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[ HRMagazine: Moving to a new HRIS: time for a new human resource information system?]

OrangeHRM and the new development model

   This is the new model for software development. Your people can be
   anywhere, your company can come from anywhere, and you use the Internet to
   tie it all together.

OrangeHRM Partners With PicassoHR

OrangeHRM and the two sides of global open source

   So while 50,000 downloads may not seem like a prohibitively large number,
   it stands to reason that with activity across all 6 continents less than
   18 months after the initial release, there is even more potential for
   expansion. A reality which might actually pose as a double edged sword for
   the young company.

Interview: OrangeHRM--Open Human Resources Management

Clinical Computing: SQL Clinic: The Open-Source Alternative for Electronic Medical Records

GiPSiNet: an open source/open architecture network middleware for surgical simulations. Studies in health technology and informatics

[ TandTRAQ: an open-source tool for integrated protein identification and quantitation] Oxford journal of Bioinformatics

   We present TandTRAQ, a standalone utility that integrates results from
   i-Tracker, an open-source iTRAQ quantitation program with the search
   results from X?Tandem, an open-source proteome search engine. The utility
   runs from the command-line and can be easily integrated into a pipeline
   for automation.

Capacity-building for public health: Bulletin of the World Health Organization

   The development of educational context around free and open-source
   materials available on the Internet has the ability to help build public
   health capacity in low- to middle-income countries. Inspiration to develop
   such a programme comes from the free and open-source software movement,
   where many hundreds of individuals have collaborated in the development of
   high-quality software freely available on the Internet, and its education
   counterpart of Open Educational Resource development. These reflect
   societal developments, especially those associated with Web 2.0.

What's mine is yours-open source as a new paradigm for sustainable healthcare education. Medical Teacher

Open source tools and toolkits for bioinformatics: significance, and where are we? Briefings in Bioinformatics


   Alternative open source HRIS system

Dykki and Pam's PPT presentation

Stakeholder leadership, open-source technologies: Strengthening human resources information systems in Africa

A Study of Clinically Related Open Source Software Projects AMIA Annu Symp Proc

   Open source software development has recently gained significant interest
   due to several successful mainstream open source projects. This
   methodology has been proposed as being similarly viable and beneficial in
   the clinical application domain as well. However, the clinical software
   development venue differs significantly from the mainstream software
   venue. Existing clinical open source projects have not been well
   characterized nor formally studied so the ‘fit’ of open source in this
   domain is largely unknown. In order to better understand the open source
   movement in the clinical application domain, we undertook a study of
   existing open source clinical projects. In this study we sought to
   characterize and classify existing clinical open source projects and to
   determine metrics for their viability. This study revealed several
   findings which we believe could guide the healthcare community in its
   quest for successful open source clinical software projects.

Drug Discovery Today

   Open-source software will never achieve ubiquity. There are environments
   in which it simply does not flourish. By its nature, open-source
   development requires free exchange of ideas, community involvement, and
   the efforts of talented and dedicated individuals. However, pressures can
   come from several sources that prevent this from happening. In addition,
   openness and complex licensing issues invite misuse and abuse. Care must
   be taken to avoid the pitfalls of open-source software.

The case for open-source software in drug discovery Drug Discovery Today

   Widespread adoption of open-source software for network infrastructure,
   web servers, code development, and operating systems leads one to ask how
   far it can go. Will 'open source' spread broadly, or will it be restricted
   to niches frequented by hopeful hobbyists and midnight hackers? Here we
   identify reasons for the success of open-source software and predict how
   consumers in drug discovery will benefit from new open-source products
   that address their needs with increased flexibility and in ways
   complementary to proprietary options.

Intellectual Property Rights and Bio Commons: Open Source And Beyond International Social Science Journal (ISSJ), Vol. 58, No. 188, pp., 319 -334, 2006

India Takes an Open Source Approach to Drug Discovery Cell, Volume 133, Issue 2, 201-203, 18 April 2008

Could an open-source clinical trial data-management system be what we have all been looking for? Journal: PLoS medicine (PLoS Med), published in United States. (Language: eng) Reference: 2008-Mar; vol 5 (issue 3) : pp e6

Medsphere Embraces Open Source Model (source: Health Data Management)

A Web Based Prototype System for Patient Use Confirming Taiwan Electronic Medical-Record Templates AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2005

   The user interface utilizes open-source that can be customized to each
   institution that designs its own system according to this template.

A Call For Collaboration: Building an EMR for Developing Countries AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2005

“Interoperability of Open Source Medical Record Systems” (2003) For AMIA 2003 Open Source Expo

   The core SQL database we have developed is comprehensive enough to support
   a full EMRS for Research Data Mining and Analysis as well as a Consult
   System … We plan to make this interchange format an open source
   definition.  … What is needed is an open standard for universal data
   interchange of full medical record system data that can used widely.

“Open source handheld-based EMR for paramedics working in rural areas.” (2002) Proc AMIA Symp 2002; :12-6.

   We describe a handheld-based electronic medical record (EMR) for use in
   certain rural settings. The system is based on the Linux operating system
   and allows access to large mobile databases. The open source system is
   designed for paramedical health workers serving remote areas in rural
   India. A PDA loaded with the handheld-based EMR provides workers who have
   little access to medical doctors with different kinds of decision support
   and alerts. It addresses two important problems in developing countries:
   prenatal care and child health. This paper describes the technical
   challenges and innovation needed in the design, development, adaptation
   and implementation of the handheld EMR in a real setting in India — AMRS publications

Cooking up an open source EMR for developing countries: OpenMRS - a recipe for successful collaboration BW Mamlin, PG Biondich, BA Wolfe, H Fraser, D Jazayeri, C Allen, J Miranda, WM Tierney. 2006.

Experience in implementing the OpenMRS medical record system to support HIV treatment in Rwanda. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Volume 129, 2007 MEDINFO 2007 - Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics – Building Sustainable Health Systems

[ The OpenMRS system: collaborating toward an open source EMR for developing countries.] AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Symposium. AMIA Symposium (AMIA Annu Symp Proc), published in United States. (Language: eng) 2006-; vol (issue ) : pp 1146

Medical information systems: A foundation for healthcare technologies in developing countries Biomed Eng Online. 2008; 7: 18.

   [Using open source for the EMR] has several advantages over closed
   proprietary systems. Firstly, the system is more 'future-proof', being
   able to withstand the changes in libraries, operating systems and
   hardware. This avoids the problems of having to reverse-engineer data
   structures and recode interfaces. Furthermore, software can be written in
   a cross-platform manner, providing maximum choice and flexibility for
   users. Secondly, open-source software is license free and allows everyone
   to benefit from any developments made by others, minimizing the costs to
   everyone involved. Vital funds can then be spent on the support and
   augmentation of the code base. Use of open-source software can also lead
   to an increase in competition and allow developing countries to support
   their own software and applications and the development of related
   businesses. Examples of such competition stimulation can be seen in the
   adoption of Linux and Apache by the Apple Corporation. Furthermore,
   open-source licensing can allow small and medium-sized companies to build
   a business around the support of medical databases. It should be noted
   that open-source does not always mean that software is always supplied at
   no-cost to the user, and such software can be linked to proprietary
   libraries if the source-code base is distributed under an appropriate
   license, such as the modified BSD or LGPL licenses. Thirdly, it is
   generally easier to detect and fix bugs in open-source software, and
   compliance with standards is more easily enforced. In particular,
   standards concerning security and protected health information are more
   easily audited when a system is open.