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===Templates for facility_department===

===The Facility Departments class===
When a field maps to the facility_department form we want the display to be first the facility and then the department.  In order to do this, we need to create the My_Facility_Department class as a file.  To do so, first create the directory 'lib' in the 'my_position' directory.  In this new directory, create a file 'My_Facility_Department.php' and add the contents:
<source lang='php'>
class My_Facility_Department extends I2CE_List {
    * The main field name used for display a description of a record.
    const MAIN_FIELD = "facility";
    * The secondary field name used for displaying a description of a record in combination with the MAIN_FIELD.
    const SEC_FIELD = "department";
    * The sort field name to be used for sorting the display list.  This can't be used with the SEC_FIELD option for display.
(In an upcoming step, we shall remove this step and allow you to specify it in magic data.)

===Edit Database List Templates===
===Edit Database List Templates===

Revision as of 13:08, 26 August 2009

In iHRIS Manage, the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition defines the position form which contains the field department and the required field facilty which are both independent lists. In this tutorial, we will discuss how customize iHRIS Manage so that, when editing a position, the departments displayed are dependent on the facility chosen.

This tutorial applies to iHRIS Manage 4.0, although the concepts involved can be applied to iHRIS Qualify as well. Please refer to these articles:

for background information on forms. You can see these changes in the Zanzibar-position module.


Our goal is to have the departments for a position to depend on the facility chosen for the position. There are two ways that one could do this.

Option A

To the department form, we could add a required field facility which links to the facility form. In this, way we would now have every department associated to a facility.

There are a few issues with this option:

  • Suppose you have to hospitals, Central Hospital and Coastal Hospital. Each would presumably have a department such as Emergency. In this option, you would have to create an Emergency Department for each of the Hospitals. It would then make it difficult to run a report such as "list all employees in all facilities which work in the emergency department" because it really is "list all employees in all facilities which work in a department with the name Emergency." In particular, since we are entering "Emergency" multiple times, there is an increased potential for a spelling mistake which would affect data quality.
  • At least for the moment, there is no built in way to first select a facility and then select a department within a form.

Due to these weaknesses, we will not implement Option A in this tutorial.

Option B

We could create a new list form facility_department which contains two required fields, facility and department which map the for lists of the same name. Then in the position form, we no longer link to the list facility or department but to the list facility_department. This has the following advantages over Option A:

  • We only have to enter the department Emergency once as we can associate it to many facilities via the facility_department form
  • As facility_department is a tiered list (first select a facility, and the select a department) we can use in the built in display methods when selecting the department in the position.

We will implement option B in this tutorial.

Creating the module

We will encapsulate all of our customizations into a module my-position in order to:

  • encapsulate the customizations conceptually
  • ease maintenance
  • ease sharing of the code

You may wish to review the Module Structure before continuing.

In your site directory, create a sub-directory 'modules' if it does not already exist and make sure you have an appropriate: <source lang='xml'>

<path name='modules'>

</source> in your site configuration file.

Within the modules directory, create a new directory called my_position. Within the my_position directory, and create the file my_position.xml and add the following: <source lang='xml'>

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE I2CEConfiguration SYSTEM "I2CE_Configuration.dtd"> <I2CEConfiguration name='my-position'>

   <displayName>Customized iHRIS Position</displayName>   
   <description>Customized version of the position form to list departments by facility</description>
   <requirement name='ihris-manage-Job'>
     <atLeast version='4.0'/>
     <lessThan version='4.1'/>
   <requirement name='ihris-manage-PersonPosition'>
     <atLeast version='4.0'/>
     <lessThan version='4.1'/>
   <path name='classes'>
   <path name='templates'>
 <configurationGroup name='my-position' path='/'>


Turning off the existing fields

Let us first look at the changes to "turn off" the facility and department fields in the position form.

The position form is implemented by the class iHRIS_Position in the ihris-manage-PerosnPosition module. Instead of removing them from the existing iHRIS_Position form, we will specify them as not being required and not saved in the database. We also remove the reference to them in the html template files for position.

Magic Data/Configuration Changes

We will create a new form class My_Position which extends the iHRIS_Position form class and set the position form to use this class: <source lang='xml'>

<configurationGroup name='forms' path='/modules/forms/forms'>
  <configurationGroup name='position'>
       <description>The Position Form</description>
       <configuration name='class' values='single'>
         <displayName>Class Name</displayName>
         <description>The name of the class providing the form</description>
<configurationGroup name='forms' path='/modules/forms/formClasses'>
     <configurationGroup name='My_Position'>     
       <configuration name="extends">
         <displayName>The class this form extends</displayName>
       <configurationGroup name="fields">
         <configurationGroup name="department">
           <displayName>The field 'department'</displayName>
           <configuration name='required' type='boolean'>
           <configuration name='in_db' type='boolean'>
         <configurationGroup name="facility">
           <displayName>The field 'department'</displayName>
           <configuration name='required' type='boolean'>
           <configuration name='in_db' type='boolean'>


Template File Changes

Create a directory called 'templates' in the 'my_position' directory and copy these files:

  • templates/en_US/lists_form_position.html
  • templates/en_US/view_position.html

from the ihris-manage-PersonPosition module into the this directory. On the new copy lists_form_position.html remove the lines: <source lang='xml'>


</source> On the new copy of view_position.html remove the lines: <source lang='xml'>


</source> and the line: <source lang='xml'>

  • Select another Position
  • </source>

    Creating the facility_department

    We will create a new form facility_department which is implemented by the form class My_Facility_Department which contains the mapped fields facility and department.

