Custom Reporting -- Creating Reports

From IHRIS Wiki

This documentation applies specifically to iHRIS 4.0, although much of it applies to version 3.1.

Intended User

This step is intended who has a moderated understanding of how the data is related in the system.

Select Fields

Selecting Limits

Adding Links

Zebra Tables

A Report named XXXXX will cause a table named 'zebra_XXXXX' in the database. These tables are contain the data of the report and are built from the form caches.

These tables are generated by a background process once a report is consider stale. The background process is spawned by default every 10 minutes. This can be specified by setting the value in magic data at:

  • /modules/CustomReports/times/background

The stale time for a report defaults to 10 minutes. This can be over-ridden by the following setting values in magic data:

  • /modules/CustomReports/times/stale
  • /modules/CustomReports/times/stale_by_report/XXXXX