Installing the Debian Packages

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These directions are for the stable packages. If you would like to test the experiemental packages, see the end of the page.

Ubuntu and Debian

First we need to add the repository information to our apt sources. To do this, run

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ihris.list

and add the following:

deb jaunty main 

(Debian should be able to use this configuration without a problem.)

If you prefer, you can add these with two command lines that you can cut-and-paste from here:

echo "deb jaunty main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ihris.list

Finally, add the PPA's key:

wget '' | sudo apt-key add -

Now we can run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install i2ce-ihris-manage-all

After Installation

  • Visit http://localhost/iHRIS/Manage
  • You should have the bare-bones installation running. If you want to modify the apache setup, change /etc/apache2/conf.d/ihris-mananage.conf.

Trying the iHRIS Manage Demo

If you'd like to install the complete demonstration site, you can grab the i2ce-ihris-manage-site-demo from Launchpad:

sudo apt-get install i2ce-ihris-manage-site-demo

To complete the set up, follow these steps (also in /usr/share/i2ce-ihris-manage-site-demo/README.debian):

1. This package expects MySQL to be installed locally by default. Verify that it is, or add the MySQL host to /etc/i2ce/ihris-manage-demo.apache as the value of the environment variable I2CE_DB_PROTOCOL.

For example, if your MySQL host is reachable at “mysql-host”, you would put

       SetEnv I2CE_DB_PROTOCOL mysql-host

in /etc/i2ce/ihris-manage-demo.apache.

2. Create the database for the iHRIS demonstration. By default, the demo expects to use a database named “ihris” with the user “ihris” and the password “ihris”.

To create the database, use the following commands:

mysqladmin -uroot -p create ihris
echo "GRANT ALL ON ihris.* to ihris@localhost \
      IDENTIFIED BY 'ihris'" | mysql -uroot -p

If you want to change any of these, then modify the file in /etc/i2ce/Demo/config.values.php.

3. Symlink /etc/i2ce/ihris-manage-demo.apache to /etc/apache2/conf and restart apache:

sudo ln -s /etc/i2ce/ihris-manage-demo.apache /etc/apache2/conf.d
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

4. Point your browser to the URL. By default, an alias is created at http://YOUR_SERVER/ihris/manage/Demo/. If you're installing this on your local machine, then you would probably use

5. You will be prompted to update the site. Click “OK”.

6. When this completes, you'll get another prompt to procede to the site. Click “OK” again.

7. Explore!

Experimental Packages

To install snapshots of the current development — which may or may not work — add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ihris.list:

deb . main