Class: I2CE FormStorage magicdata (4.0.12)
The class I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata contains 3 definitions:
- Definition in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php of the package I2CE
- Definition in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php of the package I2CE
- Definition in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php of the package I2CE
This article describes the class I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata .
- Extends the class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB.
- Location: Part of the module forms-storage-magicdata in the package I2CE 4.0.12-release
- Source: Defined in the file modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 33
- Author: Carl Leitner <>
- Since: v4.0.0
@filesource Class I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata
Save the FormField to the database.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 364
- Signature: public function FF_save($form_field,$do_check,$user)
- Parameters:
- I2CE_FormField $form_field
- boolean $do_check
A flag to determine if a check should be made for the same value being saved. - I2CE_User $user
The user saving this data.
- Returns: boolean
Construct this module class
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 42
- Signature: public function __construct($name,$options)
- Parameters:
Change the id of the given form
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 191
- Signature: public function changeID($form,$oldid,$newid)
- Parameters:
- Returns: boolean.
true on success
Deletes a form from the entry tables.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 270
- Signature: public function delete($form,$transact)
- Parameters:
- Returns: boolean
Return the magic data node for the given form.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 228
- Signature: protected function getFormConfig($form,$create_id)
- Parameters:
- Returns: I2CE_MagicDataNode
Return the magic data node for the given form name and id
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 245
- Signature: protected function getFormConfigById($form_name,$id,$create_id)
- Parameters:
Gets the next unused integer id for the form. At least 1
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 332
- Signature: protected function getNextAvailableId($form_name)
- Parameters:
- string $form_name
- Returns: int.
0 on failure. An integer > 0 on success.
Construct a query (to be used as a sub-select) to view the fields of the given form. It always will return the id of the form as well @param callback $field_refernece_callback. A callback function whose first arguement is the form, the second arguements is the field and which returns the way the field value should be references as a field. If the callback is null (the default) then the reference used is "$form+$field"
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 65
- Signature: public function getRequiredFieldsQuery($form,$fields,$id,$parent,$field_reference_callback,$mod_time)
- Parameters:
- string $form
- mixed $fields
Either a string, the field, or an array of string, the fields. - mixed $id
Defaults to null. If non-null it is the id that we wish to limit to.- Default Value: null
- boolean $parent
Defaults to false. If true, we include the parent id as a referenced field. If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent, and then we get all forms with parent the given id.- Default Value: false
- $field_reference_callback
- Default Value: null
- integer $mod_time
Defaults to -1. If non-negative, we only list the requested fields for an id if at least one of them has a modification time greater than or equal to $mod_time. If the form storage has no way of tracking modifucation time, all entries are listed.- Default Value: -1
- Returns: string
the query or false on failed.
Checks if the given record exists.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 210
- Signature: public function hasRecord($form_name,$form_id)
- Parameters:
- Returns: array
Checks to see if this is writalbe
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 286
- Signature: public function isWritable()
- Returns: boolean
Save a form object into magicdata
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db.php on line 298
- Signature: public function save($form,$user,$transact)
- Parameters:
Inherited Methods
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_DB->getFields()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_DB->getIdsAsChild()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_DB->hasGlobalFieldUpdateBySql()
This protected method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_DB->queryLastListCount()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->FF_IG_setSequence()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getFormsById()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->globalFieldUpdateByFunction()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->populateHistory()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->setStorageOptions()
This protected method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->compareFormsByFields()
This protected method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getLimitedFields()
This protected method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getStorageOptions()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()
Inherited Variables
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_DB->$db
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$name
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$global_options
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$storage_options_cache
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$ordering
Inherited Fuzzy Methods
This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()
This article describes the class I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata .
- Extends the class: I2CE_FormStorage_DB.
- Location: Part of the module forms-storage-magicdata in the package I2CE 4.0.12-release
- Source: Defined in the file modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 33
- Author: Carl Leitner <>
- Since: v4.0.0
@filesource Class I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata
Populate the history of entries for the form field if the storage module handles history.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 190
- Signature: public function FF_populateHistory($form_field)
- Parameters:
- I2CE_FormField $form_field
- Returns: boolean
Save the FormField to the database.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 405
- Signature: public function FF_save($form_field,$do_check,$user)
- Parameters:
- I2CE_FormField $form_field
- boolean $do_check
A flag to determine if a check should be made for the same value being saved. - I2CE_User $user
The user saving this data.
- Returns: boolean
Construct this module class
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 42
- Signature: public function __construct($name,$options)
- Parameters:
Change the id of the given form
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 347
- Signature: public function changeID($form,$oldid,$newid)
- Parameters:
- Returns: boolean.
true on success
Deletes a form from the entry tables.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 283
- Signature: public function delete($form,$transact)
- Parameters:
- Returns: boolean
Return the magic data node for the given form.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 241
- Signature: protected function getFormConfig($form,$create_id)
- Parameters:
- Returns: I2CE_MagicDataNode
Return the magic data node for the given form name and id
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 258
- Signature: protected function getFormConfigById($form_name,$id,$create_id)
- Parameters:
Get the form path.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 52
- Signature: protected function getFormPath($form,$id)
- Parameters:
Gets the next unused integer id for the form. At least 1
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 374
- Signature: protected function getNextAvailableId($form_name)
- Parameters:
- string $form_name
- Returns: int.
