Import and Export Data

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Revision as of 09:24, 15 October 2008 by Sturlington (talk | contribs) (First draft)
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The Problem

In most countries, there is a need to manage human resources data at the lowest level of employment: the hospital, clinic or local government. But data must be aggregated to the national level for reporting and decision making.

In many areas, Internet infrastructure is not sufficient to support updating a central system from decentralized locations. We developed Offline iHRIS as a solution where Internet is unreliable or unavailable.

When instances of iHRIS are installed in several different locations, whether Offline iHRIS or a server-based version, there is a need for exchanging data between systems. Data must be pushed up from the local system to the central system for reporting. Standard data lists must be pushed down from the central level to the local level to update dropdown menus. There is also the issue of people moving to other facilities or districts and how their data can follow them or how duplicates in the system can be prevented.

Finally, security and privacy are concerns. There may be reluctance for districts or facilities to share data with one another.