Installing the Debian Packages

From IHRIS Wiki

On this page I've listed two ways of installing the iHRIS Debian packages. The first is easiest if you have Debian/Ubuntu system already running and just want to install the packages. The second is a fairly straight-forward way of building the binary packages from scratch. This is useful if you want to change something with the packaging.

Finally, I describe the reasons for the decisions made in creating the packaging. If you want to modify the packaging, read over this section.

Before Installation

If you don't have the mysql-server package installed, you'll want to install it. Alternatively, you can use mysql on another host (though this is not yet tested). This package uses the dbconfig-common package to take care of database setup.

After Installation

  • Visit http://localhost/iHRIS/Manage
  • You should have the bare-bones installation running. If you want to modify the apache setup, change /etc/apache2/conf.d/ihris-mananage.conf.

Super Simple

deb ./
  • Run “aptitude install ihris-manage”.