Class: I2CE FormRelationship (Development)
This article describes the class I2CE_FormRelationship .
- Extends the class: I2CE_Fuzzy.
- Location: Part of the module formRelationships in the package I2CE 4.0-dev
- Source: Defined in the file modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 29
- Author: Carl Leitner <>
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 33
- Type: protected $primaryForm
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 34
- Type: protected $primaryFormName
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 35
- Type: protected $parentFormNames
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 36
- Type: protected $formConfigs
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 37
- Type: protected $relationship
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 38
- Type: protected $relConfig
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 39
- Type: protected $form_reference
array $operands of string. The SQL operands recognzied
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 461
- Type: static protected static $operands
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 46
- Signature: public function __construct($relationship,$relationship_base,$form_reference)
- Parameters:
internal function to get the fields which are in the limits for one where clause in a relationship @param array $limited_fields array of boolean indexed by the names of the fields
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 486
- Signature: protected function _getLimitingFields($whereConfig,$limiting_fields)
- Parameters:
- I2CE_MagicDataNode $whereConfig
- &$limiting_fields
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 324
- Signature: protected function addParentIdToWhereClause($where,$parent_id)
- Parameters:
- &$where
- $parent_id
Determine if we should consider a relationship to not be satisifed if there is no form for the given named form
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 188
- Signature: public function dropEmpty($formName)
- Parameters:
- string $formName
- Returns: boolean
Evaluate a given relationship function on the given form data @param string $funciton
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 401
- Signature: public function evaluateFunction($function,$formData,$displayValue)
- Parameters:
- Returns: string
Generate the where clause for the join of a given named form
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 518
- Signature: public function generateWhereClause($formName)
- Parameters:
- string $formName
- Returns: mixed.
false on failure or a SQL string on success
Returns the form for a given named form in the relationship
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 69
- Signature: public function getForm($formname)
- Parameters:
- string $formname
- Returns: mixed.
A string, the form, on success. false on failure
Get the magic data node(s) for the name form in the relationship @param string $form.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 120
- Signature: public function getFormConfig($formname)
- Parameters:
- $formname
- Default Value: null
- $formname
- Returns: mixed.
false on failture. If $forname is null, we return an array of I2CE_MagicDataNodes index by the form names. If $formma,e is a string then we return the config for the named form.
Find all form ids matching the given join
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 282
- Signature: public function getFormIdsJoiningOn($formName,$parentFormObj,$only_first_match)
- Parameters:
- Returns: array
of string, the form ids
Get the forms ids for joining on the named parent forms if with the parent of the named child form @param string $childForm the name of the child form in the relationship
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 662
- Signature: public function getFormIdsJoiningOn_child($formName,$parentFormObj,$joinData,$where,$limit)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
An array of form ids
Get the forms ids for joining on the named parent form's id with the named child form on a given field @param string $childForm the name of the child form in the relationship
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 708
- Signature: public function getFormIdsJoiningOn_child_field($formName,$parentFormObj,$joinData,$where,$limit)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
An array of form ids
Get the forms ids for joining on a given field of a named child form's with the named parent form on a given field @param string $childForm the name of the child form in the relationship
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 842
- Signature: public function getFormIdsJoiningOn_fields($formName,$parentFormObj,$joinData,$where,$limit)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
An array of form ids
Get the forms ids for joining on ids of the named parent/child forms @param string $childForm the name of the child form in the relationship
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 577
- Signature: public function getFormIdsJoiningOn_ids($formName,$parentFormObj,$joinData,$where,$limit)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
An array of form ids
Get the forms ids for joining as the named child form's id with the parent of the named parent form @param string $childForm the name of the child form in the relationship
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 618
- Signature: public function getFormIdsJoiningOn_parent($formName,$parentFormObj,$joinData,$where,$limit)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
An array of form ids
Get the forms ids for joining as a named child form's id with the named parent form on a given field @param string $childForm the name of the child form in the relationship
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 774
- Signature: public function getFormIdsJoiningOn_parent_field($formName,$parentFormObj,$joinData,$where,$limit)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
An array of form ids
Get the names of the forms in the relationship
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 179
- Signature: public function getFormNames()
- Returns: array
of string.
