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This article desrcibes the1 class '''I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism'''which extends the class [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy | I2CE_Fuzzy]]
#REDIRECT [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism (4.1.7)]]
It is contained in the module [[iHRIS Module List#forms-storage|forms-storage]] in the package [ I2CE]
The class is defined in the file: [ modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism.php]
@subpackage Core
@author Carl Leitner <>
@version v3.2.0
@since v3.2.0
Class I2CE_Module_FormStorage_Mechanism
@access public
Constant signifying an initial entry.
Defined as: 1
Constant signifying a verified entry.
Defined as: 2
Constant signifying a corrected entry.
Defined as: 3
Constant signifying an updated entry.
Defined as: 4
The short name for this storage mechanism
*Type: protected ng $name
*Type: protected $global_options
*Type: protected $ordering
Set FormField_INT_GENERATE sequence
*Signature: public function FF_IG_setSequence($form_field)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [[Class: I2CE_FormField_INT_GENERATE | I2CE_FormField_INT_GENERATE]] $form_field
populate FormField history.  By default does nothing.
*Signature: public function FF_populateHistory($form_field)
* [[Class: I2CE_FormField | I2CE_FormField]] $form_field
Save the FormField to the database.
*Signature: public function FF_save($form_field,$do_check,$user)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [[Class: I2CE_FormField | I2CE_FormField]] $form_field
* [ boolean] $do_check<br/>: A flag to determine if a check should be made for the same value being saved.
* [[Class: I2CE_User | I2CE_User]] $user<br/>: The user saving this data.
The constructor for the storage mechanism
the same across all all forms which share a commone storage mechanisms
*Signature: public function __construct($name,$global_options)
* [ string] $name
* [ array] $global_options<br/>Default to empty array. The array of options that are
**Default Value: array()
Compares two forms to see which is greater based on the field ordering set in $this->ordering
@param $form1
@param $form2
*Signature: protected function compareFormsByFields($form1,$form2)
*Returns: [ int]
Deletes a form from the entry tables.
table. default: false
*Signature: public function delete($form,$transact,$complete,$deleted_records)
*Returns: [ boolean]
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
* [ boolean] $transact<br/>: a flag to use transactions or not. default: true
* [ boolean] $complete<br/>: a flag to determine if a complete delete should happen.  default: false
* [ boolean] $deleted_records<br/>: a flag to determine if the record should not go to the deleted_records
Generates a SQL to select the required fields.
If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent, and then we get all forms with parent the given id.
If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.
@param callback $field_refernece_callback.  A callback function whose first arguement is the form, the second arguements
is the field and which returns the way the field value should be references as a field.  If the callback is null (the default) then
the reference used is "$form+$field"
*Signature: public function getFormsById($form,$parent,$where_data,$ordering,$limit)
*Returns: [ array] with keys id's and values the I2CE_Form instance.
* [ string] $form<br/>The form we are select from
* [ boolean] $parent<br/>Defaults to false.  If true, we include the parent id as a referenced field.
* [ mixed] $where_data<br/>array or class implementing ArrayAccess, Iterator, and Countable (e.g. MagicDataNode) . the where data.
**Default Value: array()
* [ array] $ordering<br/>An array of fields to order by.  Defaults to the empty array.  Prepend a - to order by in descending order.
**Default Value: array()
* [ mixed] $limit<br/>Defaults to false.  It true, returns only one result.  If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to.
**Default Value: false
Gets the id's for the given child for this form.
@param  array/string: an optional orderBy array of fields
@param array  where
@param integer: A limit of the number of children ids to return
*Signature: public function getIdsAsChild($form_name,$parent_form_id,$order_by,$where,$limit)
*Returns: [ array]
* [ string] $form_name
* [ mixed] $parent_form_id<br/>the prent form id
*Signature: protected function getLimitedFields($expr)
Return an array of all the record ids for a given form.
*Signature: abstract public function getRecords($form)
*Returns: [ array]
* [ string] $form
Checks to see if this storage mechansim implements the writing methods.
You need to override this in a subclass that implements writable
*Signature: abstract public function isWritable()
*Returns: [ boolean]
and then we get all forms with parent the given id. If true, we return the parent as one of the fields.
If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.
time greater than or equal to $mod_time.  If the form storage has no way of tracking modifucation time, all entries are listed.
*Signature: public function listDisplayFields($form,$fields,$parent,$where_data,$ordering,$limit,$mod_time)
*Returns: [ mixed] an array with key id's and value and array of values.  the array of values has as keys the fields with their corresponding value.
