Rwanda iHRIS FR Interaction HIM
From IHRIS Wiki
Transaction Diagram: Simple
<graphviz border='frame' format='png'>
digraph "iHRIS + Facility Registry for Rwanda" { ihris [label="iHRIS\nCare Services Finder" shape=box] fr [label="Facility Registry\nCare Services Directory" shape=box]
ihris->fr [label="getModificationsRequest"]
} </graphviz>
Transaction Diagram: With OpenHIM
<graphviz border='frame' format='png'>
digraph "iHRIS + Facility Registry for Rwanda" { ihris [label="iHRIS\nCare Services Finder" shape=box] fr [label="Facility Registry\nCare Services Directory" shape=box] him [label="OpenHIM\nAccess Control" shape=box]
ihris->him [label="getModificationsRequest"] him->fr [label="pass-thru getModificationsRequest"]
Transaction Diagram: With InfoMan
<graphviz border='frame' format='png'>
digraph "iHRIS + Facility Registry for Rwanda" { ihris [label="iHRIS\nCare Services Finder" shape=box] fr [label="Facility Registry\nCare Services Directory" shape=box] him [label="OpenHIM\nAccess Control" shape=box] infoman [label="InfoManager\n" shape=box]
ihris->him [label="Facility Search"] him->infoman [label="pass-thru Facility Search"] infoman->fr [label="pass-thru getModificationsRequest"]
} </graphviz>