Planned Features -- Software

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Revision as of 15:30, 5 February 2008 by Sturlington (talk | contribs) (1st draft)
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These are functional and nonfunctional software features that have been identified for iHRIS Plan. These features determine how the software works but do not address the underlying HRH Projection Model. Those features are detailed on another page.

Features are divided into 4 categories:

  • In: These are features planned for the first iteration of the software, scheduled for development and release in June 2008. These features were chosen to be "in" based on a balance between simplicity and impact, and were identified as highest priority in the HRH Workforce Projection Model Workshop.
  • Would Be Nice: These are features that will be included in the first iteration of the software if development time allows. If not, they will be slated for a subsequent iteration. These features may be more complex than those designated as 'in' but were also identified as a higher priority.
  • Later: These are features that will be addressed in a later iteration of the software. Generally, these features are more complex and therefore difficult to develop, and were designated as a lower priority.
  • Out: These are features that are determined to be out of scope and will not be included in the software.

These features are under discussion. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

IN: high-priority 1st iteration software features

  • Simple, web-based user interface
  • Wizard-like user interface to guide users through data entry
  • Start a projection, save it and return at a later time to finish entering data
  • Enter a target for projection in text
  • Select a time horizon or data range for projection
  • Support for international standards (such as ISCO job classifications)
  • Enter or customize health worker cadres
  • Model an unlimited number of cadres
  • Log the username and date of data entry
  • Capture the source of data entered
  • Model the effects of individual interventions
  • Model the combined effect of selected interventions
  • Projections are visual (graphical) and simple to understand
  • Data sources identified in the results
  • Output a simple health workforce implementation plan or template
  • Provide general help with presenting projections and understanding what they mean
  • Start year, annual estimates and target year all shown in outputs
  • Report on individual cadres
  • Training/educational manual on modeling and workforce planning
  • Guided help on each screen
  • Dataset can fit on CD or flash drive and be easily transferred
  • Export data to Excel-compatible format
  • Multiple language support (translations may not be available immediately)

WOULD BE NICE: medium-priority software features

  • Display an auto checking or warning message when questionable data are entered (such as an "Are you sure?" confirmation screen)
  • Options proivded to add more data at the appropriate steps for more complex modeling
  • Project alternative interventions side-by-side
  • Provide guidance as to what the projection numbers reveal
  • Alert users to the most critical variables for decision making
  • Report on the total workforce (all cadres aggregated)
  • Link policy options to results
  • Provide help with coming up with numbers for planning before entering them into the model
  • Option to turn on or off optional modules
  • Link results to maps

LATER: lower-priority software features

  • Feasibility checking when entering data
  • Select alternative projection models as appropriate
  • Provide guidance for choosing the appropriate model for the context


None defined.