Class: I2CE PermissionParser
This article describes the class I2CE_PermissionParser.
- Extends the class: I2CE_Fuzzy.
- Location: Part of the module pages in the package I2CE
- Source: Defined in the file modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 29
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 31
- Type: protected $user
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 32
- Type: protected $template
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 33
- Type: protected $has_get_data
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 34
- Type: protected $has_get_display
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 37
- Signature: public function __construct($template,$user)
- Parameters:
- $template
- $user
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 644
- Signature: protected function evaluateBooleans($booleans)
- Parameters:
- $booleans
Returns the role trickle up from the shortname
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 242
- Signature: protected function getRoleTrickleUp($name)
- Parameters:
- string $name
the role shortname
- string $name
- Returns: array
(an empty array if there is no such tag name)
Returns the role trickle up from the shortname @param string $name the role shortname
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 97
- Signature: protected function getTaskTrickleDown($task)
- Parameters:
- $task
- Returns: array
(an empty array if there is no such tag name)
Check to see if a user has permission for a given role/task whatever @param string $permissions The permisisions string. Example: "role(admin) or task(can_view_page) or task(can_edit_page)" Exmaple: "role(admin|staff)" is the same as "role(admin,staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) role(staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) | role(staff)" which is the same as "role(admin) or role(staff)" Example: "role(admin) or task(can_view_page) and role(staff)" is the same as "(role(admin) or task(can_view_page)) and role(staff)" i.e. parenthesis are grouped left. Note: You may reference variables, which is really template data, as a function argument or in a double quoted string. When referencing varaibles, you are allowed to include types, such as ${T1}z, but you are not allowed to do so in a doulbe quoted string. Variable names may consit of alpha-numeric character, '_', and '-'. You may protect a variable by surrounding it in {}'s Example: "func1($a,"x$a", '\' "' "x{$a}y" , "x{$ay} ${T1}z )" causes the (possbily fuzzy) method hasPermission_func1() with the following arguments: array( $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node), 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node), '\' "', 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('ay',$node) , 'x' . $this->template->getDisplayData('a',$node) . 'y', 'x' . $this->template->getData('T1',z,$node,true,true)) There are special argument you can pass to the function which are <TEMPLATE>, <USER> and <NODE> which will be the template, user and calling node associated with this permission. Note: spaces provide an implicit comma to split arguments. Example functions: role, task which take a list or roles and task repsectively. Example function: form('person' method <USER>) -- finds the person form,relative to $node and calls $form->method(array($user)) Example function: form(person , 'weird method;',<USER>10) -- finds the person form,relative to $node and calls $form->$method(array($user,10)) where $method='weird method;' Example function: module('mod_name',method,arg1,...,argn) works like form but for modules
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 78
- Signature: public function hasPermission($permission,$node)
- Parameters:
- $permission
- DOMNode $node
The node to get on set data from.- Default Value: null
- Returns: mixed.
True/false, or null on failure.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 250
- Signature: protected function hasPermission_role($node,$roles)
- Parameters:
- $node
- $roles
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 158
- Signature: protected function hasPermission_task($node,$tasks)
- Parameters:
- $node
- $tasks
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 138
- Signature: protected function hasPermsssion_module($node,$args)
- Parameters:
- $node
- $args
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 108
- Signature: public function hasRole($role,$node)
- Parameters:
- $role
- $node
- Default Value: null
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 122
- Signature: public function hasTask($task,$node)
- Parameters:
- $task
- $node
- Default Value: null
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Pages/lib/I2CE_PermissionParser.php on line 324
- Signature: protected function parsePermissionsLogic($permission,$node)
- Parameters:
- &$permission
- $node
Inherited Methods
This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()
Inherited Fuzzy Methods
This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()
Fuzzy Methods
This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_Forms->hasPermission_form()