iHRIS:Update Registrations and Licenses (4.0.4)

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Revision as of 09:05, 27 July 2010 by Cbales (talk | contribs) (→‎Reinstate a Suspended License)
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Issue a Registration

When a health worker who has completed a training program applies for registration, the registration application should be recorded in the system and a registration number generated. At the time of registration, the health worker is issued a registration number, which is unique and serves as the person's main identification number. If a person is registered to practice in more than one cadre, the person should receive a unique registration number for each cadre. Registrations can only be recorded by Registration Supervisors or Data Operations Managers (not by Records Officers).

  1. In the person's record click Training Information in the side menu to jump to the "Training Information" section.
  2. Click Update Training/Registrations/Licenses beside the appropriate training program.
  1. The system displays the full details of the training program. Click Registration in the side menu to jump to the "Registration Information" section.
  2. Click Add Registration.
  1. Enter the Registration Number or check the box beside "Generate this Number" to assign the next available registration number to the record.
  2. Select the registration Application Date (today's date is entered if nothing is selected).
  3. Select the Registration Date (today's date is entered if nothing is selected).
  4. Select whether the Practice Type is Permanent or Temporary.
  5. Click Confirm and confirm that the information entered is correct. If it is not correct, click Edit to change it. If it is, click Save to save it.

The system displays the record with the registration added. The health worker is now eligible to receive a license to practice in that cadre (see Issue a License). Once the changes have been made, click Return to Main Record to return to the original page.


An error message appears when the Confirm button is clicked.

Make certain that all required fields have been completed. Required fields are outlined in red. Fill in or correct the information and try saving again. If you do not want to add a registration after all, click Return (do not save changes).

There is an error in the registration information.

Open the record, go to the "Training Information" section, click Update Registrations/Licenses and then click Correct This Information beside the registration. Correct any errors and click Confirm to save. Only the Data Operations Manager can correct registration information.

Issue a License

In most countries, once a health worker has received registration, a license can be issued to that health worker to practice in the cadre. Unlike a registration, licenses expire and must be renewed. Licenses can only be recorded by Registration Supervisors or Data Operations Managers (not by Records Officers).

  1. In the person's record click Training Information in the side menu to jump to the "Training Information" section.
  2. Click Update Training/Registrations/Licenses beside the appropriate cadre.
  1. The system displays the full details of the cadre. Click License Information in the side menu to jump to the "License Information" section.
  2. Click Add License.
  1. The Registration Number is assigned as the License Number by default. If the License Number is different, enter the License Number or check the box beside "Generate this Number" to assign the next available license number to the record.
  2. Select the Start Date for the license (today's date is entered if nothing is selected).
  3. Select the End Date, the date when the license expires.
  4. Click Confirm and confirm that the information entered is correct. If it is not correct, click Edit to change it. If it is, click Save to save it.

The system displays the record with the license added. The health worker is now eligible to renew the license (see Renew a License), receive continuing education credits (see Enter Continuing Education Credits) or apply for a private practice license (see Issue a Private Practice License). Disciplinary notices may also be issued to the health worker (see Document a Disciplinary Action). Once the changes have been made, click Return to Main Record to return to the original page.


An error message appears when the Confirm button is clicked.

Make certain that all required fields have been completed. Required fields are outlined in red. Also make certain that the license end date is not the same as or earlier than the license start date. Fill in or correct the information and try saving again. If you do not want to add a license after all, click Return (do not save changes).

There is an error in the license information.

Open the record, go to the "Training Information" section, click Update Registrations/Licenses and then click Correct This Information beside the license. Correct any errors and click Confirm to save. Only the Data Operations Manager can correct license information.

Renew a License

When a health worker's license to practice expires, the health worker should apply for a license renewal, which is then recorded in the system. License renewals can only be recorded by Registration Supervisors or Data Operations Managers (not by Records Officers).

  1. In the person's record click Training Information in the side menu to jump to the "Training Information" section.
  2. Click Update Training/Registrations/Licenses beside the appropriate cadre.
  1. The system displays the full details of the cadre. Click License Information in the side menu to jump to the "License Information" section.
  2. Click Renew License.
  1. The original license number is retained for the renewal. Select the Start Date for the renewal (today's date is entered if nothing is selected).
  2. Select the End Date, the date when the renewal expires.
  3. Click Confirm and confirm that the information entered is correct. If it is not correct, click Edit to change it. If it is, click Save to save it.

The system displays the record with the renewed license. The previous license is retained in the health worker's license history; click View License History to see all licenses that have been issued to the health worker. Once the changes have been made, click Return to Main Record to return to the original page.


An error message appears when the Confirm button is clicked.

Make certain that the license end date is not the same as or earlier than the license start date. Correct the date and try saving again. If you do not want to add a license renewal after all, click Return (do not save changes).

Enter Continuing Education Credits

After a health worker has received a license to practice, s/he may have to complete required continuing education credits to be eligible for a license renewal. Completed continuing education courses can be recorded in the health worker's record. Continuing education credits can only be recorded by Registration Supervisors or Data Operations Managers (not by Records Officers).

  1. In the person's record click Training Information in the side menu to jump to the "Training Information" section.
  2. Click Update Training/Registrations/Licenses beside the appropriate cadre.
  1. The system displays the full details of the cadre. Click Continuing Education in the side menu to jump to the "Continuing Education Information" section.
  2. Click Add Continuing Education.
  1. Select the completed Course.
  2. Enter the number of Credit Hours that were earned.
  3. Select the Start Date and End Date of the course.
  4. Click Confirm and confirm that the information entered is correct. If it is not correct, click Edit to change it. If it is, click Save to save it.

