CapacityPlus's iHRIS Suite
From IHRIS Wiki
The iHRIS Suite was developed to offer Ministries of Health in developing countries low-cost information systems for tracking and analyzing health worker data. The iHRIS Suite consists of three tools for managing human resources information:
- iHRIS Manage, a human resources management system
- iHRIS Qualify, a training, certification and licensure tracking database
- iHRIS Plan, workforce planning and modeling software
Project Information
Implementations and Activities
- Botwana
- Rwanda
- Tanzania
- Zanzibar MoHSW The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Zanzibar
- CSSC The Christian Social Services Commission
- MVC The Most Vulnerable Children program at the Capacity Project
- PMORLG The Prime Minster's Office for Regional and Local Government
- DSW The Department of Social Welfare
- Uganda