Class: I2CE User (4.0.4)

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This article describes the class I2CE_User .




the username


@var public string $role the role associated to the user . An array of user details


flags the user as logged in


@var protected string $localeThe preferred locale for the user


. False or int, the id for this user.



Create a new instance of a user. If the username isn't given then it will be determined from the session array.

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/User/lib/I2CE_User.php on line 268
  • Signature: public function __construct($username,$populate,$checkSession,$log)
  • Parameters:
    • integer $username
      The id of the user in the database. or '0' (the detauls) to get it from the session
      • Default Value: '0'
    • boolean $populate
      A flag to determine if the user should be automatically populated at creation. Defaults to true
      • Default Value: true
    • boolean $checkSession
      A flag to determine if we should check the $_SESSION for user information Defaults to true
      • Default Value: true
    • boolean $log
      Defaults to true which means we log the activity
      • Default Value: false


Magic method to get user details


Magic method to set user details


Magic method to unset user details


Change the password for this user. This will update a user's record to change the password in the database. It checks to make sure the new password matches the confirmation.



Gets the userss by the indicated details as well as the role. @oaram boolean $role Defaults to false

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/User/lib/I2CE_User.php on line 506
  • Signature: static public function findUsersByInfo($role,$details,$include_internal)
  • Parameters:
    • $role
      • Default Value: false
    • array $details
      of string. The details we wish on the user. Defaults to empty array
      • Default Value: array()
    • boolean $include_internal
      Defaults to true in which case we include the internal administator user if it matches the given details/role
      • Default Value: true
  • Returns: mixed.
    I2CE_User on success, false on failure.


Generate a password


Returns the display name of the given detail


Gets the user id from the username


Gets the prefered locales for the user


Get's the role associated with a user.


check if the specified detail can be set @params string $detail


Checks to see if the indicated detail is required $param string $detail returns boolean


Checks to see if this user has been logged in


Login the user and populate their details then an error message will be set on the template.


Log the user out of the system. @global array


Populate the member variables of this object. This will also update the user log to show the latest activity for this login.

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/User/lib/I2CE_User.php on line 365
  • Signature: public function populate($details,$role,$id)
  • Parameters:
    • mixed $details
      If null, we try to get the details and rolefrom the access mechanism if an array, it is the array of details with key the name of details. Defaults to null. @param mixed role. Default to null otherwise it should be a string, the role.
      • Default Value: null
    • $role
      • Default Value: null
    • mixed $id
      Defaults to false otherwise it should be an int the id.
      • Default Value: false
  • Returns: true
    on success


Saves the user to the database. This method saves all the user data and updates the access the user has for this system.

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/User/lib/I2CE_User.php on line 522
  • Signature: public function save($password)
  • Parameters:
    • mixed $password
      If it is a string, it is the password to set for the user. detaulst to false in which case we do not set the password
      • Default Value: false


Set the password for the user

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/User/lib/I2CE_User.php on line 117
  • Signature: public function setPassword($password)
  • Parameters:
  • Returns: mixed.
    true on success. on failure it is false or a the message to display back to the user signifying why it failed.


Sets the prefered locales for the user

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/User/lib/I2CE_User.php on line 204
  • Signature: public function setPreferredLocale($locale,$save)
  • Parameters:
  • Returns: string
    $locales. false on failure string or array of strings, the locales on success


Get's the role associated with a user. @param string $ole


See if a user is in the system


Checks to see if the specified user has the given password


Get the username

Inherited Methods


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()

Inherited Fuzzy Methods


This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()