LDAP User Access: Difference between revisions

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**a_details: associative array of the user details that are querriable against ou=Application.Defaults is empty
**a_details: associative array of the user details that are querriable against ou=Application.Defaults is empty
**id: the query used to get the user's id for the application.  Defaults to 'appid'
**appid: the query used to get the user's id for the application.  Defaults to 'appid'
**role: the query used to get the user's role for the application.  Defaults to 'role'
**role: the query used to get the user's role for the application.  Defaults to 'role'

Revision as of 16:28, 19 November 2009

The is an authentication mechanism which authenticates users against an openLDAP server

This user access mechansim is implemented by the I2CE_UserAccess_LDAP class.


To use the default user authentication, you need to enable the module and set an initialization string.

Enabling the Module

To enable, just make sure you have: <source lang='xml'>

<requirement name='UserAccess_LDAP'>
  <atLeast version='4.0'/>
  <lessThan version='4.1'/>


Initialization String

The initialization string is sent to I2CE::initialize() in the index.php as the fourth argument, $user_access_init. This string must be prefixed with the 'LDAP://. What follows take any of the following formats:

  • null: The is the default value and means that we use the default DN (distinguished name) for querying and authenticating users
  • a JSON encoded string: The data to is a JSON enocode string of optional configuration value for the user access. The JSON encoded data has the following keys:
    • dn: The DN used to query against. Defaults to 'dc=localhost'
    • app: The application name used to check for user roles in. If not set, it will use the site module's name
    • people: The qualifier to query people against. Defaults to 'ou=People'.
    • roles: The qualifier to query user roles against. Defaults to 'ou=Application'.
    • host: Defaults to 'localhost' The hostname where the openLDAP server lives
    • port: The port openLDAP is listening on. Defaults to 389
    • encrypt: how the password is stored on the openLDAP server. Default is SSHA. Possible values are:
      • 'plaintext'
      • 'SSHA'
    • p_details: associative array of the user details that are querriable against ou=People.Defaults as follows:
        • firstname:givenName
        • lastname:sn
        • email:email
        • locale:locale
    • a_details: associative array of the user details that are querriable against ou=Application.Defaults is empty
    • appid: the query used to get the user's id for the application. Defaults to 'appid'
    • role: the query used to get the user's role for the application. Defaults to 'role'

For example:


would be a minimal initialization string needed to authenticate against. For the examples below, you would user:

 LDAP://{"dn": "dc=moh,dc=example,dc=org"}

LDAP Directory Structure

Example Entries

A user could be represented as:

   dn: uid=litlfred, ou=People, dc=moh,dc=example,dc=gov
   sn: Leitner
   givenName: Carl
   cn: Carl Leitner
   userPassword: {SSHA}DkMTwBl+a/3DQTxCYEApdUtNXGgdUac3
   email: cleitner@intrahealth.org
   locale: en_US

User roles be unique on the pair (username, software-component) and there may be software component specific information to share,

   dn: uid=litlfred, app=ihris-manage, ou=Application, dc=moh,dc=example,dc=gov
   role: hr_staff
   appid: 25
   dn: uid=litlfred, app=ihris-qualify, ou=Application, dc=moh,dc=example,dc=gov
   role: admin
   appid: 25
   dn: uid=litlfred, app=dhis2, ou=Application, dc=moh,dc=example,dc=gov
   role: guest
   appid: 42
   #phone is specific to DHIS
   phone: 919-555-1212


We will use SSHA, salted SHA. For a php implementation see this

openLDAP Server Configuration

This describes how to set up openLDAP for use with openMRS, DHIS and iHRIS on an ubuntu machine. First, see this tutorial.

We will need (in our default scenario) to add the entries for the People and Application organizational unit:

   dn: ou=People,dc=moh,dc=example,dc=org
   objectClass: organizationalUnit
   ou: People
   dn: ou=Application,dc=moh,dc=example,dc=org
   objectClass: organizationalUnit
   ou: Application