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==Magic Data Details==
==Magic Data Details==
All standardized forms will be stored under the magic data node:
In the example above the details defining the registration form would stored under:
The details for a specific form are as follows:

Revision as of 10:30, 5 March 2010

This is a design document for the printed forms module.

The printed forms module is used to print "standardized" or "official" forms based upon the data in the system. For example, it might be the registration number for a nurse.

The output will be either PDF (which Carl prefers) or html (which Luke prefers).

Source Data

The source data for the printed form will be a report which is based on a form relationship.


At the first phase of this module, the only interaction is to produces the reports based on what is stored in magic data. There will be no "document design" component. The standard form will be accessed through a URL with the name of the standardized form and a GET/POST variable containing one or more of the id's for the primary form in the report relationship. For example:


Hitting this URL would cause the following to happen:

  • verify that a standarized form called registration';' exists
  • verify that the user has the appropriate permission to view this standardized form:
    • Check to see if the user has the task 'can_view_standarized_forms_all'
    • If not, check to see if the task 'can_view_standarized_form_registration' exists and the user has this task
  • for each of the ids, person|12, person|14, person|22 fill out the details of the standardized report by using the corresponding row in the report table if it exists (see below).

Magic Data Details

All standardized forms will be stored under the magic data node:


In the example above the details defining the registration form would stored under:


The details for a specific form are as follows: