Installing Ghana Sites
This page contains installation instructions on installing iHRIS Customized sites for Ghana.
Instructions cover both installing the Central (National) site and the Regional site.
Before you start following up these instructions, please make sure your computer is installed with Ubuntu and all the required software for installing 'iHRIS Suite'
Depending on the version of iHRIS Suite you want to install, you can select it from here
Warning: See Installing iHRIS on Ubuntu 10.4 (Lucid) after completing these instructions to get iHRIS working on the latest release of Ubuntu.
Getting Ready
Assuming that you are installing version 4.0.19, you should follow the procedures on the page up to downloading the software.
Downloading the Software
To download the software you enter these commands: <source lang="bash"> sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.0.19 cd /var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.0.19 sudo wget sudo tar -xjf ihris-suite-4.0.19.tar.bz2 </source>
Downloading the Ghana Sites Customizations
<source lang="bash"> sudo apt-get install bzr sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana sudo chown `whoami`:`whoami` /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana cd /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana bzr branch lp:~ihris+ghana/ihris-manage-ghana/combined-sites 4.0 cd /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0 bzr bind lp:~ihris+ghana/ihris-manage-ghana/combined-sites </source>
National (Central) Site setup
Database Setup
To create the needed database you can do: <source lang="bash"> mysql -u root -p </source> Enter the password you set above (XXXXX) for MySQL. You will now be able to send commands to MySQL and the prompt should always begin with 'mysql> '. Type these commands: <source lang="mysql"> CREATE DATABASE ghana_ihris_manage_national; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ghana_ihris_manage_national.* TO ihris_ghana@localhost identified by 'PASS'; SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1; exit </source> Substitute PASS with something appropriate. We'll refer to this password as YYYYY.
If you are having trouble creating routines see this. For security, make sure the password you choose is different than the root password for MySQL. Let us refer to this password as YYYYY.
Setting the Password
Now we need to set the password PASS in the main configuration file. Run the commands: <source lang="bash"> mkdir -p /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0/sites/national/pages/local/ cp /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0/sites/national/pages/config.values.php /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0/sites/national/pages/local/config.values.php gedit /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0/sites/national/pages/local/config.values.php </source> and change: <source lang="php"> /**
* the dsn to connect to your databse */
//$i2ce_site_dsn = 'mysql://john:pass@localhost/database' ; </source> to: <source lang="php"> /**
* the dsn to connect to your databse */
$i2ce_site_dsn = 'mysql://ihris_ghana:PASS@localhost/ghana_ihris_manage_national' ; </source> Save and Quit. Here PASS is what you chose above.
Making the Site Available
We make iHRIS Manage site available via the webserver: <source lang="bash"> sudo ln -s /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0/sites/national/pages /var/www/ghananational </source>
Finishing Up
Now we are ready to begin the site installation. Simply browse to:
and wait for the site to initalize itself. Congratulations! You may log in as the i2ce_admin with the password you used to connect to the database (YYYY that you set above).
Regional Site setup
Database Setup
To create the needed database you can do: <source lang="bash"> mysql -u root -p </source> Enter the password you set above (XXXXX) for MySQL. You will now be able to send commands to MySQL and the prompt should always begin with 'mysql> '. Type these commands: <source lang="mysql"> CREATE DATABASE ghana_ihris_manage_regional; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ghana_ihris_manage_regional.* TO ihris_ghana@localhost identified by 'PASS'; SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1; exit </source> Substitute PASS with something appropriate. We'll refer to this password as YYYYY.
If you are having trouble creating routines see this. For security, make sure the password you choose is different than the root password for MySQL. Let us refer to this password as YYYYY.
Setting the Password
Now we need to set the password PASS in the main configuration file. Run the commands: <source lang="bash"> mkdir -p /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0/sites/regional/pages/local/ cp /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0/sites/regional/pages/config.values.php /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0/sites/regional/pages/local/config.values.php gedit /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0/sites/regional/pages/local/config.values.php </source> and change: <source lang="php"> /**
* the dsn to connect to your databse */
//$i2ce_site_dsn = 'mysql://john:pass@localhost/database' ; </source> to: <source lang="php"> /**
* the dsn to connect to your databse */
$i2ce_site_dsn = 'mysql://ihris_ghana:PASS@localhost/ghana_ihris_manage_regional' ; </source> Save and Quit. Here PASS is what you chose above.
Making the Site Available
We make iHRIS Manage site available via the webserver: <source lang="bash"> sudo ln -s /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0/sites/regional/pages /var/www/ghanaregional </source>
Finishing Up
Now we are ready to begin the site installation. Simply browse to:
and wait for the site to initalize itself. Congratulations! You may log in as the i2ce_admin with the password you used to connect to the database (YYYY that you set above).
Updating Customizations
To update the customizations from launchpad, do:
cd /var/lib/iHRIS/ghana/4.0 bzr update