Class: I2CE MagicDataNode (Development)
This article describes the class I2CE_MagicDataNode .
- Implements the interface RecursiveIterator
- Implements the interface SeekableIterator
- Implements the interface ArrayAccess
- Implements the interface Countable
- Child Classes:
- Location: Part of the module I2CE in the package I2CE 4.0-dev
- Source: Defined in the file lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 34
Configuration class to lookup and save configuration options.
Constant type value when this data set hasn't tried to
populate from storage yet.
Defined as: -2
Constant type value when this data set hasn't been defined. Defined as: -1
Constant type value when this data set is a parent node. Defined as: 0
Constant type value when this data set is a string value. Defined as: 1
The type of this configuration setting. Possible values are -1 = unset, 0 = parent object, 1 = scalar/value.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 60
- Type: protected integer $type
The name of this configuration setting.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 64
- Type: protected string $name
The value of this configuration setting. This is only valid when type = 1.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 69
- Type: protected string $value
All children configuration objects for this configuration group. This is only valid when type = 0
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 73
- Type: protected array $children
The parent of this configuration.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 77
- Type: protected I2CE_MagicDataNode $parent
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 78
- Type: protected $parentPath
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 79
- Type: protected $parentPathTop
The top level of this configuration.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 83
- Type: protected I2CE_MagicDataNode $top
. True if the data is volatile. Defaults to false
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 88
- Type: protected boolean $volatile
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1711
- Type: protected $attributes
Construct a new configuration value or grouping.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 190
- Signature: protected function __construct($name,$parent,$check_key)
- Parameters:
- string $name
The name of this configuration setting.- Default Value: null
- I2CE_MagicDataNode $parent
The parent of this configuration setting.- Default Value: null
- boolean $check_key
Defaults to true in which case we check that the key is valid.- Default Value: true
- string $name
Get the value for a child configuration option.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 994
- Signature: public function __get($path)
- Parameters:
- $path
- Returns: mixed.
Null if the path was invalid. I2CE_MagicDataNode or string on success
Check to see if a given key or path exists and the value is set
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1094
- Signature: public function __isset($path)
- Parameters:
- mixed $path
{@see traverse()} returns mixed. Booolean true or false if the magic data referenced by the given path is set. null on failure (invalid path)
- mixed $path
Set the value for a child configuration option.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 963
- Signature: public function __set($path,$value)
- Parameters:
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1374
- Signature: public function __toString()
Unset a given key in the children array.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1186
- Signature: final public function __unset($key)
- Parameters:
- string $key
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1351
- Signature: protected function _getAsArray($locale)
- Parameters:
- string $locale
The locale we wish to get the values for. Defaults to null meaning we are not getting tranlsated values.- Default Value: null
- string $locale
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1751
- Signature: protected function _getAttribute($key,$prefix)
- Parameters:
- $key
- $prefix
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1808
- Signature: protected function _getAttributes($keys_only,$prefix)
- Parameters:
- $keys_only
- $prefix
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1724
- Signature: protected function _hasAttribute($key,$prefix)
- Parameters:
- $key
- $prefix
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1782
- Signature: protected function _removeAttribute($prefix,$key)
- Parameters:
- $prefix
- $key
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1857
- Signature: protected function _setAttribute($key,$val,$prefix)
- Parameters:
- $key
- $val
- $prefix
Check to make sure a given key is valid. It can be any combination of _-+.0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 125
- Signature: static public function checkKey($key)
- Parameters:
- string $key
- Returns: boolean
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1581
- Signature: public function count()
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1597
- Signature: public function current()
Erases the current node and all of its subnodes from the storage mechanism.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1253
- Signature: public function erase($locale)
- Parameters:
- string $locale
The locale we wish to erase the values for. Defaults to null meaning we erase all values/locales- Default Value: null
- string $locale
- Returns: boolean
true on success
Erases all children of the current node and all of its subnodes from the storage mechanism.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1207
- Signature: public function eraseChildren($locale)
- Parameters:
- string $locale
The locale we wish to erase the values for. Defaults to null meaning we erase all values/locales- Default Value: null
- string $locale
- Returns: boolean
true on success
Return an array of all the child values for this object.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1331
- Signature: public function getAsArray($path,$locale)
- Parameters:
- Returns: array
Gets an attribute
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1746
- Signature: public function getAttribute($key)
- Parameters:
- string $key
- Returns: mixed
string if the attribute value. null if it does not exist.
