In-service Training Module for iHRIS Manage
The In-service Training Module is a solution for managing employees taking in-service training programs, whether trainings are given by the employer or by external organizations. It should track trainings that an employee has completed and assess competencies based on those trainings; thus, it is very closely linked to the Competency Model Module that will also need to be developed. This module should enable the organization to develop and implement training plans for employees, in order to ensure that the employee meets the qualifications required for his/her job and is remaning updated on new requirements.
This is not a module to administer a complete training program for employees, however; that is out of scope. It is assumed that training programs will be administered by external organizations, and the organization using iHRIS Manage is only interested in knowing which employees requested and completed trainings.
High-Level Goals
- Track training programs.
- Create employee training plans.
- Link trainings that employees have completed to assessed competencies.
- Report on completed trainings.
- Import trainings from other systems and link to competencies (would be nice).
- Link trainings to promotions and raises (would be nice; probably later).
HR Training Manager Role
A new role has been identified for this module: HR Training Manager. This person is a member of the HR department but is responsible solely for managing employees taking training programs and can complete no other use cases. However, the HR Staff or HR Manager role can also complete any of these use cases, for situations where there is no dedicated HR Training Manager.
Specific Use Case Titles (from High-Level Goals)
Use cases are currently being written and evaluated. Use cases will be posted once this process is complete.
- Add or update training funding types. -- Update the list of training funding types that are available for selection within the system.
- Add or update training program categories. -- Update the list of training program categories for selection within the system.
- Add or update a training funder. -- Add details about an organization that funds trainings to the system for reporting completed trainings based on funder.
- Add or update a training organization. -- Add details about an organization that gives trainings to the system.
- Add or update an in-service training program. -- Add a training offering to the system that can be requested for employees to complete.
- List training programs. -- Produce a list of all available trainings.
- Request a training for an employee. -- Add a request for an employee to complete a specific training program and note who made the request and whether it was approved.
- Create an employee training plan. -- Create a plan of training programs for an employee so that the employee can gain specific competencies.
- Assess training results and update competencies. -- After an employee has completed a training, assess their performance and updates their qualifications accordingly.
- View an employee's training history. -- Display a record of the all trainings the employee has requested or taken while employed by the organization and the employee's assessment in competencies as a result of the training.
- Report on employees trained. -- Generates a report on employees who have completed training programs.
Suggested Reports
These are in addition to the reports already listed in the use cases.
- Are the right people attending the right trainings at the right time?
- Who requires training?
- Who is requesting training/What type of training?
- Who took trainings? When?
- How many people were trained in X?
- How many people were trained by funder?
- Who is qualified to perform a particular training?
- Does a training a person completed qualify an employee for promotion, position, competency?
- Emergency training programs
- Training needs assessment - this needs to be thought out
There are lots of report examples in JHPIEGO's TIMS system and in the NSDP system.
Out of Scope
The following have been determined to be out of scope for this module:
- Adminster a training program -- this is most likely a separate system (iHRIS Train).
- Manage scholarships awarded to employees -- this is a separate module to be developed at a later time (on wishlist).
Affected Systems
- Pilot is in Tanzania implementation of iHRIS Manage.
- Implement in IntraHealth iHRIS Manage by June 30, 2008
- Planned for inclusion in version 3.0 release/upgrade of iHRIS Manage
- Bangladesh NSDP HRIS
- Hareg training tracking database
- Learning for Performance (IntraHealth)
- CBT (JHPIEGO's competency model)