The system displays the record with the continuing education information. Multiple courses can be added by following the same steps. Once the changes have been made, click Return to Main Record to return to the original page.


An error message appears when the Confirm button is clicked.

Make certain that all required fields have been completed and that the course's end date does not fall before the start date. Required fields are outlined in red. Fill in or correct the information and try saving again. If you do not want to add a continuing education course after all, click Return (do not save changes).

The correct Course is not available for selection.

Only the Data Operations Manager can add new continuing education courses to the system (see Add a Continuing Education Course).

There is an error in the continuing education information.

Open the record, go to the "Training Information" section, click Update Registrations/Licenses and then click Correct This Information beside the continuing education course. Correct any errors and click Confirm to save. Only the Data Operations Manager can correct continuing education information.

Issue a Private Practice License

If a health worker applies to practice privately or to open his or her own clinic, a private practice license can be issued to the health worker. This license is separate and in addition to the general health professional license. Private practice licenses can only be recorded by Registration Supervisors or Data Operations Managers (not by Records Officers).

  1. In the person's record click Training Information in the side menu to jump to the "Training Information" section.
  2. Click Update Training/Registrations/Licenses beside the appropriate cadre.
  1. The system displays the full details of the cadre. Click Private Practice in the side menu to jump to the "Private Practice License Information" section.
  2. Click Add Private Practice License.
  1. The health worker's Registration Number is assigned as the Private Practice License Number by default. If the Private Practice License Number is different, enter the License Number or check the box beside "Generate this Number" to assign the next available license number to the record.
  2. Select the Start Date for the license (today's date is entered if nothing is selected).
  3. Select the End Date, the date when the license expires.
  4. Enter the clinic's Inspection Results and Inspection Date, if known.
  5. Select the Health Facility where the health worker will practice.
  6. Click Confirm and confirm that the information entered is correct. If it is not correct, click Edit to change it. If it is, click Save to save it.

The system displays the record with the private practice license added. Private practice licenses may be renewed by adding a new private practice license. All private practice licenses that have been issued are displayed in the record. Once the changes have been made, click Return to Main Record to return to the original page.


An error message appears when the Confirm button is clicked.

Make certain that all required fields have been completed. Required fields are outlined in red. The License Number and the Health Facility are both required. Also make certain that the license end date is not the same as or earlier than the license start date. Fill in or correct the information and try saving again. If you do not want to add a license after all, click Return (do not save changes).

The correct Health Facility is not available for selection.

Only the Data Operations Manager can add new health facilities to the system (see Add a Health Facility).

There is an error in the private practice license information.

Open the record, go to the "Training Information" section, click Update Registrations/Licenses and then click Correct This Information beside the private practice license. Correct any errors and click Confirm to save. Only the Data Operations Manager can correct private practice license information.

Document a Disciplinary Action

If a health worker receives a disciplinary notice, that can be recorded in the record. License suspensions can also be recorded. Disciplinary notices can only be recorded by Registration Supervisors or Data Operations Managers (not by Records Officers).

  1. In the person's record click Training Information in the side menu to jump to the "Training Information" section.
  2. Click Update Training/Registrations/Licenses beside the appropriate cadre.
  1. The system displays the full details of the cadre. Click Disciplinary Notice in the side menu to jump to the "Disciplinary Notice" section.
  2. Click Add Disciplinary Notice.
  1. Select the Disciplinary Action Reason, using the menu. (Start with the category, then choose the specific reasons for disciplinary action in displayed underneath.)
  2. Select the Date the Disciplinary Action Occurred.
  3. Enter any Notes about the disciplinary action.
  4. Under Suspend License? select whether the health worker's license has been suspended (Yes or No).
  5. Click Confirm and confirm that the information entered is correct. If it is not correct, click Edit to change it. If it is, click Save to save it.

The system displays the record with the disciplinary notice added. If the license has been suspended, no further actions can be taken on the record until the license is reinstated (see Reinstate a Suspended License). Once the changes have been made, click Return to Main Record to return to the original page.


An error message appears when the Confirm button is clicked.

Make certain that all required fields have been completed. Required fields are outlined in red. The disciplinary action category and reason are both required. Fill in or correct the information and try saving again. If you do not want to add a disciplinary action after all, click Return (do not save changes).

The correct category or reason for disciplinary action is not available for selection.

Only the Data Operations Manager can add new disciplinary action categories and reasons to the system (see Add a Disciplinary Action Category and Add a Reason for Disciplinary Action).

There is an error in the disciplinary notice information.

Open the record, go to the "Training Information" section, click Update Registrations/Licenses and then click Correct This Information beside the disciplinary notice. Correct any errors and click Confirm to save. Only the Data Operations Manager can correct disciplinary information.

Reinstate a Suspended License

Once a license has been suspended, it must be reinstated before it can be renewed or other actions can be recorded for that license. Reinstatements can only be recorded by Registration Supervisors or Data Operations Managers (not by Records Officers).

  1. In the person's record click Training Information in the side menu to jump to the "Training Information" section.
  2. Click Update Training/Registrations/Licenses beside the appropriate cadre.
  1. The system displays the full details of the cadre. Click Disciplinary Notice in the side menu to jump to the "Disciplinary Notice" section.
  2. Click Reinstate License.
  1. Enter any Notes about the reinstatement.
  2. Enter the Reinstatement Date.
  3. Click Confirm and confirm that the information entered is correct. If it is not correct, click Edit to change it. If it is, click Save to save it.

Once the changes have been made, click Return to Main Record to return to the original page.


An error message appears when the Confirm button is clicked.

Make certain that the reinstatement date is not before the suspension date. Correct the information and try saving again. If you do not want to add a reinstatement after all, click Return (do not save changes).