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''Please note: This document is in the process of being updated for the latest software release. Fields that have not been updated yet have been marked with an *.''
#REDIRECT [[iHRIS:Data Dictionary (4.0.5)]]

{| border="1" width="100%"
! Field Name !! Definition !! Alternate Names !! Data Type !! Used In
[[Category:Archived Pages]]
! *academic level
| The highest level of formal education attained by a person; typical values are: primary level; secondary level; college; university/graduate school. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! allowance
| Money given at regular intervals for a specific purpose. || per diem, reimbursement || value (Benefit Type) || iHRIS Manage
! alternate telephone number
| A secondary phone number where a person or organization can be reached. || cell phone number, mobile number || text entry || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *alpha code
| The unique two-character code that identifies a country established by the International Organization for Standards (ISO).
|| - || TBD || all
! amount
| The total amount of a benefit or special payment. || - || selection (from Currency) + integer || iHRIS Manage
! *associated training institution
| Refers to a training institution that is officially affiliated with a health facility.  || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! association
| A group of individuals who enter voluntarily into an agreement to accomplish a purpose || voluntary association || value (Salary Source) || iHRIS Manage
! *average salary
| The average annual salary paid to an employee in a particular group, such as a cadre or pool of workers. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *base year ratio
| The ratio of health professionals to population calculated for the start year of the projection; this ratio is used to calculate health professional targets for each year in the projection by maintaining the base year ratio as the population changes over time. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! benefit type
| A type of payment made to an employee that is separate from the employee's salary; the payment may be one-time or recurring.  || special payment || selection || iHRIS Manage
! *birthplace
| The country, district and/or county where a person was born.  || - || Dropdown menus (Country, District and County names) || iHRIS Qualify
! bonus
| Money paid in addition to what is usual or expected. || dividend, incentive || value (Benefit Type) || iHRIS Manage
! *cadre
| A broad category or subset of health workers characterized by the specific training, degree or other qualifications required to practice or be licensed in that field (i.e., nurse). || - || TBD || all
! *cadre pool
| A pool of health workers, composing part or all of a cadre, to which assumptions are applied in a workforce projection.  || pool || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *certificate
| Certifies that a particular academic level has been achieved; typical values are: certificate of primary education; ordinary level certificate; advanced level certificate. || degree || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *class
| One instance of a training course that takes place on a specific date at a specific site; there may be multiple classes for one training course.  || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *closed position
| A position within an organization that has been filled by an employee; when a position is marked closed, the organization is not actively hiring for the position. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *code
| A unique identifier associated with a particular job or position that identifies it for the organization. || job code, position code, post code || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *competency
| A skill performed to a specific standard under specific conditions.  || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *competency type
| A broad category of related competencies. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *continuing education unit
| A course or number of educational units that are required for a health worker to renew his/her license while practicing. || CEU, credit hour || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *cost
| The amount of money associated with a change in the number of workers based on salary and other associated costs, such as training costs or severance pay. || average cost || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *cost increase
| An annual increase in the cost associated with a change in the number of workers expressed as a percentage of the original cost. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *county
| The smallest geographic subset, typically located within a district. || sector || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *currency
| The medium of exchange of money used in a country or other location. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Plan
! *currency code
| The unique three-letter code used to define a currency established by the International Organization for Standards (ISO). || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Plan
! *currency symbol
| The symbol used to identify a currency, such as dollars. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Plan
! *data operations manager
| A database management role that is responsible for managing data entry, including verifying and correcting data and updating standard lists in the system. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *data source
| The verifiable source of data entered in the system, such as a census, survey or information system. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *decision maker
| A role that runs reports in order to view and analyze data, and make health workforce policy and planning decisions. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *degree
| Certifies that a particular academic level has been achieved. || certificate || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *department
| A division within an organization, typically around similar job functions and following supervisory lines. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *departure
| Occurs when an employee leaves the employ of the organization. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *dependent
| A legal spouse or child of an employee. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *deployment
| The process of being employed in a health facility as a licensed health worker. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *disciplinary notice
| A warning or notice issued to a health professional or employee as a result of an infraction. || disciplinary action || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *discontinuation
| An interruption in a training program. || disruption, training disruption || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *discontinued position
| A position that is no longer required by an organization; no employee fills it and the organization is not soliciting applications for the position. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *district
