Class: I2CE ModuleFactory (4.0.3)

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This article describes the class I2CE_ModuleFactory .

Module Factory @todo Better Documentation



The singleton instance of this class.


an array indexed by shortname of classes subclassing I2CE_Module


An array of path categories together with information if the priorities should be offeset from the postive or negative from 0. 1 indicates positive, -1 indicates negative. The more negative the quicker they get searched. If a category is not present, it defaults to -1.


protected @var loadedPaths -- an array of the paths that have been loaded



Create a new instance of a report factory.


Method to actually call the hooks


Calls the specified module hooks with the specifed arguements

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 726
  • Signature: static public function callHooks($hook,$arg)
  • Parameters:
    • string $hook
      the name of a hook
    • mixed $arg
      The argument to pass to the methods. Defaults to null, meaning there is no argument.
      • Default Value: null
  • Returns: an
    array containing all the return values of each of the hooked methods.


Finds newly available configuration files and stores them in the magic data.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 803
  • Signature: public function checkForNewModules($modules)
  • Parameters:
    • mixed $modules
      a string or array of strings: the shortnames of modules we wish to look for sub-modules. If null (default), we check all enabled modules.
      • Default Value: null
  • Returns: array
    of string the shortname of any modules we found (old and new)


Checks to see if the locales for a given module are up to date

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 999
  • Signature: public function checkLocalesUptoDate($shortname,$file)
  • Parameters:
    • string $shortname
      The module
    • string $file
      defaults to null which means use the currently loaded file location for the config file
      • Default Value: null
  • Returns: booolean.
    True if all is up to date.


Disable a module by its shortname. Not intended for casul use. WARNING -- does not remove any modules that this module depends on!!! @param string $shortname


Enable a module by its shortname. Takes care of loading paths etc. WARNING -- does not check to see if there are conflicts with enabled modules @param string $shortname


Check to see if this module exists


Gets a list of the available modules


Gets the I2CE_Module object, if any, associated to this module.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 283
  • Signature: public function getClass($shortname)
  • Parameters:
    • $shortname
  • Returns: mixed.
    string or null on failure.


Gets the class name of the I2CE_Module object, if any, associated to this module.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 265
  • Signature: public function getClassName($shortname)
  • Parameters:
    • $shortname
  • Returns: mixed.
    string or null on failure.


Gets a list of the enabled modules


Get the (callable) hooked methods associated to a hook.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 758
  • Signature: public function getHooks($hook,$only_enabled)
  • Parameters:
    • string $hook
    • boolean $only_enabled
      Defaults to true. return only the hooked mehtods for enabled modules
      • Default Value: true
  • Returns: array
    indexed by integer of arrays with keys 'module' and 'method. The arrays are indexed by decreasing priority


Get the data for the fuzzy method


Gets the fuzzy methods associated to the class

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 647
  • Signature: public function getMethods($className,$check_parent_class)
  • Parameters:
    • string $className @param $check_parentclass. Defaults to true. Check the parent classes for fuzzy methods
    • $check_parent_class
      • Default Value: true
  • Returns: array
    indexed by class names of arrays of fuzzy method names


Checks the registered config files {@see addConfigFile() } to make sure that they have been initialized. If the modified time is more recent than the last access time, then it will re-initialize the files. It also checks all loaded config files for enabled modules/components to make sure that they are up-to-date in a simmiar way. @param mixed $module. A string or an arry of string of the modules to check. Othwerwise we check all enabled modules.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 828
  • Signature: public function getOutOfDateConfigFiles($shortnames,$no_messages)
  • Parameters:
    • $shortnames
      • Default Value: null
    • $no_messages
      • Default Value: true
  • Returns: array
    with keys 'updates' and 'removals' and values arrays of string, the shortname of the relevant modules.



Return the instance of this factory and create it if it doesn't exist.


Checks to see if a module is available


Checks to see if a module is enabled


Checks to see if a module is intialized. Returns true either 1) there is a class associated to the module and the aciton_initialize() method has been called succesfuuly 2) there is no class associated with the module but the config data has been processed


Checks to see if a module is up to date according to the given config file


Checks to see if a module is up to date according to its module file


Loads the class path by the indicated shortnames

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 115
  • Signature: public function loadPaths($shortnames,$category,$force,$fileSearch,$data)
  • Parameters:
    • mixed $shortnames
      either a string, a shortname of a module, an array of shortnames, or null to indicate all enabled modules
      • Default Value: NULL
    • mixed $category
      A string or an array of strings of the categories to load. Defaults to null which means to load all paths.
      • Default Value: NULL
    • boolean $force
      Defaults to false. Load the class path even if the module is not enabled. @param I2CE_FileSearch A file search to use to store the module paths. If null(default) uses I2CE::getFileSearch() @param $data Defaults to null meaninging use the config data stored in I2CE::getConfig(). If non-null uses the given value for the config data. NOTE: This needs to be cleaned up!
      • Default Value: FALSE
    • $fileSearch
      • Default Value: NULL
    • $data
      • Default Value: NULL


  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 221
  • Signature: public function removeClassPaths($shortnames)
  • Parameters:
    • $shortnames
      • Default Value: null


Remove hooks associated to (a) module(s)

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 489
  • Signature: public function removeHooks($shortnames)
  • Parameters:
    • mixed $shortnames
      either a string, a shortname of a module, an array of shortnames, or null to indicate all enabled modules



Sets the hashes for the class file for the given module(s)

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 456
  • Signature: public function setModuleClassHash($modules,$strict)
  • Parameters:
    • mixed $modules
      String or array if string
    • boolean $strict
      If true (default) then all modules are expected to have a class file
      • Default Value: true



Loads/updates the hooks associated with an enabled module

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_ModuleFactory.php on line 308
  • Signature: public function updateHooks($shortnames,$force,$checkAccessTime)
  • Parameters:
    • mixed $shortnames
      either a string, a shortname of a module, an array of shortnames, or null to indicate all enabled modules
      • Default Value: null
    • boolean $force
      If true (defaults to false) then we update the hooks even if the module is not enabled
      • Default Value: false
    • boolean $checkAccessTime
      defaults to true which means that we only update the hooks if the last recorded access time (in magic data) for the module's config file is less than its last modified time.
      • Default Value: true