Weekly Updates

From IHRIS Wiki
Revision as of 07:37, 1 August 2008 by Laure (talk | contribs)

Weekly Update for 05.05.2008 to 05.11.2008

Functional Requirements and Software Development

We are still in the process of developing the Wiki. Once development starts the code and documentation for the application will be available on this Wiki. The option to change the information will be available to all who request access. We will provide the link in next week’s weekly update.

The voice prompt system requirements are completed and will be posted on the Wiki next week.

The menu driven system requirements will follow.

Partner Updates

As you probably read in her email from 05.13.2008, Vanessa has worked with Qualcomm on a press plan.

Qualcomm hopes to announce our partnership at the Global Health Council at the end of May, if you agree.


Internally, we submitted paper timesheets for all work done prior to 05.2008 and IntraHealth’s contracts unit will submit them to SRA along with monthly invoices.

Weekly Update for 05.12.2008 to 05.18.2008

Functional Requirements and Software Development

The LMI Wiki on which we will post the code and the documentation for the applications has been developed and can be found at: http://wiki.ihris.org/wiki/index.php/Last_Mile_Initiative The draft for the voice prompt system requirements has been posted on the Wiki. The draft for the menu driven system requirements will be posted on the Wiki by the end of this week.

Partner Updates

Dave and Vanessa will be in Washington, DC from May 27 to 31 for Global Health Council. If Kim is in town that week, they would love to stop by and say hello. The press plan has been approved by Qualcomm and is pending with SRA.


This week, IntraHealth will submit a monthly invoice summarizing travel costs in February and March along with paper timesheets for all work done prior to 05.2008.