| A smaller geographic unit within a region created by the central government for easy administration. || province, state || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *duration
| The number of years in a projection, usually between 5 and 30 years. Also refers to the number of years that a pool change affects the projection. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *education type
| The type of qualification or degree a person has received, such as college/university, continuing education or informal. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! email address
| An address where a person or organization can be contacted by email. || email || text entry || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! end date
| The date at which a position, training program, licensing period, etc. ends. || - || date || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *ending position
| The last position that a person held in an organization. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *ending wage
| The salary that a person earned in the last position s/he held in an organization; also the highest salary in a salary grade. || end salary || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *endorser
| A person who recommends a student graduating from a training program to take the national examination. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *evaluation
| An official assessment of an employee's performance in a class or of a competency. || competency evaluation, training course evaluation || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *executive manager
| A person who may manage the entire organization or one district, department, office or facility within the organization. The Executive Manager views reports and analyzes data entered in the system in order to make HR decisions and set organizational policy. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! expense
| Charge incurred by an employee in the performance of work. || business expense, personal expense || value (Benefit Type) || iHRIS Manage
! *facility
| A specific division within an organization that is defined by having its own budget and often has a unique facility code. Often a facility is responsible for providing health care services. || duty center, health facility, office, responsibility center || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *facility agent
| The owner of a health facility or training institution, which also refers to the classification of the facility; typical values are: government; mission; private. || agent || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *facility status
| The status of a facility as either open or closed. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *facility type
| A type of health facility; typical values are: dispensary; domiciliary; health unit; hospital. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! fax number
| A number where a person or organization can be contacted by fax. || fax || text entry || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! faith-based organization
| A nonprofit aligned with a religion that delivers services to the public. || FBO || value (Salary Source) || iHRIS Manage
! first name
| A person's initial name. || Christian name, given name, name || text entry || all
! *graduation
| Official completion of a training program or other educational program. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *health worker-to-population ratio
| A targeted number of health workers based on a ratio of one health worker per a certain number of people to be served. || targeted ratio || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *health workforce planner
| A role that has access to the projection creation and modeling functions but cannot configure the system or access user accounts; this is the primary user role for the system. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *hiring date
| The date on which an open position is filled. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *hiring decision
| The official decision whether to offer a job to an applicant. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *home residence
| The address or geographical location where a person permanently lives, which may be different from the person's current residence. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *HR manager
| A manager of human resources personnel who is responsible for managing all system data and for ensuring that data in the system are complete, correct and up to date. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *HR staff
| A data entry person in human resources who is responsible for entering and updating data in the system. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *identification code
| A unique code used to identify a facility or training institution. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! identification number
| The unique identifier -- usually a number -- that, when combined with an Identification Type, is used to identify a person. || - || integer || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! identification type
| An official document or number (such as Social Security Number, national health insurance number or passport number) used to identify a person. || - || selection || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *index number
| The number issued to a student when s/he enters a new pre-service training program. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! individual donor
| A person making donations from their personal finances. || donor || value (Salary Source) || iHRIS Manage
! *initial year of change
| The first year in a projection that a pool change takes effect; the initial year of change may be the same as the start year of the projection. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *inspection
| The process of certifying that a health facility, private practice clinic or training institution is qualified to provide services. || institution inspection || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *instructor
| The teacher of a training class. || teacher, trainer || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *intake
| An increase in the supply of workers due to employees entering the workforce. Also the process of entering a training program. || index || TBD || iHRIS Qualify, iHRIS Plan
! *interview
| A formal meeting to assess the qualifications of a job applicant. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *ISCO classification code
| A unique code that identifies a job classification using a standard coding system established by the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) for classifying professions. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *ISO numeric code
| The unique numeric code that identifies a country established by the International Organization for Standards (ISO). || - || TBD || all
! *job
| A general set of qualifications, duties and responsibilities that matches a particular job description and has a unique job code. There may be multiple instances of the same job within an organization. || designation, post || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *job classification