0 on failure. An integer > 0 on success.
Construct a query (to be used as a sub-select) to view the fields of the given form. It always will return the id of the form as well @param callback $field_refernece_callback. A callback function whose first arguement is the form, the second arguements is the field and which returns the way the field value should be references as a field. If the callback is null (the default) then the reference used is "$form+$field"
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 82
- Signature: public function getRequiredFieldsQuery($form,$fields,$id,$parent,$field_reference_callback,$mod_time)
- Parameters:
- string $form
- mixed $fields
Either a string, the field, or an array of string, the fields. - mixed $id
Defaults to null. If non-null it is the id that we wish to limit to.- Default Value: null
- boolean $parent
Defaults to false. If true, we include the parent id as a referenced field. If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent, and then we get all forms with parent the given id.- Default Value: false
- $field_reference_callback
- Default Value: null
- integer $mod_time
Defaults to -1. If non-negative, we only list the requested fields for an id if at least one of them has a modification time greater than or equal to $mod_time. If the form storage has no way of tracking modifucation time, all entries are listed.- Default Value: -1
- Returns: string
the query or false on failed.
update value of each instance of a given form field by a sql function call
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 444
- Signature: public function globalFieldUpdateBySQL($form_field,$where,$set_sql)
- Parameters:
- I2CE_FormField $form_field
- array $where
Array of where data - string $set_sql
sql used to update the field
Check to see if there is a quick field update implemented
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 433
- Signature: public function hasGlobalFieldUpdateBySQL()
- Returns: true
if there is a method to quickly update all instances of a given field via SQL
Checks if the given record exists.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 362
- Signature: public function hasRecord($form_name,$form_id)
- Parameters:
- Returns: array
Checks to see if this is writalbe
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 299
- Signature: public function isWritable()
- Returns: boolean
Save a form object into magicdata
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.db_alt.php on line 311
- Signature: public function save($form,$user,$transact)
- Parameters:
Inherited Methods
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_DB->getFields()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_DB->getIdsAsChild()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_DB->hasGlobalFieldUpdateBySql()
This protected method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_DB->queryLastListCount()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->FF_IG_setSequence()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getFormsById()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->globalFieldUpdateByFunction()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->populateHistory()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->setStorageOptions()
This protected method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->compareFormsByFields()
This protected method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getLimitedFields()
This protected method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getStorageOptions()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()
Inherited Variables
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_DB->$db
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$name
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$global_options
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$storage_options_cache
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$ordering
Inherited Fuzzy Methods
This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()
This article describes the class I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata .
- Extends the class: I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism.
- Location: Part of the module forms-storage-magicdata in the package I2CE 4.0.12-release
- Source: Defined in the file modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 38
- Author: Carl Leitner <>
- Since: 3.2
Populate the history of entries for the form field if the storage module handles history.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 140
- Signature: public function FF_populateHistory($form_field)
- Parameters:
- I2CE_FormField $form_field
- Returns: boolean
Save the FormField to the database.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 849
- Signature: public function FF_save($form_field,$do_check,$user)
- Parameters:
- I2CE_FormField $form_field
- boolean $do_check
A flag to determine if a check should be made for the same value being saved. - I2CE_User $user
The user saving this data.
- Returns: boolean
Construct this module class
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 53
- Signature: public function __construct($name,$options)
- Parameters:
Change the id of the given form
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 176
- Signature: public function changeID($form,$oldid,$newid)
- Parameters:
- Returns: boolean.
true on success
Deletes a form from the entry tables.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 764
- Signature: public function delete($form,$transact)
- Parameters:
- Returns: boolean
Return the magic data node for the given form.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 64
- Signature: protected function getFormConfig($form,$create_id)
- Parameters:
- Returns: I2CE_MagicDataNode
Return the magic data node for the given form name and id
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 81
- Signature: protected function getFormConfigById($form_name,$id,$create_id)
- Parameters:
Gets the next unused integer id for the form. At least 1
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 817
- Signature: protected function getNextAvailableId($form_name)
- Parameters:
- string $form_name
- Returns: int.
0 on failure. An integer > 0 on success.
