Provider Registry Track 2

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Revision as of 10:38, 23 January 2013 by Litlfred (talk | contribs)

This page contains notes for the Provider Registry and iHRIS interfacing with the data warehouse and other systems under Track 2 for Rwanda.

Under the proposed Track 2 wor kplan there were a few main areas identified for further work on the provider registry. Further specification is needed, but based on what is known to date,

Track 2 Workplan

Data Warehouse

The objective of this work package is to develop towards a data warehouse that receives and stores nationally representative data for evaluating the performance of the health services. The data warehouse will pull data from OpenMRS, iHRIS, TracNet, the HMIS (and other DHIS-2 instances), the Lab Information Systems, and other aggregate reporting and transactional systems (eg LMIS, Blood bank) by employing defined standards and interoperability interfaces. It will also store historical data (since 2008) from the old HMIS.

  • Develop interoperability profiles to pull data (or receive monthly batches) from the target systems (OpenMRS, iHRIS, TracNet, HMIS during phase 1).
  • Define interfaces and communication standards for reporting profiles
  • Create DW data interface that connects to the HIM
  • Create new HIM channel that supports new interfaces

====Status====Details to be filled in by Jembi/Rhonywn


To date only paid-public sector health care providers from the Rwamagana MCH use case have been entered into the system. The following (non-disjoint) data sets need to be added during the course of Track 2:

  • All paid-public sector care providers
  • Other districts

Much of the initial work here is determining the correct workflow and architecture for updating the PR from iHRIS. There are two main options here:

  1. All updates for the PR happen via the HIM. Currently the PWP and HPD profiles are for querying the PR, not for updating the PR, so appropriate web-services would need to be defined.
  2. All updates for the PR from iHRIS happen "outside" of the HIM. This is what was done for the initial population of the PR from iHRIS source data. It would not be an as robust solution as a web-services solution.

Note that the architecture adopted here should be the same/similar to what is adopted for the CHWs coming from RapidSMS (See below).

====Status====Need to assess relative merits and development resources needed to define iHRIS and PR linkage and evaluate this within the RHEA architecture.


RapidSMS provides source data for CHWs and all CHWs from Rwamagana district have been added to the PR under Track 1. This was done through a time-consuming process of merging the Excel spreadsheets before an import was done to the PR. It is not likely that this is a sustainable process.

A few questions we should answer are:

  • How can we import the CHWs from the other districts? (Excel spreadsheets may be too time consuming)
  • How can we update information on existing CHWs or add new CHWs?
  • Are there any processes that the RapidSMS team follows when adding/registering a new CHW with RapidSMS that would make it easy to add them to the PR?
  • Are there any use the RapidSMS team would have for information coming from the Provider Registry?
  • The PR has a web-interface allowing for adding/updating provider information.
    • Should we expose this (with appropriate security restrictions) to RapidSMS?
    • If so, what would be the implications? Does this change the intended nature of the PR, as until now, it has been essentially just a queryable database and was not exposing write functionality publically.

====Status====Reached out to in-country RapidSMS team to determine their needs and processes for updating CHWs.

PWP Profile Data Elements

Data elements from:

should be queryable using LDAP.

PWP Required attributes are: PWP

  • Cn: common name (Barbara Jensen)
  • displayName: display name (Babs Jensen)
  • sn: surname

HPDProvider Attributes

  • hpdProviderStatus
  • memberOf (professional organization...)
  • hpdCredential
  • hcIdentifier (National ID...)
  • hcProfession
  • createTimestamp
  • modifyTimestamp