* [ string] $form<br/>THe form name
* [ array] $fields<br/>of string. The fields we want returned
* [ boolean] $parent<br/>Defaults to false.    If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent,
**Default Value: false
* [ array] $where_data<br/>contains the  where clause information about this form or a nested
**Default Value: array()
* [ array] $ordering<br/>An array of fields to order by.  Defaults to the empty array.  Prepend a - to order by in descending order.
**Default Value: array()
* [ mixed] $limit<br/>Defaults to false.  It true, returns only one result.  If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to.
**Default Value: false
* integer $mod_time<br/>Defaults to -1.  If non-negative, we only list the requested fields for an id if at least one of them has a modification
**Default Value: -1
and then we get all forms with parent the given id. If true, we return the parent as one of the fields.
If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.
time greater than or equal to $mod_time.  If the form storage has no way of tracking modifucation time, all entries are listed.
*Signature: public function listFields($form,$fields,$parent,$where_data,$ordering,$limit,$mod_time)
*Returns: [ mixed] an array with key id's and value and array of values.  the array of values has as keys the fields with their corresponding value.
* [ string] $form<br/>THe form name
* [ array] $fields<br/>of string. The fields we want returned
* [ boolean] $parent<br/>Defaults to false.    If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent,
**Default Value: false
* [ array] $where_data<br/>contains the  where clause information about this form or a nested
**Default Value: array()
* [ array] $ordering<br/>An array of fields to order by.  Defaults to the empty array.  Prepend a - to order by in descending order.
**Default Value: array()
* [ mixed] $limit<br/>Defaults to false.  It true, returns only one result.  If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to.
**Default Value: false
* integer $mod_time<br/>Defaults to -1.  If non-negative, we only list the requested fields for an id if at least one of them has a modification
**Default Value: -1
Looks up the description of the item based on the code.
This is the default method that most implementations of {@link lookup()} use.  It finds the description of
the object based on the code and saves it in the {@link cache} and returns it.
than one.  If false, returns the values as an array.
*Signature: public function lookupDisplayField($form,$id,$fields,$delim)
*Returns: [ string] false on failure
* [ string] $form<br/>The name of the form in the database.
* integer $id<br/>The code of the entry to lookup.
* [ array] $fields<br/>A list of fields to look up and return.
* [ string] $delim<br/>The delimiter to put between returned fields if there are more
Looks up the description of the item based on the code.
This is the default method that most implementations of {@link lookup()} use.  It finds the description of
the object based on the code and saves it in the {@link cache} and returns it.
than one.  If false, returns the values as an array.
*Signature: public function lookupField($form,$id,$fields,$delim)
*Returns: [ string] false on failure
* [ string] $form<br/>The name of the form in the database.
* integer $id<br/>The code of the entry to lookup.
* [ array] $fields<br/>A list of fields to look up and return.
* [ string] $delim<br/>The delimiter to put between returned fields if there are more
Populate the member variables of the object from the database.
*Signature: abstract public function populate($form)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
Populate the member variables of the object from the database.
*Signature: public function populateHistory($form)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
Save a form object into entry tables.
If this functio is over-written, it should include the fuzzy method call
foreach ($form as $field) {
$field->save(true/false, $user)
*Signature: public function save($form,$user,$transact)
* [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]] $form
* [[Class: I2CE_User | I2CE_User]] $user
* [ boolean] $transact
and then we get all forms with parent the given id.
If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.
*Signature: public function search($form,$parent,$where_data,$ordering,$limit)
*Returns: [ mixed] an array of matching form ids.  However, ff $limit_one is true or 1 or
array ($offset,1) then then we return either the id or false,  if none found or there was an error.
* [ string] $form<br/>The form name.
* [ boolean] $parent<br/>Defaults to false.    If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent,
**Default Value: false
* [ mixed] $where_data<br/>array or class implementing ArrayAccess, Iterator, and Countable (e.g. MagicDataNode) . the where data.
**Default Value: array()
* [ array] $ordering<br/>An array of fields to order by.  Defaults to the empty array.  Prepend a - to order by in descending order.
**Default Value: array()
* [ mixed] $limit<br/>Defaults to false.  It true, returns only one result.  If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to.
**Default Value: false
==Inherited Fuzzy Methods==
This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy#userMessage() | I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()]]
[[Category:Class Documentation]]

Latest revision as of 08:39, 23 August 2013