Decentralized iHRIS Data Policy

From IHRIS Wiki

Suppose that we are interested in setting up a decentralized implementation of iHRIS Manage in the country Taifeki. Let us assume we are going to work on a three tier implementation: national, region and district. We will show how to take advantage of [1] to maintain the various customizations needed for each of the sites.

Data Management

We first need to decided on a data management policy that is compatible with our data structure.

Decentralized Data Structure

Our decentralized data module is "vertical" in that it allows data to flow from the district to the region to the national level. It also allows that the data flow in the reverse direction. We do not allow data to flow "horizontally." In other words, we do not have a mechanism for the data on a person in district A to be given to district B.

We always that there is only one site that can write each data component. A data block consists of all the data for one form in one site. Examples of data components are:

  • all the jobs at the national level
  • all of the facilities in a specific region
  • all of the positions in a specific district

Data Management Policy

These questions need to be answered:

  • Who can see which data?
    • (Examples) Should a district be able to see the facilities in another district?
  • Who can edit which data?
    • (Examples)Who maintains the list of facilities? The jobs? The positions? Is it at the national, regional or district level?

These questions need to be answered for all the forms within iHRIS Manage and all sites (national, regional and district-level).



Create a launchpad team, called ihris-taifeki, which you and all members of your development team will join.


Create a launchpad project called ihris-manage-taifeki which is owned by the ihris-taifeki team.


Within the ihris-manage-taifeki we will create a Series for each tier of of structure. As we are working with iHRIS Manage 4.0, we will also want to indicate that in the Series name. Each series will contain all of the sites that exist on that tier. Here are series we will create:

  • national-4.0 One site, the national site which aggregates from all the regions
  • region-4.0 One site for each regions, each region will aggregate from all the districts contained within it
  • district-4.0 One site for each district


Data Policy Module

Within each of the series we will, create the modules as appropriate:

  • ihris-manage-taifeiki-national-data-policy
  • ihris-manage-taifeiki-regional-data-policy
  • ihris-manage-taifeiki-district-data-policy

which defines the form storage/data management policy for that tier and which requires ihris-manage. Then, for example, each site on regional level will require the ihris-manage-taifieki-data-policy module.