Class: I2CE FormStorage multi flat: Difference between revisions

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This article describes the class ''I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat''.
#REDIRECT [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat (4.0.3)]]
*Extends the class: [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB | I2CE_FormStorage_DB]].
*Location: Part of the module [[I2CE Module List#forms-storage-multiflat|forms-storage-multiflat]] in the package [ I2CE]
*Source: Defined in the file [ modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 33
*Author: Carl Leitner <>
*Since: v4.0.1
@filesource Class I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat
of I2CE_MagicDataNodes.  The keys are the names of forms which have flat storage.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 77
*Type: protected [ array ] $storage_options_cache
sting.  Keys are componentities and values are the assoicated database
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 107
*Type: protected [ array ] $databases
componentized_forms. The array of componentized forms
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 112
*Type: protected [ array ] $componentized_forms
.  Keys are form names, values are instanceof I2CE_Form
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 142
*Type: protected [ array ] $formObjs
The constructor for the storage mechanism
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 122
*Signature: public function __construct($name,$global_options)
** [ string ] $name
** [ array ] $global_options <br/>Default to empty array. The array of options that are the same across all all forms which share a commone storage mechanisms
***Default Value: array()
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 80
*Signature: protected function fieldIsColumn($data)
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 89
*Signature: protected function getFieldData($data)
Get a (cached) form object for the given form
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 149
*Signature: protected function getFormObj($form)
** [ string ] $form
*Returns: [[Class: I2CE_Form | I2CE_Form]]<br/>or false on failure.
Construct a query (to be used as a sub-select) to view the fields of the given form.  It always will return the id of the form as well @param callback $field_refernece_callback.  A callback function whose first arguement is the form, the second arguements is the field and which returns the way the field value should be references as a field.  If the callback is null (the default) then the reference used is "$form+$field"
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 175
*Signature: public function getRequiredFieldsQuery($form,$fields,$id,$parent,$field_reference_callback,$mod_time)
** [ string ] $form
** [ mixed ] $fields <br/>Either a string, the field, or an array of string, the fields.
** [ mixed ] $id <br/>Defaults to null.  If non-null it is the id that we wish to limit to.
***Default Value: null
** [ boolean ] $parent <br/>Defaults to false.  If true, we include the parent id as a referenced field If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent, and then we get all forms with parent the given id.
***Default Value: false
***Default Value: null
** integer $mod_time <br/>Defaults to -1.  If non-negative, we only list the requested fields for an id if at least one of them has a modification time greater than or equal to $mod_time.  If the form storage has no way of tracking modifucation time, all entries are listed.
***Default Value: -1
*Returns: [ string ]<br/>the query or false on failed.
Checks that the storage mechansim for the given form is 'multi_flat' and has storage options.
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 50
*Signature: protected function getStorageOptions($form)
** [ string ] $form
*Returns: [ mixed ]<br/>I2CE_MagicDataNode of flat storage options on success, false on failure.
Checks to see if this storage mechansim is writable
*Defined in [ i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMultiFlat/lib/I2CE_FormStorage_multi_flat.php] on line 39
*Signature: public function isWritable()
*Returns: boolean.<br/>false
==Inherited Methods==
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB#FF_populateHistory() | I2CE_FormStorage_DB->FF_populateHistory()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB#getFields() | I2CE_FormStorage_DB->getFields()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB#getIdsAsChild() | I2CE_FormStorage_DB->getIdsAsChild()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB#getRecords() | I2CE_FormStorage_DB->getRecords()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB#listDisplayFields() | I2CE_FormStorage_DB->listDisplayFields()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB#listFields() | I2CE_FormStorage_DB->listFields()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB#lookupDisplayField() | I2CE_FormStorage_DB->lookupDisplayField()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB#lookupField() | I2CE_FormStorage_DB->lookupField()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB#populate() | I2CE_FormStorage_DB->populate()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB#search() | I2CE_FormStorage_DB->search()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism#FF_IG_setSequence() | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->FF_IG_setSequence()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism#FF_save() | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->FF_save()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism#delete() | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->delete()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism#getFormsById() | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getFormsById()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism#populateHistory() | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->populateHistory()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism#save() | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->save()]]
This protected method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism#compareFormsByFields() | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->compareFormsByFields()]]
This protected method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism#getLimitedFields() | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getLimitedFields()]]
This public method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy#_hasMethod() | I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()]]
==Inherited Variables==
Theis protected variable is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB#$db | I2CE_FormStorage_DB->$db]]
Theis protected variable is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism#$name | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$name]]
Theis protected variable is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism#$global_options | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$global_options]]
Theis protected variable is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism#$ordering | I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$ordering]]
==Inherited Fuzzy Methods==
This method is inherited from [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy#userMessage() | I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()]]
[[Category:Class Documentation]]

Revision as of 16:16, 10 March 2010