Internal method to walk the relationship and get all the form configs and parent form names and store them in arrays
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 102
- Signature: protected function getForms($config,$formConfigs,$parentForms,$parent_form_name)
- Parameters:
- I2CE_MagicDataNode $config
The node we are walking - array $formConfigs
The array we are storing magic data nodes. Indexed by named forms - array $parentForms
The array of string which maps the named parent form of a named form - string $parent_form_name
The name of the parent form for the given $config
- I2CE_MagicDataNode $config
Get the forms that satisfy a relationship for the given primary form id
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 199
- Signature: public function getFormsSatisfyingRelationship($form_id)
- Parameters:
- mixed $form_id
Either a string, the form id or an array of string (priamry_form, id) for the primary form of the relationship
- mixed $form_id
- Returns: array
of mixed. The array may be empty if the $form_id does not satisfy the relationship. It is indexed by the named form and the form objects are already populated. If there was no matching form for a given named form, then the value of the array elemet will be false
Get the details of a relationship function
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 368
- Signature: public function getFunctionDetails($function)
- Parameters:
- string $function
- Returns: mixed.
false on failure. On success an array with the keys 'qry' the query string, 'type' the return SQL type of the function, 'required_fields' the form fields reuquired in the relationship, and 'field' which is an instance of I2CE_FormField for the function
Get the SQL join statemetn for the given form @param string the named form in the relationship
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 893
- Signature: public function getJoin($formName)
- Parameters:
- $formName
- Returns: mixed.
String, the SQL join statements on succes, false on failure
Gets the names of the fields which are in a limit for a where clause of a given form
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 468
- Signature: public function getLimitingFields($formName)
- Parameters:
- string $formName
The anmed form in the relationship
- string $formName
- Returns: array
of string, the fields that are present in the limit
Get the name(s) of parent forms
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 138
- Signature: public function getParentFormNames($formname)
- Parameters:
- string $formname
- Default Value: null
- string $formname
- Returns: mixed.
If $formname is null we return an array index by relationship form names of all the parent forms. If $formname is a string, it is the parentform name, if it exists of false otherwise.
Get the primary form
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 154
- Signature: public function getPrimaryForm()
- Returns: string
Gets the name of the primary from (e.g. the name of the relationship)
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 162
- Signature: public function getPrimaryFormName()
- Returns: string
Get the SQL name of a form via the registered callback functin
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 348
- Signature: public function getReferencedForm($form)
- Parameters:
- string $form
- Returns: mixed.
False on failure. A string on success
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 546
- Signature: public function getReferenedForm($form)
- Parameters:
- $form
Gets the forms required by the relationship
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 84
- Signature: public function getRequiredForms()
- Returns: array
of string
Check to see if the given form name is the primary form name. Note the primary form name is the same as the relationship name
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 170
- Signature: public function isPrimaryFormName($formname)
- Parameters:
- string $formname
- Returns: boolean
Generate SQL join statement for joining on the named parent forms if with the parent of the named child form
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 647
- Signature: public function joinOn_child($childForm,$joinData)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
On success, a string which is the SQL join statement. On failure, false
Generate SQL join statement for joining on the named parent form's id with the named child form on a given field
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 686
- Signature: public function joinOn_child_field($childForm,$joinData)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
On success, a string which is the SQL join statement. On failure, false
Generate SQL join statement for joining on a given field of a named child form's with the named parent form on a given field
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 815
- Signature: public function joinOn_fields($childForm,$joinData)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
On success, a string which is the SQL join statement. On failure, false
Generate SQL join statement for joining on ids of the named parent/child forms
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 562
- Signature: public function joinOn_ids($childForm,$joinData)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
On success, a string which is the SQL join statement. On failure, false
Generate SQL join statement for joining as the named child form's id with the parent of the named parent form
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 603
- Signature: public function joinOn_parent($childForm,$joinData)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
On success, a string which is the SQL join statement. On failure, false
Generate SQL join statement for joining as a named child form's id with the named parent form on a given field
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormRelationship/lib/I2CE_FormRelationship.php on line 752
- Signature: public function joinOn_parent_field($childForm,$joinData)
- Parameters:
- Returns: mixed.
On success, a string which is the SQL join statement. On failure, false
Inherited Methods
This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()
Inherited Fuzzy Methods
This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()