    Magic Data/Configuration Changes

    All of these changes are in the my_position.xml file.

    First, we need to create the form class 'My_Facility_Department'. To do this, we add in the following under the configurationGroup named 'formClasses': <source lang='xml'>

    <configurationGroup name='My_Facility_Department'>
     <configuration name="extends">
      <displayName>The class this form extends</displayName>
     <configurationGroup name="fields">
      <configurationGroup name='facility'>
       <configuration name="formfield">
        <displayName>The form field type</displayName>
       <configuration name="required" type="boolean">
        <displayName>This field is required to be set</displayName>
      <configurationGroup name='department'>
       <configuration name="formfield">
        <displayName>The form field type</displayName>
       <configuration name="unique" type="boolean">
        <displayName>This field is requried to be unique</displayName>
       <configuration name="unique_field">
        <displayName>This field is required to be unique for each facility</displayName>
       <configuration name="required" type="boolean">
        <displayName>This field is required to be set</displayName>

    </configurationGroup> </source>

    Next, let us add in the 'facility_department' form. To do this, we add in the following under the configurationGroup named 'forms': <source lang='xml'>

    <configurationGroup name='facility_department'>
     <displayName>Facility Department</displayName>
     <description>The Facility Department Form</description>
     <configuration name='class' values='single'>
     <displayName>Class Name</displayName>
      <description>The name of the class providing the form</description>
     <configuration name='display' values='single'>
       <displayName>Display name</displayName>
       <description>The display name for this form</description>
     <configuration name="storage" values='single'>
       <displayName>Storage Details</displayName>
       <description>The storage mechanism for this form.</description>


    Next, we want to create a 'task' that deals with editing and viewing the 'facility_department' list. We will want to make sure that the edit task implies the view task. We will also want to add these tasks to the the edit/view organization list task. To do so, we add in the following: <source lang='xml'>

       <configurationGroup name='tasks' path='/I2CE/tasks/task_description'>
         <configuration name='can_edit_database_list_facility_department'>
           <value>Edit the facility/department list</value>
         <configuration name='can_view_database_list_facility_department'>
           <value>View the facility/department list</value>
       <configurationGroup name='tasks_trickle_down' path='/I2CE/tasks/task_trickle_down/' >   
         <configuration name='can_edit_database_list_facility_department' values='many'>     
         <configuration name='can_edit_all_organization_database_lists' values='many'>     
         <configuration name='can_view_all_organization_database_lists' values='many'>     


    Template File Changes

    In your copy of the view_postion.html file, add the following: <source lang='xml'>


    </source> and: <source lang='xml'>

  • Select another Position
  • </source> where you deleted the similar lines above. In your copy of the file list_form_position.html add in the the following line: <source lang='xml'> </source> where you deleted the lines above.

    Templates for facility_department

    The Facility Departments class

    When a field maps to the facility_department form we want the display to be first the facility and then the department. In order to do this, we need to create the My_Facility_Department class as a file. To do so, first create the directory 'lib' in the 'my_position' directory. In this new directory, create a file 'My_Facility_Department.php' and add the contents: <source lang='php'>

    class My_Facility_Department extends I2CE_List {
        * The main field name used for display a description of a record.
       const MAIN_FIELD = "facility";
        * The secondary field name used for displaying a description of a record in combination with the MAIN_FIELD.
       const SEC_FIELD = "department";
        * The sort field name to be used for sorting the display list.  This can't be used with the SEC_FIELD option for display.

    </source> (In an upcoming step, we shall remove this step and allow you to specify it in magic data.)

    Edit Database List Templates

    We finally want to customize our Edit Database Lists page so that the new list, facility_department shows up. First, create the directory templates in your site directory, if it doesn't already exist, and ensure that your site configuration file has the line: <source lang='xml'>

    <path name='templates'>

    </source> Now, copy the files lists.html from the iHRIS Manage to this new directory. Edit the new copy and add the line: <source lang='xml'>

  • <a href="lists?type=facility_department&field=facility">Associate Departments To A Facility</a>
  • </source> just after the similar line for Department. Next, change the line: <source lang='xml'>

  • <a href="lists?type=position&field=facility">Positions (by Facility)</a>
  • </source> to: <source lang='xml'>

  • <a href="lists?type=position&field=facility_department">Positions (by Facility/Department)</a>
  • </source>

    Reporting and Form Relationship

    Because the form relationships have changed:

    • Old: the position form links to the facility and department forms.
    • New: the position form links to the facility_department form which in turn links to the facility and department forms.

    our form relationship used to define the staff reports need to be changed. Rather than detailing these changes in this tutorial you may look at them here