Return an array of all the record ids for a given form.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 161
- Signature: public function getRecords($form_name)
- Parameters:
- string $form_name
- Returns: array
Checks if the given record exists.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 190
- Signature: public function hasRecord($form_name,$form_id)
- Parameters:
- Returns: array
Checks to see if this is writalbe
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 44
- Signature: public function isWritable()
- Returns: boolean
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 589
- Signature: public function listDisplayFields($form,$fields,$parent,$where_data,$ordering,$limit,$mod_time)
- Parameters:
- string $form
THe form name - array $fields
of string. The fields we want returned Can include the special field 'last_modified' to get the last modification time for any of the fields of that form which is returned in the format "Y-m-d H:i:s" - boolean $parent
Defaults to false. If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent, and then we get all forms with parent the given id. If true, we return the parent as one of the fields.- Default Value: false
- array $where_data
contains the where clause information about this form or a nested- Default Value: array()
- array $ordering
An array of fields to order by. Defaults to the empty array. Prepend a - to order by in descending order.- Default Value: array()
- mixed $limit
Defaults to false. It true, returns only one result. If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to. If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.- Default Value: false
- integer $mod_time
Defaults to -1. If non-negative, we only list the requested fields for an id if at least one of them has a modification time greater than or equal to $mod_time. If the form storage has no way of tracking modifucation time, all entries are listed.- Default Value: -1
- string $form
- Returns: mixed
an array with key id's and value and array of values. the array of values has as keys the fields with their corresponding value.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 424
- Signature: public function listFields($form,$fields,$parent,$where_data,$ordering,$limit,$mod_time)
- Parameters:
- string $form
THe form name - array $fields
of string. The fields we want returned Can include the special field 'last_modified' to get the last modification time for any of the fields of that form which is returned in the format "Y-m-d H:i:s" - boolean $parent
Defaults to false. If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent, and then we get all forms with parent the given id. If true, we return the parent as one of the fields.- Default Value: false
- array $where_data
contains the where clause information about this form or a nested- Default Value: array()
- array $ordering
An array of fields to order by. Defaults to the empty array. Prepend a - to order by in descending order.- Default Value: array()
- mixed $limit
Defaults to false. It true, returns only one result. If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to. If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.- Default Value: false
- integer $mod_time
Defaults to -1. If non-negative, we only list the requested fields for an id if at least one of them has a modification time greater than or equal to $mod_time. If the form storage has no way of tracking modifucation time, all entries are listed.- Default Value: -1
- string $form
- Returns: mixed
an array with key id's and value and array of values. the array of values has as keys the fields with their corresponding value.
Looks up the display vlaue of the item based on the code. This is the default method that most implementations of lookup () use. It finds the description of the object based on the code and saves it in the cache and returns it.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 260
- Signature: public function lookupDisplayField($form,$id,$fields,$delim)
- Parameters:
- Returns: string
false on failure
Looks up the db value of the item based on the code. This is the default method that most implementations of lookup () use. It finds the description of the object based on the code and saves it in the cache and returns it.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 216
- Signature: public function lookupField($form,$id,$fields,$delim)
- Parameters:
- Returns: string
false on failure
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 748
- Signature: static public function orderByFields($vals,$ordering)
- Parameters:
- $vals
- $ordering
Populate the member variables of the object from the database.
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 104
- Signature: public function populate($form)
- Parameters:
- I2CE_Form $form
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 344
- Signature: protected function quickSearch($form,$parent,$where_data,$limit)
- Parameters:
- string $form
The form name. - boolean $parent
Defaults to false. If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent, and then we get all forms with parent the given id.- Default Value: false
- mixed $where_data
array or class implementing ArrayAccess, Iterator, and Countable (e.g. MagicDataNode) . the where data.- Default Value: array()
- mixed $limit
Defaults to false. It true, returns only one result. If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to. If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.- Default Value: false
- string $form
- Returns: mixed
an array of matching form ids. However, ff $limit_one is true or 1 or array ($offset,1) then then we return either the id or false, if none found or there was an error.
Save a form object into magicdata
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 783
- Signature: public function save($form,$user,$transact)
- Parameters:
- Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormStorage/modules/FormStorageMagicData/lib/classDef/I2CE_FormStorage_magicdata.no_db.php on line 315
- Signature: public function search($form,$parent,$where_data,$ordering,$limit)
- Parameters:
- string $form
The form name. - boolean $parent
Defaults to false. If it is scalar and non-boolean, it is consider to be the ID of the parent, and then we get all forms with parent the given id.- Default Value: false
- mixed $where_data
array or class implementing ArrayAccess, Iterator, and Countable (e.g. MagicDataNode) . the where data.- Default Value: array()
- array $ordering
An array of fields to order by. Defaults to the empty array. Prepend a - to order by in descending order.- Default Value: array()
- mixed $limit
Defaults to false. It true, returns only one result. If an integer it is the numeber of records to limit to. If it is as an array of two integers, it is the offset and then number of results to limit to.- Default Value: false
- string $form
- Returns: mixed
an array of matching form ids. However, ff $limit_one is true or 1 or array ($offset,1) then then we return either the id or false, if none found or there was an error.
Inherited Methods
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->FF_IG_setSequence()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getFormsById()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getIdsAsChild()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->globalFieldUpdateByFunction()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->populateHistory()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->setStorageOptions()
This protected method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->compareFormsByFields()
This protected method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getLimitedFields()
This protected method is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->getStorageOptions()
This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()
Inherited Variables
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$name
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$global_options
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$storage_options_cache
Theis protected variable is inherited from I2CE_FormStorage_Mechanism->$ordering
Inherited Fuzzy Methods
This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()