Linux (Ubuntu) Installation - 3.1

From IHRIS Wiki
Revision as of 12:11, 18 August 2008 by Litlfred (talk | contribs)

Getting Ready

Here are instructions for installing the iHRIS Suite on an Linux (Ubuntu) system. If you need help installing Ubuntu you may want to take a look at these directions for installing a Server or a Desktop system.

We begin by install a Lamp server (You can find more help here):

sudo tasksel install lamp-server

If you have never used mysql on your system, you will be asked to set the 'root' password for mysql. We will refer to this password as XXXXX below.

Installing Pear and PECL Packages

We need to install a few Pear and PECL packages for PHP. For the Pear packages you can do:

sudo apt-get install php-pear 
sudo pear  install MDB2 MDB2#mysql text_password console_getopt

Now we need to install the PECL APC Package (more info):

sudo apt-get install apache2-prefork-dev php5-dev make 
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/apxs2 /usr/bin/apxs
sudo pecl install apc


sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini 

and add the following line to the end:

then save and quit. There are two optional packages you may wish to install:

sudo apt-get install php5-gd php5-tidy

which are used to for inserting images into PDF output of reports and for exporting XML files in a nicely formatted manner

Database Setup

Next, you will need to create a user and a database for each component you wish to install of the iHRIS Suite. You should now create a user and a database for each component of the iHRIS Suite. We will do it below for iHRIS-Manage using phpmyadmin. If you want to install iHRIS Qualify (or iHRIS Plan) just replace everywhere you see manage with qualify (or plan). Intstall phpmyadmin (make sure you choose to reconfigure apache2 automatically):

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

Now browse to:


login with the user 'root' and password XXXX that you set above. Once logged in you will create a database and user called ihris_manage. To do this, click on the 'Privileges' link and select 'Add a new User'. Then fill out the form as follows:

caption Create iHRIS_Manage Database and User

. For security, make sure the password

you choose is different than the root password for mysql. Let us refer to this password as YYYYY.

Downloading the Software

To download the software you enter these commands:

cd /var/lib
sudo mkdir iHRIS
cd /var/lib/iHRIS
sudo mkdir 3.1
sudo ln -s 3.1 current
cd /var/lib/iHRIS/3.1
sudo wget
sudo tar -xjf *

Creating a Site Configuration File

We are going to start by modifying the BLANK site for iHRIS Manage. If you wish to install iHRIS Qualify or iHRIS Plan, you can follow the same instructions below but change manage to qualify or plan. To copy the BLANK site:

cd /var/lib/iHRIS/
sudo mkdir sites
sudo cp -R /var/lib/iHRIS/current/ihris-manage/sites/blank /var/lib/iHRIS/sites/manage
sudo mv /var/lib/iHRIS/sites/manage/iHRIS-Manage-BLANK.xml  /var/lib/iHRIS/sites/manage/iHRIS-Manage-Site.xml

We now need to edit the site configuration file:

sudo gedit /var/lib/iHRIS/sites/manage/iHRIS-Manage-Site.xml

by changing:

    <path name='modules'>
      <!-- If this site module is not installed under the iHRIS Manage
           file structure, then remember to include a path to the rest of
           the modules here. 
           e.g. <value>..</value>


   <path name='modules'>

You may choose to change the email address feedback is sent to by changing:

      <configuration name='email' path='to' values='single'>
      <displayName>Email Address</displayName>


      <configuration name='email' path='to' values='single'>
      <displayName>Email Address</displayName>

You may also choose to change BLANK everywhere with your organization's name. For best results, please choose one word, possilby with a dash, such as Sample, MOH, or MOH-Taifeki. To make this change, hit the replace icon, fill in blank under Search for and MOH-Taifeki under Replace With, then hit replace all.

Making the Site Available

We will now edit the configuration to let the site know about the database user and options:

sudo gedit /var/lib/iHRIS/sites/manage/pages/config.values.php

We now need to uncomment and set the value of a few variables. They are:

Variable Name Value
$i2ce_site_i2ce_path /var/lib/iHRIS/current/I2CE
$i2ce_site_database ihris_manage
$i2ce_site_database_user ihris_manage
$i2ce_site_database_password YYYYY (the password you set above)
$i2ce_site_module_config /var/lib/iHRIS/sites/manage/iHRIS-Manage-Site.xml

Save and quit.

Finally, we make iHRIS Manage site we just created available via the webserver:

sudo ln -s /var/lib/iHRIS/sites/manage/pages /var/www/manage
sudo cp /var/www/manage/htaccess.TEMPLATE /var/www/manage/.htaccess
sudo gedit /var/www/manage/.htaccess

We need to look for the line RewriteBase and change it to the web directory we want to use we are using, /manage. You may now save and quit. You will see we are using the apache rewrite module. To enable the module:

sudo a2enmod rewrite

Now we need to make sure we can use the .htaccess file.

sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default


        <Directory /var/www/>
		Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
		AllowOverride None
		Order allow,deny
		allow from all


        <Directory /var/www/>
		Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
		AllowOverride All
		Order allow,deny
		allow from all

Save and quit.

Finishing up

Let us restart the Apache webserver using:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart 

Now we are ready to begin the site installation. Simply browse to:


and wait for the site to initalize itself. Congratulations! You may log in as the administrator with the default password administator.
