Add Provider Details
/ws/rest/v2/adddProvider |
GET Parameters |
The following webservice should accept the following parameters:
- ${firstname} The first name of the provider. Required.
- ${surname} The surname of the provider. Required.
- ${nationality} The nationality of the provider coded according to ISO-3166-1 alpha-3. Required.
- ${nid} The national id. Required.
- ${passport} The passport number. Optional.
- ${mutuelle} The mutuelle number. Optional.
- ${csr} The CSR number. Optional.
- ${respformat} Describes response format. Optional. Default is 'http', can also be 'json.'
GET Response |
HTTP 200 - OK
- If ${repsformat} is 'http' the HTTP response body will contain the epid as plain text.
- If ${respformat} is 'json' it will contain a JSON object with the single field 'epid.' Example:
"epid": 211312
} |
GET Error |
- HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
- HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.
GET Example |
/ws/rest/v2/adddProvider/?provder=m®_body=2 |
Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-5