Class: I2CE Configurator (4.0.6)

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This article describes the class I2CE_Configurator .



Hack to store the paths to each config


An associative array linking directory to top-level module


A list of the paths checked


Holds a list of found modules @var private array $found_module


Errors encountered


list of files for each module


Where we are saving all configuration data


the current template we are working with ;


$var protected array $merges. Keys are magic data paths, values are merge type


The locales for which we check for config files.


. The hash of the last config file processed. It is a string, the hash, if the last config file loaded successully. false if the last config file did not load succesully. null if there was never a config file processed.





  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 124
  • Signature: public function __construct($storage,$set_last_access)
  • Parameters:
    • I2CE_MagicData $storage
      if none is passed in, then a simple MagicData and config storage object using MagicDataStorageMem will be set up.
      • Default Value: null
    • boolean $set_last_access
      • Default Value: true



  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 928
  • Signature: protected function checkForConflicts($requirements,$enabled_modules)
  • Parameters:
    • $requirements
    • $enabled_modules


Checks the requirements. if all requirements are met and there are no conflicts, it returns a list of those that need to be installed, an empty array() if none are needed. On failure returns null. @param array $shortnames an array of shortnames @param array $remove an array of potential shortnames to remove -- if we did not find them somplace else. (it may have just been moved) defaults to an empty array.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 706
  • Signature: public function checkRequirements($updates,$disables,$removals,$enabled_modules,$required_modules,$reset_moved)
  • Parameters:
    • $updates
    • mixed $disables
      a shortname or an array of shortnames of modules to disable. Defaults to empty array
      • Default Value: array()
    • $removals
      • Default Value: array()
    • array $enabled_modules
      An array of shortnames of enabled modules -- we check for conflicts against this array
      • Default Value: array()
    • mixed $required_modules
      A shortname or an array of shortnames of required modules -- if a module is set to be updated and it is not required by on of the modules in this array, it will be set as an optional modules. Defaults to the empty array
      • Default Value: array()
    • $reset_moved
      • Default Value: true
  • Returns: array.
    Keys are: 'failure' - string with the reason for failture 'requirements' - array which has as keys shortnames and values files for the requirements. 'removals' - array of shortnames that need to be removed. 'optional' - array with key shortnames and value true 'moved' - array with key shortnames and value true


Get a list of External dependencies for the module


Searches the system for available configuration files (if not done already) and stores them in the given I2CE_MagicData @param I2CE_FileSearch A file search to use for modules. If null(default) uses I2CE::getFileSearch()

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 585
  • Signature: public function findAvailableConfigs($file_search,$deep,$limit_to_subdir,$verbose_errors)
  • Parameters:
    • $file_search
      • Default Value: null
    • boolean $deep
      Defaults to false. If false, only checks the module paths of the currently enabled modules. If true, checks the module paths of all modules which are either enabled or disabled.
      • Default Value: false
    • string $limit_to_subdir
      If $file_search is given and this is set, we only add in the directories which are subdirectorues of $limit_to_subdir (check is by string comparision)
      • Default Value:
    • $verbose_errors
      • Default Value: false
  • Returns: array
    of string the list of shortnames found


Return a list of potential configuration files. "Potential config files" are those whose extension matches the regular expression. @param array @returns



Scan a directory for available modules.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 1686
  • Signature: public function getAvailableModules($search_dirs,$limit_search,$rescan,$verbose)
  • Parameters:
    • array $search_dirs
      List of Directories to search
    • boolean $limit_search
      Don't scan by depth (true)
      • Default Value: true
    • boolean $rescan
      Whether to force a rescan (false)
      • Default Value: false
    • boolean $verbose
      Verbose errors (false)
      • Default Value: false
  • Returns: array
    List of modules found


For a given module, find a list of conflicting modules.


Gets information about the dependecies for a module

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 1197
  • Signature: public function getDependencyList($module)
  • Parameters:
  • Returns: array
    indexed by 'requirements', 'conflicts' 'enable', 'path', and 'badness' where 'badness' is an array of strings of error messages and the other are arrays of shortnames


Gets the list of modules depending on the specified module.


Returns a brief one-line description of the module.


Get enabled sub-modules


Get the hash of the contents of the last processConfifFile.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 190
  • Signature: public function getHash()
  • Returns: mixed.
    String, the hash, if the last config file loaded successfully. false if the last config file did not load succesully. null if there was never a config file processed.



Returns a longer description of the module.



Get the magic data paths whose status we are tracking. $retrurns array. Keys are magic data paths, values are the merge type


Return the directory of the module


Get a list of files for a given module

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 1662
  • Signature: public function getModuleFileList($module)
  • Parameters:
  • Returns: array
    List of files in the module. Paths are relative to the directory where the module's configuration file is.


