternative way of being satisfied.

Inherited Methods


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()

Inherited Fuzzy Methods


This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()

Fuzzy Methods


This method is implemented by iHRIS_Module_SelfService->hasPermission_userSatisfies()


This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_FormRelationshipBasedPermissions->hasPermission_satisfies()


This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_Forms->hasPermission_form()