I2CE User Access

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Revision as of 13:27, 19 November 2009 by Litlfred (talk | contribs)

The is is default authentication mechanism used by the iHRIS Suite.

This user access mechansim is implemented by the I2CE_UserAccess class.


To use the default user authentication, you need to enable the module and possibly set an initialization string.

Enabling the Module

To enable, just make sure you have: <source lang='xml'>

<requirement name='UserAccess'>
  <atLeast version='4.0'/>
  <lessThan version='4.1'/>


Initialization String

The initialization string is sent to I2CE::initialize() in the index.php as the fourth argument, $user_access_init. This string is designed to be backwards compatible with the I2CE::intialize() method prior to version 4.0.3 and can take any of the following formats:

  • null: The is the default value and means that we use the default tables (below) within the current database
  • a non-JSON encoded string: For example 'iHRIS.' Then this is the name of the database that the user table resides in.
  • a JSON encoded string: The data to is a JSON enocode string of optional configuration value for the user access. The JSON encoded data has the following keys:
    • userDB: The name of the database where the user table lies
    • detailTable: An alternate table to use instead of user
    • logTable: An alternate table to use instead of user_log
    • accessTable: An alternate table to use instead if access

Database Structure

It uses the following tables in your database:

  • access. The table which associates a user's id to its role. It has the following columns:
    • user: int(11)
    • role: varchar(255)
  • user The list of all user's known to the iHRIS Suite. It has the following columsn:
    • id: int(11)
    • username: varchar(20)
    • password: varchar(50)
    • firstname: varchar(50)
    • lastname: varchar(100)
    • email: varchar(100)
    • creator: int(11) the user id that created this account

In addition, the table user_log keeps track of the user activity.