Installation Documentation
The system was created with the goal of running on a LAMP architecture - that is the Linux operating system, MySQL database, and Apache webserver with PHP coding. Our development took place on the latest release of Ubuntu Linux (8.10) however, the system should work on most Linux distributions as well as some other operating systems in which OpenMRS, Apache, PHP, and Java can run.
OpenMRS is the core of the system and must be installed first. There is a great wealth of documentation on the installation, administration, and use of OpenMRS which is freely available. However, the specific documentation on the installation of the system can be found below.
If you would like to install OpenMRS as an appliance (meaning, an instance that runs in a virtual machine such as VMWare refer to the [OpenMRS Appliance Installation]
If you would rather install the system on a clean Linux box, refer to the [Installing An OpenMRS Server On Linux] Document.