Building Windows iHRIS

From IHRIS Wiki
Revision as of 14:40, 16 December 2008 by Litlfred (talk | contribs)


This page describes how to build a customized windows installer. The installer is built on a windows machine using the Cygwin linux like environment for windows.

It is highly recommended that you build the installer in the default installation directory which is

C:\Program Files\ihris-suite

so you should un-install the ihris-suite if you have installed on the computer that wish to build the installer on and remove this directory.

Installing Cygwin

In order to build a windows installer, you must have a cygwin installed on your computer. To do this, download and run setup.exe. You can find detailed instructions here. You will need to install the following packages:

  • wget
  • make
  • tar
  • unzip

You may wish to follow this tutorial for installing cygwin, except you should install the following package instead of the one listed in their Step 9.

Getting the installer files

Open a cygwin shell. You can do this by clicking on the cygwin icon on your desktop, or by going to Start->Programs->Cygwin->Cygwin Bash Shell. A window will appear with a prompt $. At the prompt enter the following commands

cd /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files
bzr checkout lp:offline-ihris/3.1 ihris-suite
cd ihris-suite

Assuming all goes well, you should have a windows installer under:

C:\Program Files\ihris-suite\Output\iHRIS-3.1.4.exe

Customizing The Installer