IHRIS Qualify Form Fields - 4.0.7

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These are the forms and fields in iHRIS Qualify version 4.0.7

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Here is a description of the Field types.


The form academic_level is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form archived_report is implemented by the class: I2CE_ArchivedReport It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • date:
    • Header: Generation Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • name:
  • report:
  • report_view:
    • Header: Report View
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Unique in {date}


The form cadre is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Cadre It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • isco:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique
  • qualification:
    • Header: Minimum Qualification Required
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: qualification


The form certificate is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Certificate It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • academic_level:
    • Header: Academic Level
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: academic_level
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique in {academic_level}


The form continuing_education is implemented by the class: iHRIS_ContinuingEducation It has the following fields:

  • continuing_education_course:
  • credit_hours:
    • Header: Credit Hours
    • Type: INT
    • Restrictions: Required
  • end_date:
    • Header: End Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • start_date:
    • Header: Start Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required


The form continuing_education_course is implemented by the class: iHRIS_ContinuingEducationCourse It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • credit_hours:
    • Header: Credit Hours
    • Type: INT
    • Restrictions: Required
  • name:


The form country is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Country It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • alpha_two:
    • Header: 2 Character Alpha Code
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique
  • code:
    • Header: ISO Numeric Code
    • Type: INT
  • location:
    • Header: Use for Location Selection
    • Type: YESNO
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique
  • primary:
    • Header: Primary Country
    • Type: YESNO


The form county is implemented by the class: iHRIS_County It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • district:
    • Header: District
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: district
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique in {district}


The form currency is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Currency It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • code:
    • Header: Currency Code
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique
  • country:
  • name:
  • symbol:


The form degree is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Degree It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • edu_type:
    • Header: Education Type
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: edu_type
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique in {edu_type}


The form demographic is implemented by the class: iHRIS_QualifyDemographic It has the following fields:

  • birth_date:
  • gender:
    • Header: Gender
    • Type: MAP
    • Maps To Forms: gender
  • marital_status:
  • birth_location:


The form deployment is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Deployment It has the following fields:

  • deployment_date:
    • Header: Deployment Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • health_facility:
  • job_code:
  • job_title:


The form disciplinary_action is implemented by the class: iHRIS_DisciplinaryAction It has the following fields:

  • action_date:
    • Header: Date Disciplinary Action Occurred
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • disciplinary_action_reason:
  • notes:
  • reinstate_date:
    • Header: Reinstatement Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
  • suspend:
    • Header: Suspend License?
    • Type: YESNO


The form disciplinary_action_category is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form disciplinary_action_reason is implemented by the class: iHRIS_DisciplinaryActionReason It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • disciplinary_action_category:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form district is implemented by the class: iHRIS_District It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • code:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique in {region:country}
  • region:
    • Header: Region
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: region


The form edu_type is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form education is implemented by the class: iHRIS_SecondaryEducation It has the following fields:

  • certificate:
    • Header: Certificate
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: certificate
  • certificate_number:
  • grade:
  • sec_school:
    • Header: Secondary School Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required


The form exam is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Exam It has the following fields:

  • application_date:
    • Header: Application Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • endorser_date:
  • endorser_name:
  • endorser_qualifications:
  • exam_date:
  • exam_number:
  • materials_approved:
    • Header: Materials Approved?
    • Type: YESNO
  • materials_received:
    • Header: Materials Received?
    • Type: YESNO
  • results:
  • try:


The form exam_result is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form exam_try is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form facility is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Facility

This form is used to descibe basic information about a facility

It has the child forms:

It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • location:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique
  • facility_type:
    • Header: Facility Type
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: facility_type


The form facility_agent is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form facility_contact is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Contact It has the following fields:


The form facility_institution is implemented by the class: iHRIS_FacilityInstitution It has the following fields:

  • active:
    • Header: Active?
    • Type: BOOL
    • Restrictions: Required
  • health_facility:
    • Header: Health Facility
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique in {training_institution}
    • Maps To Forms: health_facility
  • training_institution:
    • Header: Training Institution
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique in {health_facility}
    • Maps To Forms: training_institution


The form facility_institution_edit_fac is implemented by the class: iHRIS_FacilityInstitutionEditFacility It has the following fields:


The form facility_institution_edit_inst is implemented by the class: iHRIS_FacilityInstitutionEditInstitution It has the following fields:


The form facility_status is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form facility_type is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form gender is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form generated_doc is implemented by the class: I2CE_GeneratedDoc It has the following fields:

  • date:
    • Header: Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • description:
  • document:
  • primary_form:


The form health_facility is implemented by the class: iHRIS_HealthFacility It has the child forms:

It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • location:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique
  • facility_type:
    • Header: Facility Type
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: facility_type
  • facility_agent:
    • Header: Facility Agent
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: facility_agent
  • facility_status:
  • id_code:


The form id_type is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form institution_inspection is implemented by the class: iHRIS_InstitutionInspection It has the following fields:

  • date:
    • Header: Inspection Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • notes:
  • pass:
    • Header: Passed?
    • Type: YESNO


The form license is implemented by the class: iHRIS_License It has the following fields:

  • end_date:
    • Header: End Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • license_number:
    • Header: License Number
    • Type: INT_GENERATE
    • Restrictions: Required
  • start_date:
    • Header: Start Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • suspend:
    • Header: Suspended?
    • Type: YESNO


The form marital_status is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form notes is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Notes It has the following fields:

  • date_added:
    • Header: Date Added
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • note:


The form out_migration is implemented by the class: iHRIS_OutMigration It has the following fields:

  • country:
    • Header: Country
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: country
  • new_address:
  • organization:
    • Header: Organization Requesting Verification
    • Type: STRING_LINE
  • out_migration_reason:
  • request_date:


The form out_migration_reason is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form person is implemented by the class: iHRIS_QualifyPerson

This form holds basic information about a person such as their names and residence

It has the child forms:

It has the following fields:

  • firstname:
    • Header: First Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required
  • nationality:
    • Header: Nationality
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: country
  • othername:
  • residence:
  • surname:
    • Header: Surname
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required
  • home:


The form person_archive_scan is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Photo It has the following fields:

  • date:
    • Header: Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • description:
  • image:
    • Header: Image
    • Type: IMAGE


The form person_contact_emergency is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Contact It has the following fields:


The form person_contact_other is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Contact It has the following fields:


The form person_contact_personal is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Contact It has the following fields:


The form person_contact_work is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Contact It has the following fields:


The form person_id is implemented by the class: iHRIS_PersonID

This form holds basic information about an identification for a person

It has the following fields:

  • id_num:
    • Header: Identification Number
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required
  • id_type:
    • Header: Identification Type
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: id_type


The form person_photo_passport is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Photo It has the following fields:

  • date:
    • Header: Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • description:
  • image:
    • Header: Image
    • Type: IMAGE


The form private_practice is implemented by the class: iHRIS_PrivatePractice It has the following fields:

  • end_date:
    • Header: End Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • health_facility:
  • inspection_date:
  • inspection_results:
  • license_number:
    • Header: License Number
    • Type: INT_GENERATE
    • Restrictions: Required
  • start_date:
    • Header: Start Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required


The form qualification is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form record_verify is implemented by the class: iHRIS_RecordVerify It has the following fields:


The form region is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Region It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • code:
  • country:
    • Header: Country
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: country
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique in {country}


The form registration is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Registration It has the following fields:

  • application_date:
    • Header: Application Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • practice_type:
  • registration_date:
    • Header: Registration Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • registration_number:
    • Header: Registration Number
    • Type: INT_GENERATE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form registration_type is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form training is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Training It has the child forms:

It has the following fields:

  • cadre:
    • Header: Cadre
    • Type: MAP
    • Maps To Forms: cadre
  • graduation:
  • index_num:
    • Header: Index Number
    • Type: INT_GENERATE
    • Restrictions: Required
  • intake_date:
    • Header: Intake Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • out_country:
    • Header: Country Trained in
    • Type: MAP
    • Maps To Forms: country
  • out_institution:
  • trained_outside:
    • Header: Trained Outside this Country
    • Type: BOOL
  • training_institution:


The form training_disrupt is implemented by the class: iHRIS_TrainingDisrupt It has the following fields:

  • disruption_date:
    • Header: Disruption Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • disruption_reason:
  • resumption_date:


The form training_disruption_category is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form training_disruption_reason is implemented by the class: iHRIS_TrainingDisruptionReason It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique in {training_disruption_category}
  • training_disruption_category:


The form training_funder is implemented by the class: iHRIS_ListByCountry It has the child forms:

It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • location:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique


The form training_funder_contact is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Contact It has the following fields:


The form training_institution is implemented by the class: iHRIS_QualifyTrainingInstitution It has the child forms:

It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • location:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique
  • facility_agent:
    • Header: Facility Agent
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required
    • Maps To Forms: facility_agent
  • facility_status:
  • id_code:


The form training_institution_contact is implemented by the class: iHRIS_Contact It has the following fields:


The form training_program is implemented by the class: iHRIS_TrainingProgram It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • cadre:
    • Header: Cadre
    • Type: MAP
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique in {training_institution}
    • Maps To Forms: cadre
  • end_date:
  • num_students:
    • Header: Number of Students
    • Type: INT
  • start_date:
    • Header: Start Date
    • Type: DATE_YMD
    • Restrictions: Required
  • training_institution:


The form verify_change is implemented by the class: I2CE_SimpleList It has the following fields:

  • i2ce_hidden:
  • name:
    • Header: Name
    • Type: STRING_LINE
    • Restrictions: Required, Unique