Get a list of each files under each path.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 1591
  • Signature: public function getModuleFileMap($module)
  • Parameters:
  • Returns: array
    List of file maps in the module. Paths are relative to the directory where the module's configuration file is. @todo Contains a hack for the special case where CLASSES directory is ./


Return the path to the module configuration file




Returns a longer description of the module.


Get a list of requirements for the module


Get the root of where this I2CE instance started.


Get the magic data node storage for the configurator


Find the top-level module in a directory. (e.g. I2CE, ihris-common, ihris-manage)


Return the version for a given module


  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 352
  • Signature: public function importLocalizedTemplates($localized)
  • Parameters:
    • $localized
      • Default Value: array()


Determine if this object is a I2CE_MagicDataNode that can be used as a requirement. @param mixed $string


Load a config file with various extensions.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 169
  • Signature: protected function loadConfigFile($file,$verbose_errors)
  • Parameters:
    • string $file
      Path to the config file
    • boolean $verbose_errors
      • Default Value: true
  • Returns: booolean
    true on success


Checks to see if a module conflicts with by another module

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 1482
  • Signature: public function moduleConflicts($module,$version,$conflicts,$deep)
  • Parameters:
    • string $module
      Module to check
    • string $version
      Version of the module
    • mixed $conflicts
      Module name or an array of module names
    • boolean $deep
      Whether to recursively check the requirements (true)
      • Default Value: true
  • Returns: boolean


Checks to see if a module is required by another module

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 1421
  • Signature: public function moduleRequires($module,$version,$requirements,$deep,$cat)
  • Parameters:
    • string $module
    • string $version
    • mixed $requirements
      a module name or an array of module names
    • boolean $deep
      Defaults to true meaning we should check requirements of requiremnets of requirements of ...
      • Default Value: true
    • $cat
      • Default Value: 'requirement'
  • Returns: boolean


  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 441
  • Signature: public function processConfig($process_configuration,$verbose_errors,$process_meta,$localized)
  • Parameters:
    • $process_configuration
      • Default Value: false
    • $verbose_errors
      • Default Value: true
    • $process_meta
      • Default Value: true
    • $localized
      • Default Value: array()


Loads in a config file and validates it against its referenced DTD. Sets the access time and the shortname (provided in the metadata) for the file. If there is already a config file with the same shortname, it will remove that fro the list of the config files. Save all the configuration metadata under $storage->$shortname where $shortname is the shortname provided for by the config file.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 223
  • Signature: public function processConfigFile($file,$process_configuration,$verbose_errors,$process_meta,$localized)
  • Parameters:
    • string $file
      The full path to the config file. If this is less than the time the file was last accessed, it does not load the file/set the access time.
    • mixed $process_configuration
      Boolean -- true if you want to save the configuration data into (defaults to false). If true process all config data. If it is a string, then we assume that it is a version number, in which case we process all configuration data that is versioned after the specified version
      • Default Value: false
    • boolean $verbose_errors
      defaults to true.
      • Default Value: true
    • $process_meta
      • Default Value: true
    • array $localized
      Data on localized versions of the file already loaded.
      • Default Value: array()
  • Returns: string
    the shortname provided for by this config file or null on failure.


@param boolean $options. Defaults to false. Set to true if the new requests are optional i.e. don't cause a fatal error/add to the DOM if there a conflict

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 1014
  • Signature: public function processRequirementsDOM($new_requests,$requests,$optional)
  • Parameters:
    • mixed $new_requests
      a shortname or an array of shortnames of module we wish to be loaded.
    • DOMDocument $requests
      The existing requests. Each node should have an order attribute. Optionally hey may have the attribute 'checked' meaning that we consider this node to be checked.
    • $optional
      • Default Value: false
  • Returns: an
    array of the new modules that were installed on sucess. A string on failure describing the failure reason.


  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 605
  • Signature: private function recursiveScan($shortnames,$limit_to_subdir,$verbose)
  • Parameters:
    • &$shortnames
    • $limit_to_subdir
    • $verbose


Get a list of requirement objects for the module



Reset the tracked data.


Set the locales used when handingling the processing of config data.


Set the module's path, usually used for testing.


Set the root of where this I2CE instance started.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 1214
  • Signature: public function setRoot($dir)
  • Parameters:
    • string $dir
      Directory (defaults to getcwd()) where this instance of Configurator was created.
      • Default Value: null
  • Returns: the
    fully resolved path to $dir


Set the top level module for a directory.


  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 537
  • Signature: private function setupFileSearch($mod,$path)
  • Parameters:
    • $mod
      • Default Value: null
    • $path
      • Default Value: "MODULES"


  • Defined in i2ce/lib/I2CE_Configurator.php on line 623
  • Signature: private function shallowScan($potential_configs,$verbose)
  • Parameters:
    • $potential_configs
    • $verbose
      • Default Value: false

Inherited Methods


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()

Inherited Fuzzy Methods


This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()

Fuzzy Methods


This method is implemented by I2CE_Module_YAML->loadConfigFile_YAML()