Class: I2CE FieldContainer Factory (Development)

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Revision as of 07:55, 3 August 2010 by Litlfred (talk | contribs) (Created page with '{{otherversions|Class: I2CE_FieldContainer_Factory}} This article describes the ''abstract'' class ''I2CE_FieldContainer_Factory'' . *Extends the class: [[Class: I2CE_Fuzzy (Deve…')
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This article describes the abstract class I2CE_FieldContainer_Factory .

This factory is used to create instances of I2CE_Form objects from the form name.



The single instance of this class.


Array of meta attributes indexed by named container


Array of meta attributes indexed by named container


@var protected array $conatinerCache. An doubly indexed array of of {I2CE_FieldContainer}s with the first index being the name of the container and the second being the id





Worker method to create an instance of am I2CE_FieldContainer from the factory.


Worker method et data needed to create all the fields in this field container


Worker method et data needed to create all the fields in this field container


Cleanup any field containers


Return an instance of a I2CE_FieldContainer from the factory.

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/Fields/lib/I2CE_FieldContainer_Factory.php on line 234
  • Signature: public function createContainer($nameId,$no_cache)
  • Parameters:
    • mixed $nameId
      The a string which is either the name of the field container, the name and id in the form of "$name|$id" or an array with two elements, the first is a name and the second is an id
    • boolean $no_cache
      Defaults to false. If true then we don't check the cache when the id is non-zero
      • Default Value: false
  • Returns: I2CE_FieldContianer
    or null on failure


Checks to see if the given field container name has been registered.


Return type of container this factory makes


Get data needed to create all the fields in this field container


Get the fields for the named container @param mixed $restict. Defaults to the empty array. If non-empty is data to restrict the field names returns.


Return the meta value for a given meta attribute of the named field container


get the available names for this field container


Return true if a given meta attribute exists for the named field container.


Return the instance of this factory and create it if it doesn't exist.


Get data needed to create all the fields in this field container


Remvoe a given I2CE_FieldContainer from the cache


Set a meta attribtue for the named field container.

Inherited Methods


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()

Inherited Fuzzy Methods


This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()