Get the attributes
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1804
- Signature: public function getAttributes($keys_only)
- Parameters:
- boolean $keys_only
Defaults to false. If true returns only the attribute names that are set. If true returns associative array of attribute=>value pairs- Default Value: false
- boolean $keys_only
- Returns: array
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1699
- Signature: public function getChildren()
Return an array of all child keys for this object.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1296
- Signature: public function getKeys($path,$attrs)
- Parameters:
- mixed $path
{@see traverse()}- Default Value: null
- $attrs
- Default Value: false
- mixed $path
- Returns: array
Return the name of this configuration setting.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 180
- Signature: public function getName()
- Returns: string
Get the parent magic data node
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1084
- Signature: public function getParent()
- Returns: I2CE_MagicDataNode
Return the full path to this configuration setting.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 151
- Signature: public function getPath($show_top)
- Parameters:
- boolean $show_top
defaults to true if we are to show the parent- Default Value: true
- boolean $show_top
- Returns: string
Return the direct scalar value for this node.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 897
- Signature: public function getSaveValue()
- Returns: string
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 501
- Signature: public function getTranslation($locale,$resolve,$path)
- Parameters:
- $locale
- $resolve
- Default Value: true
- $path
- Default Value: null
Get the translations for the current node
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 392
- Signature: public function getTranslations($locales_only,$include_default_locale)
- Parameters:
- boolean $locales_only
Defaults to false. If true returns only the loclaes for which a translation exists If true returns associative array of locale=>translation pairs- Default Value: false
- boolean $include_default_locale
Defaults to true in which case we include the nodes values under the default locale- Default Value: true
- boolean $locales_only
- Returns: array
Return the type of this node.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 708
- Signature: public function getType()
- Returns: int
or false on failure
Return the value of this configuration object if the type == 1 and the current object if type is anything else.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 330
- Signature: public function getValue()
- Returns: mixed
Checks to see if an attribute is present
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1719
- Signature: public function hasAttribute($key)
- Parameters:
- string $key
- Returns: mixed
boolean. true if key exists, false if it does not, null if an invalid key
whether the current key has children or not. this is _not_ whether this has a children or not
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1689
- Signature: public function hasChildren()
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 91
- Signature: private function isScalar()
Check to see if the value at the specified path is indeterminate @param strign $key. A key or path in the magic data. If null (default) then we are checking on the node itself
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 847
- Signature: public function is_indeterminate($path)
- Parameters:
- $path
- Default Value: null
- $path
- Returns: boolean.
True if it is a scalar value
Check to see if the value at the specified path is set and is a parent node. @param strign $key. A key or path in the magic data. If null (default) then we are checking on the node itself
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 872
- Signature: public function is_parent($path)
- Parameters:
- $path
- Default Value: null
- $path
- Returns: boolean.
True if it is a scalar value
Check to see if the value at the specified path is populated @param strign $key. A key or path in the magic data. If null (default) then we are checking on the node itself
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 802
- Signature: protected function is_populated($path)
- Parameters:
- $path
- Default Value: null
- $path
- Returns: boolean.
True if it is a scalar value
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 821
- Signature: public function is_root($path)
- Parameters:
- $path
- Default Value: null
- $path
Check to see if the value at the specified path is set and is a scalar. @param strign $key. A key or path in the magic data. If null (default) then we are checking on the node itself
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 723
- Signature: public function is_scalar($path)
- Parameters:
- $path
- Default Value: null
- $path
- Returns: boolean.
True if it is a scalar value
Checked to see if the node referenced is translatable
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 359
- Signature: public function is_translatable($path)
- Parameters:
- string $path
Defaults to null, meaning the current node.- Default Value: null
- string $path
- Returns: boolean.
Checked to see if the node referenced is translated ito the given locale
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 412
- Signature: public function is_translated($locale,$path)
- Parameters:
- Returns: boolean.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1611
- Signature: public function key()
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1965
- Signature: public function krsort($sort_flags,$recurse)
- Parameters:
- $sort_flags
- Default Value: SORT_REGULAR
- $recurse
- Default Value: false
- $sort_flags
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1935
- Signature: public function ksort($sort_flags,$recurse)
- Parameters:
- $sort_flags
- Default Value: SORT_REGULAR
- $recurse
- Default Value: false
- $sort_flags
Make a new attribute this object with the given key. The $nosave flag should only be set when populating a parent node from storage.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1903
- Signature: protected function newAttribute($key,$save,$prefix)
- Parameters:
- scalar $key
the key - boolean $save
Set to true to not save the parent and attribute - $prefix
- scalar $key
- Returns: mixed.
false on failure, the attribute created on succes
Make a new child for this object with the given key. The $nosave flag should only be set when populating a parent node from storage.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 917
- Signature: protected function newChild($key,$save)
- Parameters:
- scalar $key
If a boolean and true, we add to the end of the array. Otherwise we use the given key as a key. - boolean $save
Set to true to not save the parent after creating this child.- Default Value: TRUE
- scalar $key
- Returns: I2CE_MagicDataNode
The child that was created or null on failure
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1620
- Signature: public function next()
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1486
- Signature: public function offsetExists($key)
- Parameters:
- $key
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1509
- Signature: public function offsetGet($key)
- Parameters:
- $key
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1535
- Signature: public function offsetSet($key,$val)
- Parameters:
- $key
- $val
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1557
- Signature: public function offsetUnset($key)
- Parameters:
- $key
Return the path divider for this MagicDataNode object
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 144
- Signature: protected function pathDivider()
- Returns: string
Check to see if a given key key or path exists
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1120
- Signature: public function pathExists($path)
- Parameters:
- mixed $path
{@see traverse()} returns mixed. Booolean true or false if the magic data referenced by the given path is set. null on failure (invalid path)
- mixed $path
Pop a value off the end of a parent/indeterminate node. @param mixed. Scalar value if the node is scalar, an array if it is a parent, otherwise null.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1447
- Signature: public function pop()
Populate any stored data based on the storage objects set in the top node.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 252
- Signature: protected function populate()
- Returns: true
on success.