| A broad category used to organize jobs; the job classification may or may not be equivalent to the health cadre. || classification || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *job responsibilities
| The duties expected to be performed by a particular job. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *job title
| The label used to describe a job, or a specific set of duties and responsibilities. || post title, title || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *language proficiency
| A person's reading, writing and/or speaking ability in a foreign language. || proficiency || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *license
| Certification that a health worker is eligible to practice in a country. The license must be renewed regularly, and a separate license must be obtained for each cadre in which the health worker intends to practice. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *license number
| The number issued with a license to practice as a health worker; this number may or may not be identical to the registration number. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *location selection
| Designates a country that is used for determining geographical location, rather than for a currency or nationality. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! mailing address
| An address, including city, country and zip code, where a person or organization can be contacted by mail. || address || text entry || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *major
| A person's primary field of study. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *marital status
| A person's legal status, such as: single; married; divorced; widowed. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *midpoint
| The average salary offered to new hires in a salary grade, which may not be equivalent to the true average of the salary range within that grade. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! ministry of health
| A department of health in a country's government. || MOH || value (Salary Source) || iHRIS Manage
! monthly
| An event that occurs once a month. || - || value (Recurrence Frequency) || iHRIS Manage
! nationality
| The country where a person is a legal citizen. || citizenship || selection (from Country) || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *no access
| A role that prevents a user from accessing the system, or disables the user account. || - || TBD || all
! notes
| General information added to a record. || - || text entry || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! once
| An event that occurs only once, or does not recur. || - || value (Recurrence Frequency) || iHRIS Manage
! other name
| A person's name other than the first name and surname, usually one or more middle names. || middle name || text entry || all
! *open position
| A specific position within an organization that is required for the organization to operate and that the organization is actively hiring to fill. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *out migration
| The process of a health worker leaving the country where s/he was trained in order to practice in a foreign country. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify, iHRIS Plan
! password
| A hidden phrase that provides secure access to the system. || - || text entry || all
! *percentage change
| An annual change in the number of workers based on a percentage of the available number of workers leaving or entering the workforce. || rate of change || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *population
| The total number of people inhabiting a specific area, such as a country. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *population growth rate
| The percentage by which the population of an area will grow annually. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! position
| An instance of a job that can be filled by one employee in one facility and represents one box on an organizational chart. || post || selection (from Position Code + Position Title) || iHRIS Manage
! *position status
| The status of a position as open, closed or discontinued. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *position title
| A specific title different from the job title that defines one particular position within an organization. || title || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *position type
| A classification of a type of position, such as temporary, permanent, consultant, seconded, etc. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *post date
| The date a position is opened for hiring. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *practice type
| The type of registration issued to a health worker, generally temporary or permanent. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *primary country
| The country that is selected as the primary location for data in the system; more than one country may be set as the primary country. || - || TBD || all
! private
| A donor that is not part of a government or other public body. || private foundation || value (Salary Source) || iHRIS Manage
! private for-profit
| An organization that provides goods or services for the purpose of generating revenue. || business, company, corporation, for-profit || value (Salary Source) || iHRIS Manage
! private non-profit
| An organization that provides goods or services but does not generate a profit from them above the cost of doing business. || charity, NGO, non-governmental organization, non-profit || value (Salary Source) || iHRIS Manage
! *private practice license
| An additional license issued to a health worker who has applied to practice in a private clinic. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *proposed end date
| Date at which funding or the role for a position is tentatively scheduled to end, as distinguished from the end date. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *proposed salary
| The salary that is proposed for an open position before it has been filled; does not refer to the actual salary for the position. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *qualification
| A competency, educational level or training that a person must have in order to perform a particular job. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *reason for departure
| A reason given for leaving employment or changing positions within the organization. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *records officer
| A role that is responsible for basic data entry, including initial indexing and upgrades of health professional students entering training programs, tracking out migration verifications and demographic data entry. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! recurrence frequency
| A regular repetition of a special payment, such as monthly or annually. || recurrence || selection (preset values) || iHRIS Manage
! *region
| A major subdivision of a country containing districts. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *registration number
| A number that is issued when a health worker enters the profession within a particular cadre; the health worker retains the registration number as the primary identification number as long as s/he is licensed to practice in that cadre in the country. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *registration supervisor
