Questions for Discussion
From IHRIS Wiki
These are questions that still need to be answered for the first-iteration development of iHRIS Plan. Feel free to add answers and discussion below.
- How far out can the model reasonably project? Should we set limits on the number of years for projection (either too short or too long)? Note: This initial model does not take into account the differences between short-term and long-term projections.
- How is the target number of positions to be filled in the starting year (requirements) reached? Is it based on establishing a standard ratio of health care workers to population, and if so, where are those standards coming from? Note: This model does not include a methodology for estimating requirements.
- How is the annual growth rate of required positions calculated? Is it based on maintaining a standard ratio of health care workers to population, and if so, where are those standards coming from? Note: This model does not include a methodology for estimating requirements.
- Is there any way to calculate automatically the new student intake for each year, based on an assumption (as opposed to entering the number of intakes for each year separately)?
- When entering number of staff employed, are we assuming that 1 staff person = a full-time equivalent?
- How are other staff intakes (beyond graduating students) calculated? Can this figure be automatically determined based on an assumption?
- Should the system also calculate costs for the number of required positions as well as for existing staff to cost out projections? This does not seem to be the case in the model.