Push a value onto the end of a parent/indeterminate node.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1426
- Signature: public function push($val)
- Parameters:
- mixed $val
- Returns: int
the number of children the current node has. null on failure
Raise an error and redirect the user for any critical errors. The default redirect will go to the home page for the site. @param string/mixed $message The error message.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 2038
- Signature: static public function raiseError($message,$type,$redirect)
- Parameters:
- $message
- integer $type
The error type.- Default Value: E_USER_NOTICE
- string $redirect
The page to redirect to for critical errors. @global array- Default Value: ""
Removes an attribute
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1777
- Signature: public function removeAttribute($key)
- Parameters:
- string $key
- Returns: true
if the attribute was removed. false if the attribute did not exist
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1238
- Signature: public function removeTranslation($locale)
- Parameters:
- $locale
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1633
- Signature: public function rewind()
Call all the storage methods associated with this configuration.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1386
- Signature: protected function save($recurse)
- Parameters:
- boolean $recurse
Defaults to false. If true, and we were able to succesfully save this node, we recrusively save all the populated children of this node as well.- Default Value: false
- boolean $recurse
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1842
- Signature: public function setAttribute($key,$val)
- Parameters:
- $key
- $val
If the data referenced by that path is set, we set the value of $data to that data
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1148
- Signature: public function setIfIsSet($data,$path,$as_array)
- Parameters:
- mixed &$data
where you wish to store the magic data if it is set - mixed $path
{@see traverse()}. Defaults to null which means we get at this node - boolean $as_array
defaults to false. If true, will set $data to be the result of calling getAsArray() on the magic data referenced by $path. If false then we only set $data if the magic data node refrenced by $path is a leaf node/value- Default Value: false
- mixed &$data
- Returns: boolean.
true if the value was set
Sets the translatable attribute for the referenced node @param boolean $transtable. Defaults to true
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 443
- Signature: public function setTranslatable($path,$translatable)
- Parameters:
- string $path
Defaults to null, meaning the current node- Default Value: null
- $translatable
- Default Value: true
- string $path
- Returns: true
on success, false on failure
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 469
- Signature: public function setTranslation($locale,$translation,$path)
- Parameters:
- $locale
- $translation
- $path
- Default Value: null
Set the type for this object. The nosave flag should be set to true if the calling function is going to save so that it doesn't get saved twice.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 695
- Signature: protected function setType($type)
- Parameters:
- integer $type
- Returns: boolean
true on success
Set the scalar value for this object.
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 558
- Signature: public function setValue($value,$locale,$set_default_locale)
- Parameters:
- Returns: true
on sucess
Set the magic data node at the specified path to be a parent node if is indeterminate @param strign $key. A key or path in the magic data. If null (default) then we are checking on the node itself
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 775
- Signature: public function set_parent($path)
- Parameters:
- $path
- Default Value: null
- $path
- Returns: boolean.
True on success
Set the magic data node at the specified path to be scalar if is indeterminate @param strign $key. A key or path in the magic data. If null (default) then we are checking on the node itself
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 747
- Signature: public function set_scalar($path)
- Parameters:
- $path
- Default Value: null
- $path
- Returns: boolean.
True on success
Traverse magic data by a given path
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1012
- Signature: public function traverse($path,$create,$return_value)
- Parameters:
- array $path
A string which is a path e.g. '/some/magic/data/path' or an array of path components e.g. array('some','magic','data','path). There are three special path components, , '.' and '..' The first two mean don't go anywhere, while the third means go to the parent node. - boolean $create
Defaults to false. If true, it will create the magic data path as it goes. If false, it will return null if the path is not already set.- Default Value: false
- boolean $return_value
Defaults to true. If true returns the value of of a leaf node rather than the node itself- Default Value: true
- array $path
- Returns: mixed.
String, if the path is valid and refers to a leaf node. I2CE_MagicDataNode if the path is valid but not a leaf node, or null on ffailure (invalid path/path not set)
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1995
- Signature: public function uksort($cmp_function,$recurse)
- Parameters:
- $cmp_function
- $recurse
- Default Value: false
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 220
- Signature: public function unpopulate($deep)
- Parameters:
- $deep
- Default Value: true
- $deep
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 1643
- Signature: public function valid()
Check/set whether this magic data is volatile or not
- Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_MagicDataNode.php on line 105
- Signature: public function volatile($volatile)
- Parameters:
- boolean $volatile
If set, we set the volatility of this node (does not apply to subnodes). If not set we return the volatility state of this node. Defaults to not set (null). Recursively sets all sub-nodes to volatile.- Default Value: null
- boolean $volatile
- Returns: mixed