Custom Reporting -- Search Reports
The search page makes use of the custom reporting module to allow you to easily customize the search page and add new searches to the system. This is a two step process:
Creating A Search Report
You should create a report view that you will want to use for the search page. It should include all the fields that you want and limits that you need. You can also modify the existing report view in the system, such as "Search People" to adjust the fields that get displayed. You may wish to see how to create a staff list.
One thing to keep in mind, you should add the appropriate link to the fields in this report, for example adding the link "view?id=" to any of the fields in the person form will allow you to link to the view page for that person.
You can modify the existing search reports to suit your needs. For example, you may wish to join the "id" form to the person form and limit the "id" form it to "national identification" number if you have such a thing. Then in the report, you can add a limit to search by the national identification number.
Registering A Report With The Search Page
Registering a report view is done by defining magic data under:
See | lines 511-525 for how the search_people and position_list report views are registered with the search page. The result is the following:
- /moudles/CustomReports/search_reports: Required. All report views that are linked to the search page need to be registered here
- search_people: Required parent node. This is the name of the report view that you wish to register under the search page. Here the report view is "search_people"
- name: Required scalar node. This is the name of the search as it appears on the search page. In this case it is "Search People"
- description: Required scalar node. These are the instructions that are shown with this search. In this case it is "Locate any person's record in the system to review, print or update."
- position_list: Required parent node. This is the name of the report view that you wish to register under the search page. Here the report view is "position_list"
- name: Required scalar node. This is the name of the search as it appears on the search page. In this case it is "Search Positions"
- description: Required scalar node. These are the instructions that are shown with this search. In this case it is "Locate any position in the system to review, print or update."
- search_people: Required parent node. This is the name of the report view that you wish to register under the search page. Here the report view is "search_people"