ManageAccessFacility -- Create Facility/Geographic Restricted Users

From IHRIS Wiki
Revision as of 13:57, 18 January 2012 by Lduncan (talk | contribs)

This document applies to iHRIS Manage 4.1 or later.

With iHRIS Manage 4.1, you can restrict a user to only edit records related to a certain facility or geographic area.

Enable the ManageAccessFacility Module

First you need to enable the ManageAccessFacility module. You can either enable the module on the site or add it to your site configuration file. To enable it, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Configure System -> Configure Modules.
  2. Find the iHRIS Manage module and click the Sub-Modules link next to it.
  3. Scroll down until you see the Manage Access Facility module.
  4. Click the check box next to it if it's not already checked.
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click the enable button.
Enable the Manage Access Facility module

Alternatively, you can add the following to the metadata section of your site module.

<source lang="xml">

   <requirement name="ManageAccessFacility">
     <atLeast version="4.1" />


Create a Restricted Access User

Now you need to create a user that will have limited access.

  1. Go to Configure System -> Administer Users.
  2. Select Add new User and then click the add button.
  3. Fill in the user details in the form and for role, select Geographic/Facility Access.
    Fill out the new user details
  4. Click the confirm button and if everything is correct then click save.
  5. Next to the user details, click the Add Facility/Location link.
  6. Select the geographic level or facility that this person has access to edit. In most cases this will be a district or facility.
    Select the geography or facility to link to this user
  7. Confirm and then save this user.

The user details page should be similar to this now. You can add additional facilities or geographic locations if the user is allowed to access multiple locations.

The user details