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| This article desrcibes the class '''iHRIS_Module_ManageSalary'''which extends the class [[Class: I2CE_Module | I2CE_Module]]
| | #REDIRECT [[Class: iHRIS_Module_ManageSalary (4.1.7)]] |
| It is contained in the module [[iHRIS Module List#ihris-manage-Salary|ihris-manage-Salary]] in the package [https://launchpad.net/ihris-manage iHRIS Manage]
| |
| The class is defined in the file: [http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~intrahealth+informatics/ihris-manage/4.0.0-release/files/head:modules/Salary/lib/iHRIS_Module_ManageSalary.php modules/Salary/lib/iHRIS_Module_ManageSalary.php]
| |
| iHRIS_Module_ManageSalary
| |
| @package iHRIS
| |
| @subpackage Manage
| |
| @author Luke Duncan <lduncan@intrahealth.org>
| |
| @version 3.2.3
| |
| @since 3.2.3
| |
| @access public
| |
| ==Variables==
| |
| ===$do_migrate===
| |
| A flag to determine if migrate needs to be called during post_update
| |
| *Type: protected n $do_migrate
| |
| | |
| ===$do_migrate326===
| |
| A flag to determine if migrate326 needs to be called during post_update
| |
| *Type: protected n $do_migrate326
| |
| | |
| ==Methods==
| |
| ===action_initialize()===
| |
| Method called before the module is enabled for the first time.
| |
| @param boolean -- returns true on success. false on error.
| |
| *Signature: public function action_initialize()
| |
| ===migrate()===
| |
| Perform the migrate actions for this module.
| |
| This is for going from pre 3.2 versions where benefit data has
| |
| been saved to the database.
| |
| *Signature: protected function migrate()
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean]
| |
| ===migrate326()===
| |
| Perform the migrate actions for this module from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6.
| |
| This is for going from pre 3.2 versions where benefit data has
| |
| been saved to the database.
| |
| *Signature: protected function migrate326()
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean]
| |
| ===post_update()===
| |
| Post Update this module.
| |
| *Signature: public function post_update($old_vers,$new_vers)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean]
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string] $old_vers
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string] $new_vers
| |
| ===pre_migrate()===
| |
| Perform any pre migrate actions for this module.
| |
| This is for going from pre 3.2 versions where benefit data has
| |
| been saved to the database.
| |
| *Signature: protected function pre_migrate()
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean]
| |
| ===pre_migrate326()===
| |
| Perform any pre migrate actions for this module from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6.
| |
| This is for going from pre 3.2 versions where benefit data has
| |
| been saved to the database.
| |
| *Signature: protected function pre_migrate326()
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean]
| |
| ===pre_upgrade()===
| |
| Run the pre upgrade for this module. This can use the old config data before it
| |
| has been changed from the config.
| |
| *Signature: public function pre_upgrade($old_vers,$new_vers,$new_storage)
| |
| *Returns: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php boolean]
| |
| Parameters:
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string] $old_vers
| |
| * [http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php string] $new_vers
| |
| * [[Class: I2CE_MagicDataNode | I2CE_MagicDataNode]] $new_storage
| |
| ==Inherited Fuzzy Methods==
| |
| ===launchBackgroundProcess()===
| |
| This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Module#launchBackgroundProcess() | I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundProcess()]]
| |
| ===launchBackgroundPHPScript()===
| |
| This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Module#launchBackgroundPHPScript() | I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundPHPScript()]]
| |
| ===launchBackgroundPage()===
| |
| This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Module#launchBackgroundPage() | I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundPage()]]
| |
| ===userMessage()===
| |
| This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy#userMessage() | I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()]]
| |
| | |
| | |
| [[Category:Class Documentation]]
| |