Class: iHRIS Module PersonLanguage

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Revision as of 12:12, 19 October 2009 by Litlfred (talk | contribs)

This article describes the class iHRIS_Module_PersonLanguage.

@filesource Class iHRIS_Module_PersonLanguage



@ var boolean A flag to determine if migrate needs to be called during the upgrade method.

  • Type: protected $do_migrate



Method called before the module is enabled for the first time. @param boolean -- returns true on success. false on error.

  • Signature: public function action_initialize()


  • Signature: public function action_person_language($obj)
  • Parameters:
    • $obj


  • Signature: static public function getMethods()


Perform the migrate actions for this module This is for going from pre 3.2 versions where benefit data has been saved to the database.

  • Signature: protected function migrate()
  • Returns: boolean


Upgrade this module if necessary

  • Signature: public function post_update($old_vers,$new_vers)
  • Parameters:
  • Returns: boolean


Perform any pre migrate actions for this module. This is for going from pre 3.2 versions where benefit data has been saved to the database.

  • Signature: protected function pre_migrate()
  • Returns: boolean


Run the pre upgrade for this module. This can use the old config data before it has been changed from the config.