iHRIS:System Functions in iHRIS Manage (4.0.4)

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Workflow Map

The diagram below illustrates the flow of actions through the iHRIS Manage system from the time of initial installation and configuration to ongoing maintenance of employee records. The role that performs each action is listed in italics underneath the action. Actions should be performed in the general order indicated, although updates and changes can be made at any time. For specific instructions on performing each action, see Using iHRIS Manage.

The following system functions are supported by Version 3.1 of iHRIS Manage.

System administration functions

Install and configure system: The System Administrator installs the system files and accesses the configuration screen to set global system options, install and turn on modules, and set options for modules.

Set up user accounts: The System Administrator creates password-protected user accounts for all authorized users of the system and assigns each user a role. If the user information changes, the System Administrator updates the user account. If the user no longer has access to the system, the System Administrator disables the user account.

Database management functions

Set up standard data lists: The HR Manager determines which specific data items to track and report on in the system, and updates lists to include those items. These lists determine the selection items in dropdown menus used when creating employee records and define the data standards used by the organization. These lists include offices, facilities and departments used in the organization; items used to define employee characteristics and competencies, such as marital status; geographical locations; and training courses offered to employees.

Position management functions

Set up job structure: The HR Manager creates a job structure to match the organizational structure by defining the cadres, job classifications, salary grades, salary sources, position types and jobs used within the organization.

Create positions: HR Staff or the HR Manager creates positions that exist in the organization. Each position is linked to a job, and there may be several positions for each generic job. A position is filled by one employee and represents one spot on the organizational chart. Positions marked as "open" are available to be filled by an existing employee or job applicant.

Create position list: HR Staff, the HR Manager or any Executive Manager generates a list of all positions, which can be filtered to show only open positions and how long they have been open.

Applicant management functions

Note: This module may be disabled if not needed. It is enabled by default.

Add applicant: When a person applies for an open position at the organization, HR Staff add the applicant as a record in the system with the applicant's name, nationality, geographical area of residence and supporting information, including required identifications, contact information, employment history and educational history. HR Staff can complete a standard job application form for the applicant, as well. Note that current employees may also apply for open positions.

Review applications: HR Staff, the HR Manager and Executive Managers review the applications for an open position and record notes about each applicant, including interview notes and notes about the decision whether to hire the applicant.

Make job offer: Once an applicant has been hired to fill an open position, HR Staff convert the applicant to an employee and assign the position to the person.

Employment management functions

Add employee: At any time, HR Staff can add a person to the system as an employee. This includes recording the employee's name, nationality and geographical area of residence, as well as the position the employee fills in the organization, salary, identification numbers, demographic information, contact information, skills and qualifications, and special payments. In addition, the employee's educational and employment history may be recorded as for a job application, and the employee may be listed as an applicant for any open position in the organization.

Manage established employees: HR Staff record any updates or changes to an employee's information when they occur, including changes in position or salary, termination of employment and a log of notes about the employee. HR Staff, the HR Manager or Executive Managers may review history of name changes, position changes, salary changes and notes at any time

In-service Training Management Functions

Note: This module may be disabled if not needed. It is disabled by default.

Manage a training program: The Training Manager or HR Manager enters information about available training courses into the system for selection when scheduling employees for training. Training programs include funders of training courses, institutions hosting courses, names and schedules of available courses, competencies earned by taking the course and continuing education credits. Requests for training and evaluations of employees after completing training can also be tracked.

Schedule an employee for training: The Training Manager or HR Staff can schedule an employee to take a training course after the training is requested by the employee, the supervisor, HR or some other requestor. Once the employee has completed the course, the Training Manager or HR Staff can evaluate the employee. The evaluation is retained in the employee's evaluation history.

Assess employee competencies: If an employee gains new competencies by completing a training course, the Training Manager or HR Staff can asses those competencies after the employee has completed the course. Assessed competencies are then added to the employee's qualifications.


All users can search the system for employee and applicant records. They may then review a person's record on the screen or print a copy.