| A role that is responsible for data entry related to licensing updates, including entering initial registration, issuing new licenses and license renewals, issuing and renewing private practice licenses, and registering and licensing foreign-trained health care professionals applying to work in the country. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *reinstatement
| The process of reissuing a license to a health worker after a suspension due to a disciplinary action. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *requestor
| The person or group who requests that an employee complete a training course. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! residence
| The location where a person is currently living; this may be different than the person's home residence. || current residence || selection (from Country + Region + District) || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *resumption
| The process of returning to a training program that was previously discontinued. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *retraining
| Occurs when an employee takes a training course again, either to reinforce necessary job skills or to make up for a poor prior performance. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *role
| Determines the activities that a user can perform within the system. || - || TBD || all
! salary
| The amount an employee is paid per year for a particular job. || wage || selection (from Currency) + integer || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Plan
! *salary grade
| Defines pay ranges for one or more jobs. || band, grade, salary band || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *salary increase
| The amount that a salary is increased each year, expressed as a percentage of the salary. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! salary source
| A monetary source for an employee's salary or special payments that is not the employing organization, such as a donor or nonprofit. || source || selection || iHRIS Manage
! *secondary school
| The school attended before entering a training institution, college or university. || high school || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *site
| The location where a training class is given. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! start date
| The date at which a training program, position, license, etc. begins. || - || date || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *start year
| The year in which a projection of the workforce begins, for which there is known workforce data. || base year || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *starting position
| The position that a person held when first employed by an organization. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *starting wage
| The salary that a person earned when first employed by an organization; also the lowest salary in a salary grade. || start salary || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *static change
| An annual change in the number of workers based on a specific number of workers leaving or entering the workforce. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *status
| The current condition of a facility, training course or program, such as open or closed. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *supervisor
| A position that manages one or more employees of a lower grade. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *supply
| The actual number of workers available for deployment, calculated by adding the current stock to an estimate of the number and types of staff who will be available in the future. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *supply year
| The year for which the actual available number of workers is known, which is used as the basis for projecting future numbers of workers; ideally, the supply year is the same as the start year of the projection. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! surname
| A family name or last name. || last name || text entry || all
! *suspend
| To revoke a health worker's license as a result of a disciplinary notice. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *system administrator
| A role that has full access to all functions in the system; this role is responsible for configuring the system and managing user accounts. || administrator || TBD || all
! *target
| The number of health workers necessary to meet the health service need. Also a goal or proposed outcome for workforce plans or projections, such as to meet a specific need or staff up to a certain level. || goal, need, requirements || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! *target year
| The year for which the required number of health worker positions is known, which is used as the basis for projecting future needed health workers; ideally, the target year is the same as the start year of the projection. || - || TBD || iHRIS Plan
! telephone number
| A number where a person or organization can be contacted by telephone. || phone number || text entry || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *topic
| The subject of a training course. || subject || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *training course
| An in-service program offered by a training institution that enables an employee to update or add to skills necessary for performing a job. || course, in-service training || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *training course category
| The broad subject area of one or more training courses. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *training funder
| A nonprofit or other funding organization that pays for employees to take a training course. || funder || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *training institution
| A school that offers one or more programs to train employees, especially health workers. || school || TBD || iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify
! *training manager
| A person who is responsible for managing in-service training programs for employees and updating employee competencies gained by training. || - || TBD || iHRIS Manage
! *training program
| A pre-service, multi-year educational program offered by a training institution that, when completed, qualifies a person to be registered or licensed in a particular cadre.  || pre-service training, training || TBD || iHRIS Qualify, iHRIS Plan
! travel advance
| Prepayment received to def expenses incurred by travel for work. || advance || value (Benefit Type) || iHRIS Manage
! username
| A unique name used by a user to access the system. || - || text entry || all
! *verification
| The process of verifying a student's qualifications before s/he is registered or verifying a health worker's qualifications who is applying for out migration. Also refers to the process of verifying a record with an outside source. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! *verification change
| Notes a change made to a record as a result of verifying the record with an outside source. || - || TBD || iHRIS Qualify
! weekly
| An event that occurs once a week. || - || value (Recurrence Frequency) || iHRIS Manage
! yearly
| An event that occurs once a year. || - || value (Recurrence Frequency) || iHRIS Manage

Latest revision as of 13:04, 18 November 2013