Other Health-related Open Source

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The Baobab Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) System is currently used in more than ten sites throughout Malawi. It allows clients to anonymously be tested for HIV, Tuberculosis, and other diseases. Registration clerks, counselors and lab technicians enter the collected information into Baobab touchscreen systems in real time. Though counseling, referrals, and general awareness are the primary goals of any VCT centre, data collection and analysis are a close second.

Until now, Baobab has used a proprietary data model for all of the data collection. With the latest release, Baobab has developed a set of SQL scripts that allows existing VCT deployments to migrate their data to the OpenMRS data model. By registering triggers in the MySQL database the system can continue to update the OpenMRS database as the VCT data is updated. This allows site facilitators to utilize open tools for analyzing the VCT data.


The Community Health Information Tracking System or CHITS is an extensible, modular, open source information system for rural health units (initially for the Philippines). It collects existing routine health data from vertical programs in the Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) and integrates them into a unified, comprehensive computerized information system.

(Note that this software is not as powerful as OpenMRS and implementers of CHITS were looking at OpenMRS as a replacement.)

  • License: GPL
  • Language: PHP
  • Architecture: web
  • Information: Home Page


The ClearHealth software is solid and well designed and is in widespread use. It focuses more on the US practice style (with solid modules for billing, insurance, and scheduling in addition to EMR functions).

Debian Med

Debian-Med is a "Custom Debian Distribution" with the aim to develop Debian into an operating system The Community Health Information Tracking System or CHITS (www.chits.info) is an extensible, modular, open source information system for rural health units (initially for the Philippines). It collects existing routine health data from vertical programs in the Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) and integrates them into a unified, comprehensive computerized information system.

(that is particularly well fit for the requirements for medical practice and research. The goal of Debian-Med is a complete system for all tasks in medical care which is built completely on free software.


HOSxP is application software for hospital. There 're 50 hospitals in Thailand using HOSxP. HOSxP has many modules which keep data of Patient Image, Symptoms, Physical Condition, Investigation, Diagnosis, Treatment including Procedure / Medication.


Mirth is a web-based tool that seems to try to take advantage of all of the HL7 standards in linking different types of systems designed for health informatics. There is an emphasis on system-level messaging.


OIO is a Web-based medical/patient, user-extensible forms, and online analysis system. We use it at Harbor-UCLA for health/treatment outcomes data. Forms can be exported+imported as XML and exchanged via the online OIO Library.


openEHR is about enabling ICT to effectively support healthcare, medical research and related areas. Today ICT is used ubiquitously elsewhere, but is far from effective in Healthcare. The main problem in health is the lack of shareable and computable information.


OpenEMR is the complete, user-friendly and affordable electronic medical record system. It is fully compliant with HIPAA and industry standards. Its time saving and efficiency enhancing features will revolutionize your practice.


OpenMRS is an application which enables design of a customized medical records system with no programming knowledge (although medical and systems analysis knowledge is required). It is a common framework upon which medical informatics efforts in developing countries can be built.


OpenVista is the open-source version of VistA, which is an enterprise grade health care information system developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and deployed at nearly 1,500 facilities worldwide.


TrialDB is a customizable Web-based clinical trials database system used for the storage and management of clinical data. It relies on a rich data library that contains information about individual data elements (parameters, typically clinical facts about patients) and their higher-order grouping. The library is used to generate case report forms (CRF) as Web pages, and records both information used to interactively validate the contents of the CRF as well as specify how individual elements in the CRF are presented to the user.


Notes on Publications and Conferences