Class: I2CE Error (4.0.6)

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The class I2CE_Error contains 2 definitions:


This article describes the class I2CE_Error .

This class mainly handles throwing errors from withing I2CE



An array of the notice/warning messages received for this session array $stored_messages







Count of the number of erros and warings received when the site is not initialized @param static protected boolean $site_warnings



Optional error handler callback.






integer $trace_depth. Defaults to 1. The number of previous methods to report when an error message is developed. Set to a negative number to report all, or 0 to report none.



Parse the debug backtrace to get the method that raised the error.


  • Defined in i2ce/lib/classDefs/I2CE_Error_5_2.php on line 640
  • Signature: public function handleError($err_no,$err_string,$err_file,$err_line,$err_context)
  • Parameters:
    • $err_no
    • $err_string
    • $err_file
      • Default Value: false
    • $err_line
      • Default Value: false
    • $err_context
      • Default Value: false


See if there were any warning messages set before the site was initialized


Pop an error handler off of the stack.


Push an error handler onto the stack. @param $callback


Raise an error and redirect the user for any critical errors. The default redirect will go to the home page for the site. @param string/mixed $message The error message.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/classDefs/I2CE_Error_5_2.php on line 671
  • Signature: static public function raiseError($message,$type,$redirect)
  • Parameters:
    • $message
      • Default Value: null
    • integer $type
      The error type.
      • Default Value: E_USER_NOTICE
    • string $redirect
      The page to redirect to for critical errors. @global array
      • Default Value: ""


Raise an error message, but don't display any extra trace messages to keep the log file short when the trace isn't necessary. @param string/mixed $message The error message.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/classDefs/I2CE_Error_5_2.php on line 632
  • Signature: static public function raiseMessage($message,$type,$redirect)
  • Parameters:
    • $message
      • Default Value: null
    • integer $type
      The error type.
      • Default Value: E_USER_NOTICE
    • string $redirect
      The page to redirect to for critical errors.
      • Default Value: ""



Set the trace depth used in reporting error messages

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/classDefs/I2CE_Error_5_2.php on line 833
  • Signature: static public function setTraceDepth($depth)
  • Parameters:
    • integer $depth Set to a negative number to report all, 0 to report none.
  • Returns: integer.
    The previous value of trace depth.


This article describes the class I2CE_Error .

This class mainly handles throwing errors from withing I2CE



An array of the notice/warning messages received for this session array $stored_messages







Count of the number of erros and warings received when the site is not initialized @param static protected boolean $site_warnings



Optional error handler callback.






integer $trace_depth. Defaults to 1. The number of previous methods to report when an error message is developed. Set to a negative number to report all, or 0 to report none.



Parse the debug backtrace to get the method that raised the error.


  • Defined in i2ce/lib/classDefs/I2CE_Error_5_3.php on line 640
  • Signature: public function handleError($err_no,$err_string,$err_file,$err_line,$err_context)
  • Parameters:
    • $err_no
    • $err_string
    • $err_file
      • Default Value: false
    • $err_line
      • Default Value: false
    • $err_context
      • Default Value: false


See if there were any warning messages set before the site was initialized


Pop an error handler off of the stack.


Push an error handler onto the stack. @param $callback


Raise an error and redirect the user for any critical errors. The default redirect will go to the home page for the site. @param string/mixed $message The error message.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/classDefs/I2CE_Error_5_3.php on line 671
  • Signature: static public function raiseError($message,$type,$redirect)
  • Parameters:
    • $message
      • Default Value: null
    • integer $type
      The error type.
      • Default Value: E_USER_NOTICE
    • string $redirect
      The page to redirect to for critical errors. @global array
      • Default Value: ""


Raise an error message, but don't display any extra trace messages to keep the log file short when the trace isn't necessary. @param string/mixed $message The error message.

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/classDefs/I2CE_Error_5_3.php on line 633
  • Signature: static public function raiseMessage($message,$type,$redirect)
  • Parameters:
    • $message
      • Default Value: null
    • integer $type
      The error type.
      • Default Value: E_USER_NOTICE
    • string $redirect
      The page to redirect to for critical errors.
      • Default Value: ""



Set the trace depth used in reporting error messages

  • Defined in i2ce/lib/classDefs/I2CE_Error_5_3.php on line 834
  • Signature: static public function setTraceDepth($depth)
  • Parameters:
    • integer $depth Set to a negative number to report all, 0 to report none.
  • Returns: integer.
    The previous value of trace depth.